What do black girls think of eastern europeans?
Our girls are totally not based at all, they are preety yes, but empty too, very very shallow and they are dudling western cock so bad.
Eastern European Men + Black angels
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tfw no black angel
e/b/ony belongs to Cred Forumserracial mixing.
hi fellas
they really are black angels
Black girls here in my part of Brooklyn are always getting BLEACHED by Russian guys.
As long as you keep your accent and act alpha you'll slag the puss.
What if I just put on an accent? Most americans are pretty ignorant about foreign cultures, and I'm pale as fuck and could pass as a Russian i reckon.
You already have an accent you dingbat, just say some bullshit about how you're a dive instructor at Sydney Harbor National Dive Association for Disabled abo-war veterans and blind kittens and you'll be diving in her sweet pink punani
every women on earth dig australian accent tard.
but yeah, nobody would want to fuck retards regardless their accent
It's either this or gayness taking over
Kill yourself you 70 IQ monkey loving scum
Literally paki tier behaviour
Hello brother. Im searching for my black angel too
Hope we find them both
Imagine how aggressive the children will turn out to be
My accent sounds so Russian
you americans are so lucky
shoo shoo ugly anglo scum
Well, at least they will have a father.
Yep, and he'll be raising a nigger son
russians are niggers
No they're not
t. doesn't interact with Russians daily
Neither do you
Russians aren't Jews
Israel has tons of Christian Orthodox churches and Christian Orthodox areas from Russians and Ukrops who got to Israel during soviet times with false religious papers.
this thread doesn't really helps my jungle fever
I wish I could see my parents reaction if I had a black gf
What would they say?
i agree.
me and my wife (i'm white she's black) we're thinking about organizing a ir-couples pride parade in berlin.
it's time for a movement that uplifts afro-german people and supports young ir-couples.
I wish i could find black gf.
Spreng dich weg du Spast
Sonntag wird AfD gewählt
Gimme some o dat.
ooga boogaria
I have no idea
My mother always cherrypicking my gfs and tells me to avoid black girls (not like I will ever meet one in my country)
My father hates every other race
I am gorilla
>My father hates every other race
As in what, anyone not Hungarian or anyone not white?
not white
me and my back gf
so you're austrian or croat or slovak in hungary?
Hungarains are paler than Croats
yes, but in America skin colour is a race and not a trait, because Americans are dumb.
So even if you're black from Southern India with the blacker skin than Obama Americans don't think you're black because you're not from africa.
i'm hungarian
We secretly love black women 2bh. They are considered passionate sexual beasts unlike boring bitchy and psychotic polack women.