Do you envy white people?
I envy a lot white people. Local white guys get girls easy as fuck here. No one like black guys like me. I like to say that everyone is mixed and not white because I wish I was white so much...
Do you envy white people?
I envy a lot white people. Local white guys get girls easy as fuck here. No one like black guys like me. I like to say that everyone is mixed and not white because I wish I was white so much...
Other urls found in this thread:
Non-whites are subhuman.
You know what you have to do, end your genetic line and raise a white kid
>Local white guys get girls easy as fuck here
>No one like black guys
You are just ugly af
skin colour doesn't matter you weak minded faggot
stop bringing Cred Forums shit into your actual life
t. Sadiq Khan
nope, why should i?
I remember there being a great thread like this on /r9k/ ending with OP revealing himself as a white guy.
>on /r9k/
Hej, svensker i Norge.
Nah i'm proud of being a gook user.
i'm thankful that i have no any body odors and don't have to wear the deodorant.
No, I'm an ethnic European so I supose I could play "white" but then again why would I want to be in the same category as mostly poor uneducated racists?
Just go to a western country and give them that bbc if you want girls so damn much. Yes, the meme is actually real.
black people are based af and best in everything, music, sports, comedy + their girls are angels
Thank y-you, I guess.
this thread is chalkskin territory now
black people and serbian people forever brothers
Very nice video, pal.
i think your ancestors i mean british criminals and irish criminals were subhumans also
well memed, niggerlover
no youre a neet
start lifting fighting dancing making moneyman some game ....thats it
>Local white guys get girls easy as fuck here
I wish.
t. Tupac
Yes, Serbians are nigger tier.
Honestly, yes
Just go lift dude, turn your faggotery into something productive.