Why do people think Python is good? It's too slow and weakly typed to be used for any serious project...

Why do people think Python is good? It's too slow and weakly typed to be used for any serious project, and it's too riddled with autistic endeavors at being "correct" and "pythonic" to be a decent scripting language, it's OOP self.implementation self.is self.absolutely self.retarded, and the community are a bunch of retarded fanboys who act like huge piss babies whenever someone points out any of the languages glaring flaws, yet half of them won't even use the newest version because deep down they know it's a pile of shit.

Do any of you guys use Python? And if so, why haven't you killed yourself yet?

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just use any other language sweetie

Python is good because Python is great!

Python is strongly typed. You're wrong.

>too slow and weakly typed to be used for any serious project
So plebbit and jewtube aren't serious projects?

Python is simple and powerful enough to do some non trivial things fast. I have never used it but it seems like it has a lot of pros and I will probably eventually get around to learning it.

I think you're confusing Python with Javascript

Am I?

Why are python users so obnoxious?

>Why do people think Python is good?

Because it knows how to PARTY!

>Citing reddit as an example of high-quality, professional programming

Nah, I'm just posting an example of a large project written mainly in Python.

>"large project"


Same reason why people think loonix, being a slow and unsupported piece of shit, is good.

So go be a Ruby hipster then. Don't forget your SJW hair dye

It may not be good but at least it's better than the even slower supported but constantly self-breaking piece of shit that is modern Windows.

While i agree with you many extremely popular apps/websites run python, so its nothing to be ignored. but yea its for nubs

you can say that about any language that isn't c or c++
quit crying you big baby

Ruby is infinitely better than Python, take your sjw cuck memes back to Cred Forums

I make a modest living with a set of Python3.x programs that are less than 10 kLOC total :)

Developing a web app, your choices:


OKcupid uses C++ for the web

But they have to spend all revenues on servers and I still get the stupid servers are overloaded error everytime I visit that stupid shit

Python is far more sjw if you want to go that route. Python is easy, rubys meta programming is 'hard' for that sort of person lacking critical thinking.

Dev time costs more than CPU time