He types below 70 WPM

>he types below 70 WPM

>he types

>he types above 30 WPM

I hope this is a joke, like people who make threads saying you are only smart if you are above 80 iq, because if you weren't raised in a cave and don't type at the very least ~110wpm, you are probably certifiably retarded

name one person that does this.

I have a friend who's a full on keyboard autist, owns a HHKB and a CM with clears, respringed with a custom controller. He can only do ~60wpm.

90% of computer users.

I type 80wpm with my left hand and the middle finger on my right one

get on my lvl

let's be honest, just because a site or piece of software says you can type 90+ wpm doesn't actually mean anything.
you actually type at a far lower wpm because you usually stop, proofread, and plan out how to best articulate what you are going to type next.
i can type between 90 and 110 wpm, but the only reason I or anyone else gets such a score is because we are being dictated to on what to type.

I spent like 1 month learning touch typing properly, hit 120wpm, then after 2 weeks or so I got back to old habit of typing which is ~85wpm
I dont see how 120wpm helps me in day to day honestly, I barely ever type words ,just bash scripts etc

I sabotaged myself, used to type qwerty over 100wpm
Thought I'd be a special snowflake and learn colemak, couldn't get past 70wpm. After a year realise I'm an idiot, go back to qwerty, now I'm about 50wpm.



>current year
>doesn't speakwrite

u wanna fite huh
wait a min ill be right back

> eye en tee space main left parenthesis right parenthesis space open curly brace newline space space space space print f left parenthesis double quotation you are a brainlet backslash en double quotation right parenthesis semi colon newline close curly brace

I used to hit 140 when I was a kid, nowadays I get like 120.

I use 2 fingers pecking method though lol

but speaking is slower than typing
thinkwriting would be the ideal

>space open curly brace
>not newline open curly brace
you're the fucking brainlet here

but thinking is dangerous, user, that's the point, you have to speak so that they can watch you.

how do you learn newspeak?

>Tfw I type in bursts of 130-140 wpm then have to sit around for 10 minutes thinking of how to write the next block of words.

fucking buffer underruns