Anyone here familiar with Laravel...

Anyone here familiar with Laravel? I've worked with a few microframeworks (mainly Flask in python) and have steered clear from bigger frameworks as I'm repeatedly baffled and put off by design decisions made by them, how everything happens magically behind the scenes and how opinionated they are. But anyways, I'm in charge of rewriting our spaghetti system that the previous project manager left us with and I figured I'd at least try to introduce some structure with Laravel.

First gripe I have is with HTML forms. In Flask, and python in general, there is this great package WTForms which makes form definition simple, reusable and extensible with custom widgets/inputs, validators and the like. In Laravel, I couldn't find any information on this topic other than the fact that HTML and Forms were removed from the core package, cited being "not required in every project" by the lead developer. This is the same framework that, by default, includes a user model with specific fields and appropriate migrations for both the user and password recovery tables. The same framework that includes a validator for request data even though the concept of a form is foreign to it. The same framework that provides numerous scaffolding commands (looking at you make:auth) that treat opinion as fact without batting an eye.

In short, is my only option for form management in Laravel the community package Laravel Collective? And what would be faster, generating the auth scaffold and tweaking it to my use case or doing auth from scratch? It seems like a waste not to use what's provided but the fact that everything that should be configurable is nested several classes deep with no clear API in sight is a shame.

Other urls found in this thread:

Laravel is a pure shit, its author, taylor something, should come back to the dotnet community. For silly php developers, your only sane solution is symfony 3.1+, please just forget the 2.x branch, it was a nightmare. They really improve symfony as perfect as we could with php, good surprise. However I think that golang and node are more future proof.

This golang ebook is incredibly good:

The other dude is wrong, Laravel is not bad. It sounds like you generally don't like frameworks..

Here is a podcast about forms:


Prove this is not bad!
Seriously why are you still using this bloated and terribly coded framework today?
Php already suffers from amateurism but laravel just killed it...

>future proof

don't expect anything good from PHP frameworks

Do you think PHP attracts talent or pajeets?

Do you think those two are mutually exclusive?

not bad but the benchmarks are disappointing, node easily surpasses it

What is the point in web frameworks?

How many sites would benefit from a framework instead of just writing it by hand?

>I've worked with a few microframeworks (mainly Flask in python) and have steered clear from bigger frameworks as I'm repeatedly baffled and put off by design decisions made by them, how everything happens magically behind the scenes and how opinionated they are.

What's wrong with opinionated frameworks? They have their place. Sometimes I don't want to think about auth or, like in your case, forms. I just want to write a class or a function and care fuck all about anything else.

It's like walking into a bar and asking the bartender for whatever, anything's good. I'll have what he's having.

Laravel sucks dick though.

it allows pajeet to shit out 50 sites per hour and charge 500$ for each

csrf prevention for free

everybody has to make a living man

I used to do a lot of php codeigniter back in the day. I've tried laravel and it doesn't seem bad. The php debts at my last job all switched to it and we never had issues.

Recently I started work on a new project where I needed a web framework and I first tried django and thought it was way too much work. I then switched to rails and wow I really like rails. Active record is a bit of a learning curve, I'm used to just writing my own raw sql queries, but it's nice. If you're just making a basic CRUD app I believe rails 5 is probably the best thing out there for development speed.

>still using ruby and rails
>saying php doesn't seem bad
>tried django and thought it was too much work
Hey, stop kiding us dude.

>manually configuring EVERY SINGLE ROUTE
It's ridiculous.

Laravel is great but it is really opinionated

It isn't that bad. I mean look at Zend 3 it was supposed to be next-gen PHP framework but what we got is some amateur over-engineered shit full of service locators on steroids

This guy get it.

Where's the point in reinventing the wheel every single time? Frameworks are good because they provide a good basic stucture (not leaving a mess) and save you from writing the same boilerplate code time and time again.

The more opinionated, the better.

Oldies are goldies.

Zend is a nightmare.

Laravel is Garbage.

It's a shit wrapper around symfony which is dog slow, if well put together, and it's extremely opinionated. It's nothing but Babby's first PHP framework. Something like Phalcon which is actual programming rather than adhering to the automagical shit that happens in Laravel is far superior.

Frameworks are about maintainability, and speed of development. I converted a web application that took a client four years to get out the door to a framework in three months. It's now faster, more secure, and maintainable.

What are you talking about?
Can't you write your own route helpers or install them with a community package.

> node