What has Cred Forums given you?

In honor of this thread on HN (news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16409768), let's hear it! What has Cred Forums given you?

Amusement at the misfortune and failures of others.

the secret to being a good programmer

hatred of pajeets
The blessed terry a davis

A crossdressing fetish
A couple of friends
Nice logos

The redpill on winblows

A home server running FOSS and various Haskell programs I wrote.


an unwarranted sense of self importance

Appreciation for the tech life.
A website.
Knowledge and insight into the lifestyles of other people.

Thank you Cred Forums, for all that and more.

A diminished sense of self worth

well you guys actually helped me switching to linux fulltime. Been linux years before, but I think Cred Forums helped me for the full switch.
Been good times since then (about 3 years now, I think (((been a Cred Forums kiddo before))))

Taught me to value my freedoms
Made me switch to GNU

literal brain damage
this place just amplifies my depression and I spend way too much time here
but I can't leave because I don't think I can articulate a consistent point of view anymore to be able to function in a more public forum


Undeniable proof that the human race deserves to be exterminated.

>proof me wrong

Told me about Bitcoin literally the day it came out.
Was about to mine some but someone said it would destroy my GPU. Don't blame the guy, though. It's not like what he said was incorrect.

got me back into programming
motivated me enough to get my first programming job
gave me a Thinkpad T430
Got me to try out Linux
Pajeet hatred was my own
Crossdressing fetish was my own



I didn't give you permission to hug me. Stop being a hug rapist.

are you me?

a lot more than HN, that's for sure. That place is a fucking obnoxious holier-than-thou circle jerk. Even most of the programming subreddits aren't as bad.