Why does France hate us so much when we're family as much as two countries can be?
Why does France hate us so much when we're family as much as two countries can be?
They don't hate you, it was just bantz.
You started
damn that remember the young years, so cosy
A better question is why ANY euro country likes to pretend to be better than us when our military might, and anti competitive trade deals allow them to play pretend socialism when they don't actually produce anything anyone wants.
>look it up
>this was in the congressional cafeteria
Hahaha holy fuck I always thought it was some shack in the louisiana hinterland or something. That's incredible.
we go hard
never forget that
how many times are we going to have this thread
KLM, Shell, Philips, Heineken etc.
Dutch-U.S investments are responsible for over half a million jobs. You're welcome fat fucks.
>let's invade Irak
>no it's gonna start some real shit the whole area is explosive it doesn't sound like a very good id-
I wish we were wrong but still. It makes me laugh when all those Cred Forumstards talk about the refugees in Europe when we actually thank Bush for this shit
...because we're a family, m8
During the world wars America also renamed saurkraut "liberty cabbage"
That's not a joke
noone takes amerifats seriously
that was a perfect example
some nobody fatyfuck walks into a country expecting respect he wont get, get disrespected as it should be, then inmediately act as a passive agressive faggot
this is how usa acts individually and as a country
btw bayer now owns pretty much all our crops now
every american in this thread please type:
>thank you Monsantoâ„¢!
to show respects
>calls them family
>can't take some light ribbing
A better question is why ANY yank likes to pretend to be better than us when our socialism, and anti competitive trade deals allow them to play pretend soldier when they don't actually produce anything anyone wants.
>when everybody sees a fat jew but you actually a princess
It happened in a pro-socialist TV channel. You know socialists hate the USA because you bomb the Middle-East, you don't like very much Arabs, you are capitalist, you have Wall Street, all that all that. It's the socialist who paint the Americans as dumb people to give you a negative image.
Probably because you've done fuck all for France since they were last at war with the British. You almost didn't even assist at all during the world wars, and in the rebuilding of France after them you exploited their weakened state to control their economy and corrupt their art. And you've mocked them at home for centuries.
Who would buy only pommes frittes? That's like eating just a boiled potato.
>And you've mocked them at home for centuries.
Holy shit this. America is like that retarded bully that constantly fucks with you and then cry when you get pissed off and hit him back.
That's why you add gravy and cheese curd
spain too got backstabbed even when you aided them in independence
they dont deserve respect
I remember a map showing France actually has the most positive image towards Shart Kingdom.
Using that map is pretty silly to prove your point Leafman.
>It's the socialist who paint the Americans as dumb people to give you a negative image
>when more than 3 americans out of 10 believe in creationism
They don't need us to pass for fools
as an antropologist from northern europe studying the apes that call themselves 'french', i can tell you that they have extemely low self-confidence levels an jealousy (these are seen throughout the mediteranean), causing them to hate in the tsundere way all that is superior (which is all).
>northern Europe
t.brit pretending his islands have moved some hundreds of kilometers to the north
a fine demonstration of the 'french' topological knowledge of northern europe. they only know what pains them, that other country lacking in self confidence but slightly more succesful
>It happened in a pro-socialist TV channel
A TV channel own by a friend of an ex-president who is pretty much the opposite of socialist.
So much fun, let's call some monkeys "french" to trigger french people !
Yeah, this is really funny, now you can let adults speak intelligently.