Operating Systems Concepts

Give me resources on operating systems that Google wouldn't give me. Google gives me lots of Pajeet videos on YouTube and overly technical Wikipedia articles.

I have an exam in 13 days. This exam is not a test on how many different flavours of Gentoo I can install, it's about stuff like how OS's handle threads, deadlocking, mutexes, memory management etc.

Course Textbook: codex.cs.yale.edu/avi/os-book/OS9/slide-dir/

We're still using the 8th edition at my uni for some reason. The course is in Java.

Other urls found in this thread:



Well meme'd friend

Have another.


Linux is stable if you know how to use a computer

>completely ignore text
>talk about meme

> thinking I'll spoonfeed OP

This is an imageboard, newfriend.

Windows is stable if you know how to use a computer.

Well, since MacOS X is UNIX, it's customizable too.

Yeah just like when NVidia drivers eject themselves, right?


>overly technical Wikipedia articles
OS development is highly technical. It is expected that by this time, you should be well capable of understanding this shit. Honestly, the only good source I know of for this shit is the OSdev wiki:


Also, why the fuck is your course using Java? Java is not for low level shit.

Well, lol, there was some Java OS.

Udacity has a nice course on operating systems.

A substantial portion of it was written in pure assembly.

Windows is stable and user friendly. MacOS is just user friendly.

Wasn't that a bug (and NVIDIA's fault)?

That sounds like a terrible experience. When I took OS we only wrote assembly for bootstrapping.

Why do people who have clearly never used something pretend to know everything about it?

The Java OS was likely not written for a class, and OP's OS class likely is not going to go into actually writing an OS

How is that, specially when windows installed the driver by itself?

Do you even know what eGPU setup is, child?
It's a very nice thing to be able to eject the GPU without crashing the system

I posted that from my macbook and then it crashed.

You do understand Mac is just a jailed version of linux

why are there dinosaurs on every slide ?

>just because it's in the windows driver database it means Microsoft made it

Just leave

Darwin isn't UNIX.. At best, it's a POSIX 2003-compliant UNIX-like.

do your own homework kiddo

But Linux is just a bastardized version of Unix (Mac OS)

>macOS kernel is XNU
>XNU stands for XNU is not Unix


Really made me think though!

>derived from BSD
>isn't UNIX
Linux is less UNIX, nigga

All of those are Unix-likes, none of which are Unix.

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckk

>POSIX compliant
>not UNIX
Being POSIX compliant is literally being UNIX you fucking imbecile.



>Debian isn't stable.
Nice shitpost.

I'm guessing you only think only ATT code = Unix?

Read Tenenbaum's Operating systems: design and implementation.

I have an exam tomorrow and I'm still shitposting. Just give up and let the memes flow through you, OP.