Why is frog our symbol? Is it because we are all ugly like frogs?
Why is frog our symbol? Is it because we are all ugly like frogs?
Frog is a symbol of evolution and progress. Amphibians came out of the world's oceans, rivers and seas as pioneers and CONQUERED.
Pepe the Frog is just more evidence of the superiority of South American memes
in terms of memery they are atleast years ahead of North America
I was dreaming, or half a awake actually and I was telling myself or someone the difference between amphibians and reptiles and I said something like the dna was more pliable as seen from the cycles of the tadpole that if genetically manipulated the amphibian would have a higher chance of survival rate than the reptile since they haven't changed for millions of years
Maybe that's why
The hell
>you will never have a threesome with las pepas
In the beginning there were gods. These gods were all-powerful, but they grew tired of creating for altruism and progress, and they made their most powerful creation of all for their amusement: memes.
While they were distracted and amused, one of their earlier creations, mankind, rose up from their petty squabbles and began to dabble in the power of these meme creations. Primitive at first, the humans began to spread their wings and ascend towards meme greatness.
To be close to the memes is to be close to the gods.
Croatian's national symbol is frog?Didn't know that.
Excellent post
Now this is my kind of religion.
Speak prophet.
>Why is frog our symbol?
It isn't, dumb frogposter
That's a nice video
Thanks for sharing
Are you sure?
Pépé or paypay or puhpuh or peepee or piepie or peep?
peh pay
Ceci, c'est pépé
t. un grenouille
because it's a meme that's been around forever
Read no French vowel here. Transliteration?
The good old days before Pepe became the white supremacist he is now
No, it's because you're cancerous newfags.
Why is this cat our symbol?
Is it because she is so white?
why is a Argentinian woman our symbol?
is it because we are all white as fuck?
Pepe has had some life.
Memes aside, Portuguese are less white than Argentinians.
This, it's pepay
t. a frog
Girls tend to be disgusted like frogs, just like with the average 4chinner
Australia is the memes chosen people
toads are better
Finns are the chosen people.
Australians are literally mediocre.
Because our enemies made it to be.
can someone pls tell me what is this?