What makes Norway so great?
>inb4 oil
What makes Norway so great?
>inb4 oil
meme map
Oil it is. Just compare Norway before and Norway after.
they're not better than any arab oil country.
hi saudi arabian frenchman
hey finns how does it feel to live in the third world
Highest percentage of Yamna DNA in Scandinavia
Retained barbarism for far, far longer than any other nordic country
Still not fully european
that's how
But Russia has tons of oil too. Too bad it's full of Russians though
send help pls
There are a few things.
>1. It's a relatively new country.
Democracies that have been around for a long time tend to get more inefficient and gridlocked as time goes on due to a system that was designed a long time ago getting changed and fragmentation and patches that successive governments create.
>2. It is VERY secular nation
This might seem like I'm tipping my fedora but I'm not. The more secular a nation is the less that a group of religious people can be manipulated into supporting ridiculous wedge topics that take up 95% of all media coverage. For instance, gay marriage, trans bathrooms, abortion, stem cell research - all things that most people don't give a shit about but because a very vocal minority of Christians in the USA adamantly refuse to acquiesce or compromise the system is gridlocked, more paritsan and actively makes governing harder.
>3. Not only does is have resources it has utilized it's resources in the best possible way
Norway has a lot of oil and it has used the money from the oil to invest into the country and into shares. Norway keeps growing this money through investments and it has made the government very wealthy and able to invest heavily in infrastructure and the quality of life of its people.
>4. Norway is not part of the EU
Despite Norway being small it is wealthy and this wealth has allowed it to not be a part of the EU. This is beneficial because the government in Norway only has to answer to the Norwegian people and since Norway is small this is a much purer form of democracy with less bureaucracy. This means that unlike other European countries the policies that are passed did not come from the EU and it also means that Norway does not have to support Spain, Greece or Portugal.
>5. Norway has a healthy respect for the physical and mental well being of its citizens
Norway is incredibly progressive when it comes to maternity leave, annual holidays and in general passing laws to improve the lives of its people.
>the government in Norway only has to answer to the Norwegian people and since Norway is small this is a much purer form of democracy with less bureaucracy
TL;DR : Well managed oil money
It is literally oil. They have a population of 20 people and infinite oil supply. Before oil they were poor as shit fishermen.
>Norway does not have to support [...] Portugal.
They support us by trading fish, which is all we could ask for.
Based Norway.
>6. It has VERY high levels of social cohesion
Norway has not been an incredibly popular place for people to emigrate to as it has a particular culture, it is tiny (less opportunities) and it speaks a language that not many speak. Sure, the language is related to Swedish and Danish but if you were to move there and speak those languages only you wouldn't be employable.
Since Norway isn't part of the EU it also has not had to accept many refugees from Syria like the rest of Europe has. It also cannot be commanded to do so. Norway HAS accepted some migrants but because of the small size and insular culture it simply cannot absorb too many. Norway has also seen what has happened to Sweden.
>7. All Norwegians learn English in school as if it were mathematics or Norwegian.
This has effectively made all Norwegians bilingual, adept at using the vast English portion of the internet and has had untold benefits to the Norwegians. Imagine if all the people on the US knew Spanish - I imagine that relations with the Southern neighbors would be much more pleasant and less scary.
>8. It is a very beautiful country
Norway is quite a stunning country and if you look up pictures on google images you'll see Fjords, picturesque scenery and comfy cottages. I recommend it.
You could've just said
>1. They are more than 95% white plus they have dem oil monies nigguh
it's really easy for a low pop and educated country to be rich.
ps : add oil
When was you when the Netherlands was kill Russia and Norway?
Our social cohesion does not have much to do with lack of immigration, it has to do with our historical lack of civilized living up until even the latter part of the 20th century.
Niggas get their ass froze in the cold, so even the few ones they have actually have to work to get warm.
Good management of natural resources...like oil.
That isn't really the whole picture though. The USA is the richest country in the world - my country Australia is a very wealthy country but wealth is not everything.
Look at your own country and compare your democracy, standard of living and culture to other countries. Finland is no slouch and is a very good country also.
>Italy that low
The southern subhumans dragging them down?
Oil. /thread
This is interesting to me because when I think of the most socially cohesive countries I mostly think of Japan and South Korea where 99% of the country is made up of a people who share one ethnicity.
I assumed that this was the reason why Norway was so socially cohesive.
I partially understand the history of Norway so you're definitely correct but are you saying that since Norway has been mostly empty for most of history that the reason why there is such high social cohesion is because there aren't any festering tensions and vendettas because there weren't any people to foster them?
Sorry if I'm writing all over the place I'm stoned out of my dome.
Nah, Italy actually has a very high well being score. They just accidentally mixed it up with their IQ score.
. It is VERY secular nation
>This might seem like I'm tipping my fedora but I'm not.
You definitely are. The problems of US politics do not boil down to a few religious voters holding the entire country hostage.
Norway is prosperous because it has a large amount of well managed oil money which enables a very generous welfare state, it has low corruption and high social/ethnic unity which tends to decrease social unrest.
No that is not what I meant, I meant that it is the historical lack of urbanization, industrialization and the communal nature of the agricultural communities that existed up until ca. the 1970s.
That is also what I mean when I say that Norway is not a European country, in the sense that "Europeanness" is an inherently modern, post-revolutionary idea.
My point is though that race is the best predictor when it comes to general wellbeing of a country, whites and northeast Asians being at the top and SS-Africans being at the bottom.
cohesive/insular society
single religion
strong welfare state
sovereign wealth fund managed well
mainly oil
>Comparing small countries full of higly educated peoples with good relationship with usa and big country full of redneck retards.
Good job john
>Since Norway isn't part of the EU it also has not had to accept many refugees from Syria like the rest of Europe has.
Nobody has to do shit, it's just some countries unwisely chose to do it.
Uhh yes? It's not my fault that your country is full of redneck bydlo retards
Here are the bad things about Norway in my opinion:
>1. It's expensive
Norway is expensive as fuck due to the high taxes, socialized everything so that the country has a crab in the bucket mentality where it is harder to successfully make crazy amounts of money compared to your peers because tax laws are designed to pull everyone towards the mean.
>2. It's tiny and Oslo sucks compared to other European capitals
Norway is tiny (population wise) and it's smaller than the population of entire states/provinces found in other countries and it has less people living there than a bunch of cities like New York, Tokyo or Cairo.
This means that it has less interesting things going on than other places, there are less interesting places to go visit than other countries - there is less diversity in terms of cuisine to experience, people to meet and many Norwegians end up having to live abroad for work or to find somewhere where they fit in more.
>3. To many Norwegian (and scandanavian) culture is alienating
Norwgians keep to themselves more than other cultures. People don't make eye contact with strangers, they don't casually strike up conversations and to foreigners this can make you feel like people dislike you, you're a pariah or Norwegians are cold people.
>4. The weather is cold as fuck
This is pretty self explanatory but I had a friend who went to Norway for a month and he's from Australia. He said it was colder than he had ever experienced on the coldest day in Australia. He had to buy appropriate clothing in Norway as it wasn't really sold in Australia. This is somewhat alleviated with the design of Norwegian houses as they're designed to keep the warmth in. However as an Aussie guy there during the Norwegian summer he only had a couple of days that he would consider normal shorts wearing weather, the Norwegians were wearing shorts in weather that would be considered really cold in Australia. It might not be a big deal but it's something to be aware of.
Yep, too bad we have the population 30 times bigger than Norway. I'm sure 5 million Russians would live much better than Norway with all that oil.
>1. It's a relatively new country.
Yes, only 1200 years old. That's basically yesterday.
>2. It is VERY secular nation
Yes, but not any more so than other European countries.
> unlike other European countries the policies that are passed did not come from the EU
We follow almost all EU directives. There are two or three exceptions, but in general we do what the EU tells us to. That's what we pay for access to the single market... in addition to all the money that we actually pay, too. But we don't have any representatives in the EU parliament.
>Norway is incredibly progressive when it comes to maternity leave, annual holidays and in general passing laws to improve the lives of its people.
Not any more than our neighboring countries. Maybe even less so, actually.
>Norway has not been an incredibly popular place for people to emigrate to as it has a particular culture, it is tiny (less opportunities) and it speaks a language that not many speak.
>Sure, the language is related to Swedish and Danish but if you were to move there and speak those languages only you wouldn't be employable.
This may be the dumbest part of your comment. And that's no small feat.
And everybody in the world is fluent in English. I don't think we're any better than other Nordic countries or the Netherlands.
I see that you're triggered, while unfortunate I realize where we are. I was not baiting you or fedora tipping. I'm catholic.
My point wasn't that it was the root cause of issues in America, it is just a factor among many others.
>Norway is prosperous because it has a large amount of well managed oil money which enables a very generous welfare state, it has low corruption and high social/ethnic unity which tends to decrease social unrest.
Now you're the one making generalizations. The wealth of the oil fund is not the only thing that makes Norway a good country. I'm adding the context as to why Norway didn't completely squander the money and why their political system is more efficient and in general less corrupt than others.
This is interesting to me. When I look at the history of Europe and look and how long it took for Christianity to reach the Northern parts of Europe it does seem like Pagan religions like Romuva and Suomenusko lasted a lot longer than other religions. Culturally I imagine that this definitely had an effect too.
What I just wrote might be irrelevant but I kind of assume that the shared religion of catholicism in the post BC time period is what kind of made Europe much more culturally similar.
>Since Norway isn't part of the EU it also has not had to accept many refugees from Syria like the rest of Europe has.
We are part of the Dublin agreement, we're part of Schengen, we're part of the single market. Per capita we take in more migrants than the vast majority of European countries. Only Sweden and Germany take more.
Russia would be a lot better if you didn't try to steal from everyone who wants to do business in Russia.
Russian corruption is what destroys the country.
>I'm sure 5 million Russians would live much better than Norway with all that oil
Based on what? You could have the same standard of living as Norway sure but "much better"?
fod help helpper not com today
only bannana in fritge
email to helppper: send foods
They have Halti peak.
Not for long tho.
Well I'm not going to argue with someone that lives there because I'm most likely wrong. Thanks for informing me.
based on cyka blyat
Well you did say it's a new country so... what the fuck are you smoking right now m8?
>What makes Norway so great?
because of this guy youtube.com
A strain of cannabis called Durban Posion which is a very high sativa strain.
What I meant by 'new country' was not in terms of how long people have been living there but how long the current government and society have existed in their current form
>they fell for the oil meme
We have more oil and other resources.
Moscow already has the same HDI as Norway, what could've been without the rest 140.000.000 people?
How do you assume you would have held all that clay with 5million people? wtf are you even on about vladimir?
t. other
Still better than ours desu
>Niggas get their ass froze in the cold, so even the few ones they have actually have to work to get warm.
I guess they have to wait a few more months before freezing starts
Nukes are still there.
Hva faen skjer, er det seriost Bergen i nærmere Oktober?
Kek, that was one of our coolest temperatures in the last 5 months.
Living is pain.
nice memes user
What kind of autism simulator scenario is this? When russia did its empire thang nukes weren't even a thing.
1 russian soldier = 1000 european fuckbois. Wouldn't be too hard.
Glad we're not European then
Sure, whatever pjotr.
18C to 25C is most comfy, feels good
>1. I´ts a relatively new country
I think he means the dissolution of the union in 1905
This is one of the things that worries me about my country tbqh. We're turning into a banana republic.
>Jan, feb, mar
>apr, may, jun
spring and summer
summer and autumn
>oct, nov. dec
The weather has Schizophrenia in Bergen
It's 25º C here and I'm wearing trousers (as opposed to shorts).
Our buildings are built for the heat and are cold as fuck.
Just wanted to show that it's much harder to have the same high standard of living for 145 mil people as 5 mil in Norway have.
As a respond to "Russia has oil too, why doesn't it live like Norway"
>Our buildings are built for the heat and are cold as fuck.
how do you build it for heat?
>rather new democracy that hasn't been held down by too much bureaucracy
>oil money and the nation utilizing that money to invest in their nation
>homogeneity allows for Norway to be a rather united and harmonious nation, with a great level of inclusion for norveggies on a social, economic and political level
>their prison system is a proven way of reducing criminal behaviour in their citizens through rehabilitation
>its pretty damn tough not to be happy when you step outside and see either Norveggie landscape or even their cities
>top tier education
wew, go vikings
also why didnt you stay at newfoundland
we could've been a comfy oil/fish colony ree
Are you making this shit up as you go?
But we were a country more than a millenium earlier than that. Rikssamlingen, Harald Hårfagre, etc. Surely you've heard about that. There were Norwegians living here before that, but that is the time when Norway was unified and became a country. And it has been ever since then. In unions and shit a lot of the time, but still a separate entity from its neighbors.
And had a constitution long before the dissolution of the union. In fact, our constitution is one of the oldest in the world.
>hasn't been held down by too much bureaucracy
I laffed
Flat-ish roofs, thick stone/brick walls, no insulation, white outside walls, no wooden floors, high ceilings with lots of air space, window blinds that are only opened in the morning and closed in the afternoon, etc.
You must think, "boy, that must suck in humid winters then!" Yup. It fucking does. We only have AC or central heating on office buildings, or more expensive houses. We suffer more cold inside in the winters than you guys do. The outside isn't as bad, though.
well maybe you shouldn't have grabbed so much clay and ppl :^)
Memes are the future.
They are completely renewable.
>Are you making this shit up as you go?
so so, don't be too hard on him. He can be high on crack cocaine right now for all we know
>no insulation
I mean no window insulation. I don't think I've seen homes with double-glass.
>US's two party system
if you think your government is comparable to either's level of pointless beuraucrocy than ur wrong
also check out a sweet newfie fjord
Dere har sno, ja?
What is that part of Poland that's purple instead of blue?
We're clay maniacs, always wanted to grab more.
you don't know what you're talking about now user. Bureaucracy is our first name
East Prussia
>That is also what I mean when I say that Norway is not a European country, in the sense that "Europeanness" is an inherently modern, post-revolutionary idea.
If your definition of Europe is agrarian and rural, then Ireland and most of Eastern Europe shouldn't be considered European, but England would be.
snor av og til i januar og februar. Snor som regel på kvelden åsså regner det vekk ilopet av dagen etterpå
Shid as, takk for at dere skjermer ostlandet fra det. Elsker fortsatt Bergen osv. mer da.
Flytter ditt når tiden kommer.
Hva? Liker du ikke slaps? Ingenting er bedre enn slaps blandet med salt som tærer på sko til 1500 kroner
Jeg kommer dit, ikke prov å stoppe meg.
Kommer til å snakke ostlandsk til alle og enhver som om jeg eier bakken jeg går på
Ikke fortell dette til noen, men vi tuller med ostlendingene bare for å toffe oss. Damer med ostlandsk dialekt er fett, det er det flere enn meg som har sagt. Men som sagt, dette må forbli en hemmelighet
Norwegians jewed the other Scandis out of the oil, and kept it to themselves
feels good to be jew
digger dobblerne dine fåvæ.
Dialekten deres er fortsatt stygg da beklager, Tronderlag eller Sunnmore dialekt her.
Digger byene deres til dode da, ingen tvil pls tilgi.
>Oslo sucks
No it's nice desu
Even strong soldiers can't fight without supplies, warm clothes and good tactis.
*jumps towards you* *notices bulge* O_o wat is this? xD *drills deeper*
>tons of oil money
>not really devasted by ww2
>got marshall moneys
>made shitload of cash by selling iron to krauts during the war
>got marshall moneys even though they didn't partake in ww2
>got fucked over by soviets
>had to pay them war reparations
>no marshall moneys
>got fucked over by krauts
>managed to avoid worst of the war
>got marshall moneys
Norway was pretty decent even before the oil. We had among the highest gdp per capita, and we had among the best welfare states. The oil just made our nation richer.
don't be rude Ivan, we even have russian statue in one of the norwegian cities
Oil and western society.
Russia is a giant nation with a harsh climate, great distances between cities, it is harmed by a shitty ideology and has seen a great amount of conflict and still is in many of them because they feel they must maintain their sphere of influence.
To compare Russia to Norway is absurd.
>not really devasted by ww2
Norway had a whole region of the country totally wiped out, no other country had that during ww2
>got fucked over by soviets
EESTI better than Spain and Italy
no its the handsomeness
Solely because the southern parts of those countries are barren shitholes
>welfare state
>be indigenous in Norway during winter 1945
>have your house burned down by the nazis
>have all your animals stolen by the nazis
>still survive
heyy, thanks!
what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
The better question is, why are France and the UK so shit?
Lets not forget that a third of this country is ex-commie.