Are there any tech sites that don't suck balls and aren't infected by SJWism?

are there any tech sites that don't suck balls and aren't infected by SJWism?

you can also complain about the ones you know too

No everything after 1999-2003 is terrible and SJW. If I spread enough activism about this it will change the world.



Not everyone agrees with you're alt right worldview, you dumb white supremest frog poster.

go back to r/eddit please

What's wrong with ArsTechnica

JESUS CHRIST that's some of the WORST fucking artifacting I've ever seen, if you compressed a jpeg by that much I know it would DESTROY that disgusting shit you're using in filesize TWICE OVER.

>says the stupid r3ddit frogposter

Gotta something special for everyone else. If you convert the thumbnail of the frog, the reddit poster will get upset.

Here are the scripts to do so:

for %%f IN (*.jpg) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.jpg" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 61 -qmax 61 -quality best -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

for %%f IN (*.png) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.png" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 61 -qmax 61 -quality best -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

Have fun everybody.

>ima mr hackbot


jpegoptim --dest=/tmp --size=50% image.jpg

rmembr 2 sty hydrtd
t. /fa/

> Only alt-rights hate SJWs
Please tell me how I'm alt-right again?

You're on the left.


where da test at?

No there isn't. Even TheRegister took a sharp left turn in the past few years. And don't get me started about tech bloggers - every blogger in my RSS feed felt the need to make an anti-Trump post this year.

politicalcompass org

kek less than 1 Mo
This is like 0.08B per pixels. It's pretty impressive actually

shiii I'm completely middle on their political graph.

Right wing SJWs are almost indistinguishable from left wing SJWs these days.

>are there any tech sites that don't suck balls and aren't infected by SJWism?
yeah, pic related. ps: kys

>Right wing SJWs
that doesn't exist you fucking autist

They get just as triggered and indigent.

triggering is not the same as crazy ideology.

HardOCP is another. Slapshot is tolerable.

You're late.

No they don't even have to start with their crazy ideologies, they effortlessly get triggered by women and fags and niggers and helping and thinking and understanding etc, etc.

SJWs don't fall into left or right wing because the only thing they care about is playing the victim role on behalf of the discriminated minority of the month so they can grab power from cucks. Their power grabbing using mob tactics pisses off left wingers and right wingers alike.

>Wah, I want to be terrible, why aren't people listening to me being terrible and agreeing with me

Maybe you're being terrible and should stop that?

Maybe your views aren't really the silent majority, maybe you're more like a backwards minority that is losing relevance and doesn't really it.

>want journalists to report on the actual tech news and leave politics at home
>wow you're such a bigoted and terrible person are you
you baited me into this