korean pop edition
Other urls found in this thread:
shit edition. someone make a new one
Kyary pop
why does she have an haribo fried egg in her hair?
First for silly hats.
g'day cunts
Just got beaten by some absolute runt at chess, fuming
Make a new new
*play some notes on a piano*
welcome for this evening broadcast on /brit/ radio 196.6FM
enjoy your stay...
too skinny
I've literally never played chess in my life
It's a nice thought lad
How can I get a model like this?
Imagine living in Condom
should i watch big lebowski again (seen it twice in last 2 weeks)
need a clem gf
incredibly plebular
Just for you
getting drunk at 6.30 in the morning lads
Could someone help me get better at chess? I'm shit desu
Good lad
What's on the menu?
too thick
go in parks and play with the old guys
>manly lesbians go for feminine lesbians
>feminine lesbians go for manly lesbians
Can't say I've ever encountered a couple of feminine lesbians or a couple of manly lesbians
>filtered edition
>tfw no qt stenographer gf
Hair pin
make up your mind
the only way to get better is to play more
reading technique books and learning moves and shit is for complete autists
could be a criticism of all women
Not on a great streak in my life currently, trying to ride it out. It coincides with the time I started coming to /brit/ but I think the not so great streak came before and is the reason why I got interested in /brit/
just saw Star Trek First Contact in this planetarium.
was highly enjoyable.
>those last pics
what do we do when Tim goes to prison?
I know what a sesh is and I know what a gaff is so is a sesh gaff just a sesh at someone's gaff?
this is a horrible place
save yourself and leave now algiers
mel and sue from GBBO
actually now I think about it you're right
somehtin more like this
I want one
>order pizza online
>dog starts whining because he knows food is coming
He does this every single time.
>phone call from the job centre
>"hey do you want an internship at a large telecommunications company?"
>"sure senpai, sign me up"
>get an e-mail back
>it's a 2 week unpaid internship in a call centre
Might just fake my own death on monday lads.
should i watch big lebowski again (seen it twice in past two weeks)
I can say
>mfw protestants
no its a gaff dedicated solely to seshes
do asian girls make you that upset?
wew laddos
NEED this girl in my life
watch Solaris (2002) instead
prefer the stuarts 2bqh
obviously it would be unpaid you fucking spacker
he can sense the minor changes in your biochemistry as your body prepares for a meal
ah yes the department for work and pensions
>Uni of Vermont
>21 miles away
doxed my friend ;)
Terrible arse
sat in on a conference call involving massive companies and government officials concerning TTIP earlier lads
felt like something out of Deus Ex
haul away you rolling kings
heave away haul away
haul away you hear me sing
were bound for south australia
bit boring that
not even funny how much she is sucking in
garuantee this girl has a beer gut
and a man head
should i watch big lebowski again (seen it twice in past two weeks)
That sounds daft but it has to be something like this. I literally don't do anything differently.
You are now acutely aware of the fact that you could buy a 3 bedroom appartment in the city center of Valencia, the beautiful third biggest city in Spain, for the cost of 6-12 months rent of that micro-habitation idealista.com
>no bow legged yank gf
watch the original
need an anglo-franco-dutch empire
>Anglo-Dutch union of the UK, Netherlands, Canada, and Aus-NZ with Elizabeth II as head of state will never exist
>Pretty >I want one
With her manlet Asian boyfriend
doxxed every single person in this thread
>have to live in dagoville
haha no thanks
Yes but I was unaware it would be in a call centre. I was expecting it to be on the engineering side as I have experience on that front, on the other hand I have 0 experience or, for that matter, desire to work in a call centre.
not that daft desu, don't underestimate the power of the dogs schnozz
Not him but why would anyone want to move to Spain?
I live in a popular tourist area and I have lots of Spanish/Italian/Portuguese people near my door
They are the loudest, filthiest people on the planet and have no respect for anyone else
I would rather take 400 billion Africans than 1 Spanish/Italian/Portuguese
When i saw "Asian", I dont mean Pakis.
the absolute STATE of those gaffs
i really liked it
but then again, i saw it after staying awake for like 36 hours and was on a massive mandy comedown so maybe my judgement was impaired
felt sorry for george 2bh. must have been a shitty situation for him.
the planet freaked me out a bit too. why would it do that to people.
should i watch big lebowski again
met two butch lesbians in a couple once, i was quite disappointed because i had zero desire to fuck them which is the appeal of feminine lesbians
Yeah, me and the janny tbf
got an appointment with a psychologist in about an hour
This looks awful
Spain is literally 3rd world
AMWF is beautiful
ah yes, getting engineering jobs through the job centre
come back down to planet earth mate
if you liked it watch A Visitor to a Museum by Konstantin Lopouchanski. bit similar themes
she has a power lifter's body, why would you need that in your life?
maybe you should suck each other off ye benders
>Crazy Titch has been in prison for a decade now
oh boy it's the yank /r/asianmasculinity poster
>ah yes, getting engineering jobs through the job centre
That's literally how I got my first engineering job m8, no need to be so cheeky when speaking out your arse.
This one is not so bad idealista.com
That neighbourhood is shitty albeit central though
personally i prefer ludovici's "pretentioustwat"
thematically brilliant
AMWF is becoming popular because girls aren't actually attracted to black men and figured out they can still rebel against the evil white man and still side with a ""minority"" by being with an Asian
should i watch big lebowski again (please reply to this post)
*measures your muscles*
>you can BUY a flat in spain for £15k
that's literally like a 2nd hand BMW, and you OWN something
>this is considered "not so bad" in Algeria
cool. thanks for the suggestion.
on the topic of lesser known films; have you seen Man Bites Dog? one of my favourite French language films.
but they have small weiners
sorry for reccing someone a film lol you mong
didn't even say something pretentious yet you felt attacked or something lmao
man bites dog is ok. quite known here
>Not him but why would anyone want to move to Spain?
>Cheap, beautiful beaches, friendly people, hot local and tourist chicks, a chill culture based on spending good times with your family and friends, football, good parties, Ibiza being at a 2h ferry ride away, etc.
I have a flat is Spain tbqh. I love it. But then again I love mediteranean culture and would be unable to live in Sheshire or Leicestershire or shome shit.
>terrible arse
>power lifter's body
Found the DYEL
should i watch big lebowski again (please reply to me)
No, watch Addams Family Values instead
something like this
Mel is married to a man
what did he do haha
and really short lad
>paki flag
can only surmise from your response that i hit a nerve : )
>tfw worrying that the economy of eastern europe will improve before i get a job and can get a 2nd-world-fu
>you have to pay Council Tax on top of rent
what. i was not aware of this government scam
really prefer the production values of jap AMWF stuff.
alright mate
bubble butt
they don't look real
One time exception
Will Mayo win the all Ireland?
looking through old pictures of my grandfather and his father
they looked so masculine and had such impressive lives
i'm nothing in comparison
Literal underage
not a chance and you know it
was gonna say this
her body is too good and the spacker's face looks airbrushed
what the FUCK
my bakeoff fantasies are all falling through my fingers like sand...
yeh i suppose it would be well known over your way. my dad is a bit of a Frenchaboo and introduced me to a lot of French cinema when I was young.
Jean de Florette and Manon des Sources are other films I like.
Nikita also.
Baise-moi was pretty crazy.
nawhh did the man punch the other man
im a 23 year old virgin
>boss writes me on Skype a moment ago to ask about some stuff we ended up not concluding at work
>ends with "why are you online anyway - it’s friday night..go have a drink with a nice lady!"
the Dems are chanting for a 3rd term for Obama at a Shillary rally LMAO
that's rookie numbers around here pal
he thinks you can do it lad
If something was poted to me at midday today first class, will it reach me tomorrow?
Does post come on a Sunday?
Just took this at a hotel in London. American retardesness is here.
>writes me
fuck off yank dipshit
those are nice films (except baise-moi which is complete utter dogshit)
did you watch La Haine?
>Dobson and his stepfather Anthony Green were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of 21-year-old Richard Holmes on the Chingford Hall estate in Chingford in November 2005. Possibility for parole was set at a minimum of 30 years by which time he will be in his 50's.
don't worry about it. you stop caring after a while
>Council Tax
literally theft. breathing tax when?
No cosplayer blonde White girlfriend
Reminds me of crab sticks
Matched with a really pretty black woman on Tinder and now I want a black gf..
so what youre saying is that an educated girl with good prospects from a good family and prosperous country would never associate herself with you?
"Haha you're right. I will. Good night"
*Change skype status to offline, stays on /brit/ until 5AM*
your gf < my gf
>going to scotland
Do one Jock
From no way, to oy vey.
is that michelle trachtenbergsteinsmith?
scotland? more like scotland, LMAO
yeh La Haine is great. i defo need to rewatch that.
Un Prophète is also good. pretty bloody dark though.
the list goes on...
I don't have the dosh to go to an English varsity desu
Yeah ha ha wahey!
I like stretch marks tbf
yeahhh Un Prophète is top mate. the scene in the car when he got cuffs is top
people who keep their bread in the fridge should be killed
>AMWF is becoming popular
>I like greasy-faced gooks
bad post
white? afrikaner or anglo
yes. i've already accepted that. i've never had many friends, but i'm becoming crueler as the years go on because of the isolation. which further perpetuates the problem. a couple days ago i started flipping out on someone who cut in front of me driving before i saw it was a woman. i've always had anger issues. i just hope that not being alone will stop the cycle
literally this
fucking subhuman scum
wouldnt be a single reason not to be a national socialist if you were german desu
>lesser known film
>Man Bites Dog
if it's in the criterion it's not lesser known
fix yourself first, finding someone else won't cure your personality problems
What's that? Warning, contains crab? Sticks?
can any of you lads actually imagine having to live in London? I mean fair enough if you are there to earn in excess of £60,000 a year. even that is still a high price to pay to live in such a disgusting shit pit. had the misfortune of spending the last two days there for a work thing. it seems to get more and more horrible every time i visit. what a filthy, depressing, overcrowded, third world infested rat hole it is. travelled all over this country, there is nowhere in the country even close to the same class of shit-holery as that tenth circle of hell. no redeeming features other than history, and boy is that history long fucking dead. nothing is worth visiting that city. so there's some nice historical buildings and museams, where you can stand face to armpit with other forigners snapping pictures, women in bin bags all over the place. great. honestly cannot fathom the mentality of a person who would defend living there on a basic salary. only third worlders would. because it honestly feels third world walking around there
she looks much better
how does stating a fact make me a twat
i didnt comment on quality (i think its quite good desu)
>he likes obcsure kino
>he likes obscure music
>he likes obscure food
why will Cred Forums and /movies/ or whatever it's called just accept they're pretentious wankers, the worst of all normies
*twizzles moustache and sips a fine cognac*
every french film besides amelie is lesser known
la haine and un prophete are my favourite french movies
also love the fact that un prophete is set in the cote d'azur (south) and la haine is set in paris (north)
might just go to bed so i don't have to be sad anymore
only spackers live in london, all barely educated people commute in
t. does neither aha because londons shit anyway
yeah i'll just waive my magical "fix myself" wand. i'm not paying a hundred dollars an hour for a therapist if that's what you're implying i should do. i had a girlfriend for a couple months in highschool and i was happy then, and didn't have any personality problems. so i think having a girlfriend again will make me happy again
Look at OP who posts kpop girls as an example of this. The VAST MAJORITY of kpop fans in the West arent ronery White men with yellow fever but White girls like this (look at her posters on her wall). When this teen girl here grows up, who do you think she wants ... ?
More proof of the tremendous increase of AMWF relationships.
Daily reminder that the British government murdered one of their own in an attempt to sway a national vote
I've always said that as a poor person there's nowhere I'd like to live less, but as a rich person there's nowhere I'd want to live instead.
I used the tube at rush hour ONCE to come to that conclusion.
Can't imagine doing that daily. It was fucking awful.
I think London is great but fuck living there.
Couldn't reconcile paying 1.2k a month for a room in zone 2 or 3 that I could never own.
It's just silly
fuckin' yanks man I swear to god
Met a woman with 12 breasts. Sounds weird dozen tit?
but un prophète happens in the parisian outskirts mate
he just takes the plane to marseille for a bit
there's a lot of lesser known films in the criterion collection
White and neither. I'm mainly Swiss and Dutch by heritage but effectively a bong culturally.
criterion is massively popular m8
and there are tons of widely known french films
breathless, la haine, leon, the list goes on
*buys you a drink*
reminder the only thing women need to do to have a good body is not stuff themselves like pigs and most of them cant even do that
>before the result
we can't let the bad people win
My theory is that the womb gets better at making good looking daughters. This is yet more proof of that.
Can anyone think of any woman celeb with a worse looking younger sister?
when you rent, do you give a fixed amount to the landlord every month for elec, gas, etc or do you pay for what you use?
im confused i thought the movie was filled with your typical southern criminals? arabs and corsicans dominate the prison he's in
kim kardash'
Women were a mistake.
wait internships are unpaid? the fuck? the guy with the big eyes on The Office got paid and he was an intern
leon I've seen, never heard of the other two and I know more about films than atleast 90% of the general populace
Now that I haven't masturbated for a day I'm finding to find girls attractive again
maybe I should do this more
>there's a lot of lesser known films in the criterion collection
i wouldn't say a lot, i'd say a minority
mostly docus desu
the point of criterion was to catalogue impactful, important or otherwise good films
so inherently most of them aren't lesser known
>unpaid work
london mentioned
Depends, some have bills included, some make you pay a share.
which guy?
ricky in the UK version?
honestly couldnt tell if this was nas or kanye
Check your contract
apparently if a company provides training similar to higher education they can use you as slave labour
arabs are in every prisons
they move corsicans around France a bit so they don't stick together much and have a big corsican population in 1 jail
maybe by people who have an interest in cinema
i live with my mom
nah the jew from inglorious bastards
"the little man"
Why are brits inbred ugly as shit dumb cunts who cant speak english right+dont have teeth and also ur c""ountry"" is a shit
it's the only living rockstar my laaaaad
Theft is a crime user, even online
oh dear
time to get netflix
>It's not, the police are clear to point out, aimed at small-time downloaders - although there are other ways and means to prevent that too.
The proposed measures are mainly targeted at the distributors of pirated content - the people creating copies of movies, sometimes before release, and uploading them to be downloaded by thousands upon thousands.
It's not, the police are clear to point out, aimed at small-time downloaders - although there are other ways and means to prevent that too.
good fooking luck arresting everyone
ahh yes, the decreasing movie selection and shitty netflix originals jew, definitely an alternative to torrenting
me on the left
this lol
I might actually stop pirating if the concequences are getting this bad
never been caught yet though naturally
good post
what do you think of Tirez sur le pianiste
>ugh why do people explore things they enjoy
Look at an example of a (presumably) white male posting pictures of an asian female as an example of the exact opposite? Nigga u dum
>meanwhile, in statistics land
Why does no one care about Finland?
Fuck off, Alan, you smelly rapist.
post beach, lady.
the gf on the right
haha why are you awake x
if you consider yourself interested in films you should definitely watch them
what does this mean for someone who only gets stuff through private trackers who has to seed a lot
Literally thought that was the Denmark flag. That's how little I give a fuck about Finland.
Seeding is basically distributing but not uploading
imagine rating Truffaut
>"is a shit embarrassing"
>brown eyes
just Surfer Paradise m8
I wanted to go to Mooloolooba though but no deal
my interest has waned the last couple of years, find it hard to motivate myself to watch new things I know nothing about just to see, where I used to watch a new film almost every day
ill make a note tho
streaming shown to be vastly superior yet again
Fucking hate my voice lads
The way mps act in this will tell us who is taking bribes and who is clean.
yeah but you think they care about those people.
i'd reckon they only care about seeders on public trackers for big things like the latest capeshit
>maybe by people who have an interest in cinema
isn't that the point?
you wouldn't call sigur ros obscure just because your mum has never heard of them
>call centre
>higher education
>i consider myself interested in films
not actually watched it
just made a non-profile on facebook and got tinder
>i'd reckon they only care about seeders on public trackers for big things like the latest capeshit
Yeah people who do that often get letters sent home, but it depends on the country
The large media companies scan IPs from the big films at the time and inform the ISPs
top bantz
streaming to 3 people lads.
when do i get a sub button?
it was clearly intended that the lads in the thread didn't have such an extensive knowledge of cinema. but maybe you can enlighten us now
For the nth time, my relationship with your mom was perfectly consensual, as per the court conclusion.
Daily reminder that, when talker to a Londoner on /brit/, they are statistically likely to be non-white.
>Tirez sur le pianiste
only truffaut i've seen actually
thought it was good, i liked the sing along scenes
>tfw solely torrent anime fansubs before they've been liscensed in the us
>tfw no one to care if i torrent it
Anybody got a screenshot of that several year old brit post about the lad when he was younger hanging in a car park with mates who got trapped when the security guard come to tell them off, but one of them panicked, for some reason thought he had to jump off the fourth floor, broke his spine and has to be fed through a straw?
Always cracks me up to think of the lad seeing a harmless security guard telling them to go away and thinking he had to jump out of a multi storey.
Daily reminder that, when talking to an Algerian on /brit/, they are confirmed to be a greasy rapist called Alan.
fuck off yank
not sure why youre being so hostile m80
Fuck off yank.
unironically have a petite 16 year old girl constantly begging for my cock
I've had two dates in the past 4 months from Tinder, but I've not been trying *that* hard.
Both went well, although didn't go anywhere.
I've beat my yearly record by 2 dates!
Basically, Tinder is good.
daily reminder that, when talking to a country bumpkin on /brit/, they are statistically likely to be buttblasted over their irrelevancy
16 year old detected
Get him caretaker
Daily reminder that Alan is a Londoner.
ELS lads. It doesn't count.
>better looking
>picture of a nigger
fucking kikes are at it again lads
i doubt your average paki goes to Cred Forums so it balances out
La Haine is one of the best films of all time legit serious
but the one on the left has the gun for self defense and in case of a tyrannical government, while the one on the right has one because she's a stupid sand niggress
what are you doing here then?
Ask someone who is VERY selfish and only thinks of themselves anything
I get depressed every time they go to a London school on the BBC and every student is black or wearing a burka
>country bumpkin
alri dad
shut up you obese man
>country bumpkin
daily reminder I'm about to get breakfast
>Darker skin
>Better looking
Fuck off you nasty paki creep
do you remember a guy that's been
in such an early song
we heard a rumour from ground control
oh no, don't say it's true
what do you reckon would happen if you had a bunch of different IPs at the ready and sent the FBI or the CIA or the NSA a bunch of anonymous disinformation about terrorist plots and other heinous conspiracy activities?
Outside of the US I mean
Londoners don't even sound British when they pop up on here. Statistically they aren't.
The kikes are always at it.
i dont intend to go on dates i just want the self affirmation of getting a match
im not your average paki
you need to be a complete failure like me or pakiboo to get to places like this
then again its true for whites as well so dunno
It's a god-awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling, "No!"
And her daddy has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen
sorry :(
>Tfw all the "Alan" posts are made by the same lad who is on /brit/ 24 hours a day
you'd probably get a knock at your door
you think american agencies don't have people here?
yeah but what can they do they don't have any real power here you could just laugh them all the way to their embassy.
got my mind on the pancakes x
but who can forget ol eggs?
The correct answer was "I'm here to post Fucking machines".
Alan is almost certainly a sex offender.
Is this how you pick up girls lads
you'd be promptly ignored because real terrorism is all done by the governments of the world
or they'll "recruit" you to be a sleeper agent of sorts so that you can be used for a later thing
i don't think rules like that apply to big powerful forces even if it may be in writing
Oh, it's good for that too. Take some decent pics and you'll do fine.
thinkeng about breakfast
mmmmmm haha :)
The yanks do not give a fuck.
Case in point, they literally abducted a man off the streets of Italy and flew him away after bundling him into a van and tortured him.
what the hell is 'neux doing
an argument
wanna meet up and [spoiler]jack eachother off?[/spoiler]
fucking hell they literally plucked him off the street on a random day and tortured him for 4 years
Time to pay £0.0000001 per film rather than 0 ahh yes