I have failed you Cred Forums

>get A on course involving C++ programming

>fail course involving C programming

Cred Forums was right.

you'll never be a wizard

My only hope is to become a white Pajeet.

>caring about deprecated languages

Unfortunately, it's a mandatory course, so I have to care.

How do you even manage that?

C is a fundamentally simpler language to understand.
You can actually make use of every C language feature in a small codebase of 1000 sloc or less.

Unless you mean to say you passed your C++ class by overusing standard library shit for every little thing.

>How do you even manage that?

C is less idiot proof. You have to actually know what you are doing to make a C function. To make a C program, you really have to know what you are doing.

Tbh I feel totally lost without OO. It's like trying to write paragraphs without periods.

The worst part was writing C functions that passed values to other C functions.

If you failed an introductory c course, you are a legitimate retard

It's a 3rd/4th year course.

What kind of shitty university teaches introductory material in the 3rd year?

I didn't say it was introductory material.

yet every important piece of software is written in c

It obviously is if it's in C++.

It wasn't in C++.

Keep thinking your shitty community college is great.

>Tbh I feel totally lost without OO.
but you can write OO code in c

>The worst part was writing C functions that passed values to other C functions.
wtf ? how is that possibly the worst part ? what kind of shitty university do you attend ?

>in couple of year OP will be back posting he fell for cs meme coz he cant get muh job

writing oop code in C what kind of heretic are you?

It's an accredited university.

The problem is that I never took an introductory course on C before this course, so I had no idea what I was doing. I tried to cram in a C textbook during the semester, but I didn't have time. Now I have to do it.

>writing oop code in C what kind of heretic are you?
it's possible, but not very elegant. there's a book called object oriented programming in c if you want to look it up

>The problem is that I never took an introductory course on C before this course
so what ? it doesn't take more than ~1 hour to learn how to pass values to functions and the basics of pointers.

not to mention he should have learned that in c++. I mean what the hell, c++ without pointers?

many of the bigger C projects have a OO design (e.g. plugin systems)

He already had an intro course in C++, which should have covered those topics if it was worth anything.

So what other languages do you suggest for C use cases?

He went to a shitty university so the only thing they teach in 4 years is how to do Fizzbuzz.


Fuck off.

Don't come on to a programming related topic and act at all like a typical uneducated American.

>mfw I hate OO so that's exactly how I write my python
>mfw learning C now

You did ask. Are you mad because your language doesn't even have proper ascii strings?

Non comspi engineer here. only "programming" ive ever down is numerical modeling and analytics BS in Matlab and python and the likes. I did some embedded C recently for a class. is it at all similar to cpp? and whats your favorite cpp compiler for unix/OSX(I know. Its not my computer but its whats available to me right now)

Your college is shit. SHIT.
This is introductory level stuff.
You can't even implement OO stuff in another language?
And you're in 3rd year?

You just wasted 3+ years of your life.