
Rip firefox.

Why kept them on your PC if they crash on you?

I was going to just make a shit post
But dang, I dont know what to say either, its sad actually that mozilla made it this far just to shit up all over the place

I don't have any plugins, but tons of retards have plugins

Then why did you said that if you're not suffering it?

They're planning on adding support for the Pepper Plugin API as well so they can switch to pepper flash.

tfw no good browsers exist

Remind me what plugins Firefox actually uses?

I hope people realize the difference between plug-ins and add-ons.

They don't, just shows how moronic they are

I wonder who could be behind this
>Assigned To: Benjamin Smedberg [:bsmedberg]

No of course not.

Wait, is this real?

>except for Flash

Good. Plugins must die.

Flash must die.

Open web standards will prevail.

t. Landwhale

Firefox is a botnet?

Another thread, another bunch of retards that think plugins are the same thing as addons.

Because both the userbase AND Mozilla are too retarded to make Shumway work the way they thought it'd work, which was a huge fucking joke to begin with, as years later, it STILL can only handle basic Flash shit, and not streaming services, aka the only reason people keep Flash installed

Same happened to Gnash, stymied by adobe as always.

I'm actually quite underweight, thanks for asking.

The big problem in making an end-all Flash replacement is that there will ALWAYS be proprietary aspects to it that'll never be intercepted or recreated 100% with freetard solutions, although incompetence by the userbase is equally a problem, ESPECIALLY with Mozilla, for example: E10s has been a thing for a long time now, beyond being buried in dev channels, but plugin and extension creators still treat it like this bleeding-edge unstable feature that they have no obligation to support, so multiprocess FF may as well be dead with all but the most mainstream extensions

Adobe could eventually decide to open source the thing. One interesting thought I had a while back was that Adobe could release the flash plugin as a webextension utilizing webassembly. It would have all the benefits of shumway but run content better

i-rinat already written a npapi to ppapi wrapper (fresh player), they can integrate that and call it a day. he previously ported widevine to mozilla gmp and it was merged few months ago, seriously he delivers much faster than mozilla employees

Gee maybe it's because the nine of people who use Hangouts on their browser are savvy enough to disable telemetry?