Invited: /Mena/, /tr/, /asean/, Muslims, potential converts and anyone interesting Not invited: homoseksual, infidels...
points we can discuss •Do you think we should allow baastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful? •Why does america celebrate ""cristmas"" and not Ramadan? Where is fairness? •Do you get offended when infidels tell you "merry" ""christmas"" / "Happy" ""new year""? What do you do when they tell you this? •Do you think the continuous fake hate propaganda directed toward us in the west will cause pogroms in the future •Do you think it's permissible to say mashallah to a non muslim person? and Joining Islam is not a conversion; it is a homecoming, it is reverting to the original faith of mankind. nothing is better.
Islam is the full and complete submission to God. We believe that this teaching has been passed through the ages from the mouths of many prophets, including and not limited to Moses and Jesus Christ (peace be upon them)
There is much misunderstanding regarding Islam in the West and on this website, I was among the misinformed.
Let's try and change that! come join the world's largest community of faithful believers, the Ummah!
This tbqh senpaitachi. Could you really say no to this beauty
Lincoln Harris
We were wondering where you were. Alhamdulilah you're alright though :D Apart from the troll motive, I'd say one smell person doesn't represent every person. Pretty basic logic. Also, um, you might like to look up history. It was the Muslims who gave you soap and shower. And they did note that the Crusaders who hardly ever bathed were strong on the nose.
Trolls aren't too bright
Luke Roberts
> Unironically converting to islam
Jordan Campbell
>Actually believes they can take on the most advance western nations in the world >Doesn't realize the western world has the capacity to turn all the sand in durka east into glass with nukes >Actually believes Muhammad is a real prophet God rewards his believers.....there is a reason why you live in the fucking shits.
Jace Martin
>why does America celebrate christmas and not Ramadan Becausee we aren't muslims. Fuck off.
Why does America celebrate christmas and not Easter?
William Cruz
>Do you think we should allow baastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful? How can you not love how mudslimes act as tough shits but will throw a hissy fit if you talk shit about the bloodthirsty pedophile warlord they worship.
Isaac Watson
>it is reverting to the original faith of mankind That used to be Egyptian gods, you pleb. Convert to your old religion, ok? Praise Ra.
Nathan Sanchez
We get to actually practice Christmas. I don't have to worry about offending some fucking roach to go all snack bar on the Christmas tree
Jayden Ortiz
Fuck you too abdul
Andrew Fisher
we've always been divided habeebi and its not the westerners fault
Reported to the FBI Enjoy your targeted drone strike at your current location
Zachary Bennett
fuck islam
Blake Green
please humburger san give us a another chance
Jaxson Cooper
Oh okay, I'll just abandon my life and the holiday that I've always celebrated and dedicate the rest of my life to traveling from 3rd world shithole to 3rd world shithole helping people
Tyler Baker
So celts were the OG muslims?
Asher Roberts
Chase Williams
Guess we know why Germans love importing shit heads
Liam Anderson
t. konstantinos osmanoglu
Grayson Butler
Reminder that Sunnis are scum who supported killing of the prophets own grandchildren.
Don't worry Muslim bros, I got you The image was flipped, it's actually pewweynW
Andrew Sanchez
My point is that the idea that instead of celebrating Christmas that all Christians should instead buy food for starving people in the the third world, while a noble one, is really unrealistic and not many people will ever do it.
Tyler Johnson
>i am a greek t. konstantinos osmanoglu
Lucas Nguyen
>le we are so oppressed by the west >tfw we keep welcoming them Why and how did you kill Giulio Regeni?
>Do you think we should allow baastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful? No muslims, catholics, jews or indu can tell and teach civil liberties in our countries, stay in yours and you'll be fine.
Daniel Scott
pewweynW sounds Welsh desu
Nolan Walker
>Be Muslim >Depict Mohammad >Depict him as a girl
wtf i love iran now
Adrian Barnes
Isis general
Blake Bell
Nukes out for Emi
Jayden Stewart
Josiah Johnson
>fucking subhumans no wonder that arabs ahte you so much Ahh did I step on the Turk roach feelings?
Luke Parker
Basically, not many people are going to abandon Christmas to help third worlders
Connor Hughes
gas the muzzies
Michael Bailey
Salam aleikum What my fellow muslims sacrificed for Allah in this qurban ?
Anthony Rodriguez
it's all in good nature, Osman
Evan Cook
Easton Hernandez
Jordan Rogers
>islam thread >in here out of all places
Luke Kelly
Hudson Diaz
*Tips fedora*
Austin Sanders
>I am Greek No, I am Greek
Fuck off T*rk scum
Gavin Reyes
No this is patrick
Thomas Adams
Adrian Adams
its complicated
Adrian Thompson
David Wilson
So who hates muslims the most? Greeks? Slavs? Germans? Austrians? Jews? Americans?
Who is the hateiest of them all?
Anthony Myers
Hello Patrickopolous. Are you a Greek?
Jason Peterson
I am Greek
You are Turk scum. Go back to Central Asia
Josiah Rodriguez
does allah live in that box?
Noah White
>Do you think we should allow bastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful? I won't allow such thing, at the same time won't be agitated by amateurish drawings. What should we do instead, clarify why prophet shall not be ridiculed. If we get enraged, that's their point, to make us looks bad and angry barbarians. >Why does america celebrate ""cristmas"" and not Ramadan? Where is fairness? That's their culture. What should we do instead, make knockoff toys and sell it to them. It won't appeal to the rich people, so this is where the rich Islamic countries plays the role. >Do you get offended when infidels tell you "merry" ""christmas"" / "Happy" ""new year""? What do you do when they tell you this? My answer: "Good for you" and walks away. >Do you think the continuous fake hate propaganda directed toward us in the west will cause pogroms in the future I don't really understand this question. As of the fake hatred propaganda, it's free advertisment of islam. -I hate mudslim -research to find weakpoints -realised it was good -revert to Islam >Do you think it's permissible to say mashallah to a non muslim person? In logical sense, it is inappropriate. If they don't ask it, just don't. In case it is unavoidable, use the translation of MasyaAllah instead. >Joining Islam is not a conversion; it is a homecoming, it is reverting to the original faith of mankind. nothing is better. No doubt about it. Going back to fitra.
Oh sure, will you able stop the smallest Zika mosquito from entering your ear instantly? God and prophet have revealed that thou shalt not be arrogance on the face of the Earth. Be humble and know your place. Advance civilisation of the past have been wiped out by a mere volcano and earthquakes. "Have you not learnt?", repeatedly emphasized in Quran.
Julian Butler
Buddhists in Myanmar
Dylan Taylor
fuck off
Hudson Gray
i fucked in allah in the ass AMA
Jonathan Martin
how the cum in the feel when the ass there in the to when as so like
Elijah Hill
Aiden Ross
Its a borg cube. Surrender yourself! Resistance is futile!
Sebastian Harris
angry mohammad who is really angry together with angry muslims, and jesus christ
Kevin Davis
So Germans it is.
How are the 2 million "refugees" in germany? Are they molesting everyone?
Evan Hughes
>He can't reach super Saiyan stupid kuffar
Juan Taylor
A rat born in a stable doesn't make it to be an horse. Or in your case a fucking cockroach because, it would be extremely offensive to compare a bug to an animal with some value.
Luke Long
We should've stayed with tengri
Dominic Brooks
No, I -am- Greek
Benjamin Clark
"Germans" You don't know about ikibey fαm?
Jackson Morales
Thank you for your kindness by letting me die as shahid. At least I won't have to deal with the al Mizan in Hereafter.
>unite >every other muslim nations : why not? >saudi arabia: hell no, how else we could raise our foreign money if you could enter this country for free? daily reminder that islam is just another arab's monkey business
John Powell
>Oh sure, will you able stop the smallest Zika mosquito from entering your ear instantly? Yeah it's called repellent. >God and prophet have revealed that thou shalt not be arrogance on the face of the Earth. Be humble and know your place God also said be wary of false jackasses but, we all know you fell for it >repeatedly emphasized in Quran I do not read dog shit conveyed as Gods world.
David Davis
Noah White
Greek diaspora?
Christian Collins
>german flag >defending islam
Noah Hall
Dylan Gomez
He is a Turk who thinks he's Greek
We wuz filosopherz n sheit
Jeremiah Phillips
once most of the conflicts has calmed down I'm gonna try to visit most of the mideast
Bentley Cruz
Don't hold your breath on that one.
Landon Wright
>Gods word >in arabic kek, why didn't he talks in math like a real motherfucker he claim to be instead
Thomas Lewis
- Please explain Zikapor. > -Clean ass country > -high tech > -advance Repellent works around 8 hrs. It wont be forever. - Oh sure, if you are followers of Christianized paganism. - Quran is the summary of previous revelations.
Eli Peterson
Nah. Probably Turkish diaspora. He might be legit autistic tho. Since he kept spamming the same "I am Greek" shit since May(?). When we ignore him he uses an a spambot to shit on either /hell/ or /balk/
Adrian Gutierrez
zika sure avoid allah blessed country like malaysia. burn those paranoid infidel hospital now brother!
Jose Bailey
Our government is trying to genocide mosquitos
Tyler Torres
>He is a Turk who thinks he's Greek I hope he gets the help he needs
Anthony Reyes
To make white internet crusader NEETs butthurt. It works everytime
Connor Kelly
>Joining Islam is not a conversion; it is a homecoming, it is reverting to the original faith of mankind. the original faith of mankind started 1400years ago?
Elijah Walker
>Invited: /tr/ yeah why don't you go fuck yourself
its Cred Forums: the religion kind of like "lol, swedes are all black and muslim because we told you so" meme.
James Thomas
>white people >white
Joseph Morales
Can i marry one of your sisters? I'll convert if she's hot.
Christian Turner
Europeans wont accep you mehmet stop trying so hard
Carson Evans
>Do you think we should allow baastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful? why do you care, the more you care and chimp out the more they'll publish, but common logic isn't the "ummah"'s strong side i see
>•Why does america celebrate ""cristmas"" and not Ramadan? Where is fairness? christmas*
>Do you get offended when infidels tell you "merry" ""christmas"" / "Happy" ""new year""? What do you do when they tell you this? troll >•Do you think the continuous fake hate propaganda directed toward us in the west will cause pogroms in the future half of it is not fake we deserve it at least in eu
>•Do you think it's permissible to say mashallah to a non muslim person? troll
did you even read the link i posted? europeans worked with arabs to take musul so fuck europeans too! >Europeans wont accep you you already accepted 5 millions of us why so salty
Sebastian Rogers
And we see, the same propaganda again and again.
I don't give a single fuck about any retarded western who think they're gonna trigger me by drawing Prophet Muhammed (saw). I don't give a fuck about any retarded Muslim who thinks rape is good and attacking Westerners. Fuck him. I can see, a bunch of pussies who only attack online but not dealing with their cucked countries, yeah...
Luis Flores
knula av neger
he's spamming sverigetråden as well
Carter Price
hehe just watched it no but i know them :d
Dominic Cook
ime sinä neekeri paskaas ja painu ruottista helvettiin
David Jenkins
älskar dig med östsverige
Thomas Stewart
choke on allahs shit muslim fag
Aiden Wood
är URSVENSK favä
lite finsk också ;)
Jaxson Wilson
>no but i know them holy shit! really? it's a small world. top lads
Leo Wright
jesus was an aryan
Michael Sanders
Selamın Aleyküm
It is really fun to watch christcucks lose their shit just because of a thread. It is really revealing who they really are.
Jonathan Foster
I didnt know that this board had a /nigger/ general. Hmm...
Joshua Rogers
hahaha kaunis
Daniel Roberts
we are going to dip our bullets in pigs blood and then shoot them at your stupid face. Islam sucks and that's why the middle east is such a shit hole
Thomas Stewart
hmmmm i didnt know you could dip bullets in pig blood in cs go . is this a mod
Xavier Rogers
Tunisia? more like carthage amirite???
Eli Peterson
Do the people of this thread support isis?
Gabriel Smith
How was jumaa Lately life is good, the more active I am in religion the less depressed I am.
Evan Smith
No, look up a concept called takfir No one accepts them because they say they are the only "real" Muslims
Chase Sanders
What do I need to do to attract an arab man?
Ian Miller
Benjamin Bailey
Didnt your imam tell you that lesbian moe anime is evil jewish propoganda and that superior mananime like hnk and space dandy are halal , healthy and superior
Jack Sanchez
In Russia even muslims drink vodka hahaha.
Jacob Campbell
>-I hate mudslim >-research to find weakpoints >-realised it was good >-revert to Islam wew lad But its ok to believe that
Aiden Rivera
Juan Peterson
May Allah destroy the Infidel Hindus and free Kashmiri brothers from their yoke. Ameen
Brandon Lopez
>all this butthurt from both sides
top kek
Isaac Kelly
If the Qur'an states no one can intercede for you, then why do all 4 madhabs have tawwassul and only the salafis are against it, it seems like a basic concept
Austin Davis
fuck off ahmadi
Nathan Murphy
Angel Edwards
What's her name /mena/ ?
Chase Robinson
I don't know any girls
Luke Perez
If you post Takbeer in this thread Allah will build a mansion for you in Paradise
t. Fiqh Student
Henry Bell
Adam James
Brandon Gutierrez
Im gonna answer all of your questions 1. They have done it so many thimes that it is normal. If you gonna media or journalism is Christian that means you are wrong ( i am jew) 2. They are mainly christian but muslims in america can fast 3. We lived though ayt least 250 years of colony. By the way when year is over (i dont know climate of Middle east) snow rains, that means happy birthday 4. They did it many many times to Muslims 5. Why not they can say Jesus christ to our face 6. There are 3 true religion. Islam came to Middle east to correct them and they made the Caliphate. Christiany come to Europe to correct them and they made Rome. Judaim came to Israel to correct them and they made Judea. We supposed to be friend not enemies
Liam Evans
>carthage let me tell you about Carthage
Thomas Nelson
why do arabs fuck goats so much? :0
Elijah Jones
nice omitting the fact that you were smelly desertniggers before capturing Byzantinian provinces
Nolan Morales
Only retard goes for ISIL.
Robert Jones
over 400 from Sweden have gone now :^)
Brody Cox
1. Muslims should be able to draw their own prophet like how the west draws Jesus. An image is easier to be put in media, is more fun and symphatic, etc. (Inb4 we don't know the face of Muhammet, Jesus's face was made up too)
2. Would Saudi Arabia allow Christians to celebrate Christmas if Ramadan was celebrated and got huge media coverage in America. You are allowed to fast there, don't whine much ;) I bet you would migrate to America without a second thought if you got the chance cuz you are pretty much free there compared to Arabian countries.
3. No, why would I? Tell them "Happy Ramadan" too? It's just being nice, stop being like stupid SJWs, getting offended by every little damn thing.
4. Almost all muslim majority countries are shit and not developed when it comes to society, science, education. I get why they hate us. Why don't we improve ourselves instead of yelling around that "the west has made us like this"? It might be true, but it's never too late to stop bitching and do something.
5. Yes
Aaron Turner
Why? If you are talking about MENA, then I don't really care. They are the reason why prophet have been sent upon them.
Sebastian Ortiz
>muslim >one ummah pick one
Bentley Watson
>1. Muslims should be able to draw their own prophet It's haram to make an image of anykind of humans >pic related >2. Would Saudi Arabia allow Christians to celebrate Christmas I've head SA's celebrate Christmas >It might be true Blame America for Iran and Russia for Afghanistan
Angel Foster
Luke Lee
Well many thing are a sin in Christianity but today nobody gives a fuck :/
Angel Mitchell
Well, we don't believe in dark magic just because a book says it exists. :/
Muslims still do
Ryder Diaz
>that pic yet their whole civilization was annihilated by the Romans
Asher Brooks
According to them : we're infidels as well
Dominic Sanders
What kind of mosques and imams you have there in tunis ?
Dominic Fisher
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Levi Cox
Yeah they ultimately got btfo after humiliating the roms for a while, but hey, happens to the best of us I guess.
Zachary Rodriguez
>humiliating the roms for a while kek yeah if you call Hannibal walking around in Italy for 10years doing fuck all most of the mtime while the romans were so unworried they actually fought wars in the east and even invaded Spain just waiting for that autist to go back to Carthage
Jason Fisher
Ramadan is boring punishment
Caleb Miller
I'm Egyptian and a Christian My family was Christian for a thousand years And then before that they fucked snakes or something
Angel Nguyen
>•Do you get offended when infidels tell you "merry" ""christmas"" / "Happy" ""new year""? What do you do when they tell you this? At work we usually just wish "Happy/relaxing holidays!" to each other regardless of the background. That is basic adult behaviour. Besides, calling names ie. "infidel" is considered derogatory. Grow the fuck up.
t. muslim
Oliver Phillips
Or 2000 years idk
Cameron Morris
dude weed lmao
Zachary Powell
lol yeah right you can't even 10 v 1 a fucking outpost
Christian Howard
Because they aren't christians either
Ryder Kelly
t. edgy kaffir
Leo Thomas
There is a reason Hannibal is still remembered while all traces of his civilizations are gone m8, and it's not for doing fuckall.
Carson Davis
no he was an amazing commander. But his 10years in Italy was a waste which has been overexagerated when in reality Rome was never seriously thretened by it.
Blake Peterson
Jack Brown
Snakes are essentially long condoms, in the same way turds are just reverse dildos.
Cameron Jones
This is 4 Chan. There are no muslims on this filthy place.