Did you go out and have sex tonight?
Did you go out and have sex tonight?
I have never seen a girl naked. Im stuck in my dorm studying. Im typical half asian dude thats not the normal guy. oh well ;(
ya mom was nice:)
No, did you?
I did not.
I had sex this morning, does that count?
Stayed at home in the evening because I have to study.
Such pleasures are denied to me.
>Such pleasures are denied to me.
By who?
Actually yes, I'm cheating my girlfriend
No, but I did yesterday.
>By who?
My fear and inability to form connections with other human beings.
>go out
>have sex
Why are there so many virgins on Cred Forums? Why am I one of them?
Why do you accept this from yourself?
You'll only be alive with this consciousness once. Why don't you stop being a pussy and go after the things you want in life?
No, I'm home alone eating french fries with sausages
I think Vice said that sex wasn't just P in the V
This place used to be for virgins only but then stupid normies wanted to be edgy as well and started infesting this place.
LOL no
me too, nigga. white guy though. idk how people even have time to go out or make friends. got books to read
>You'll only be alive with this consciousness once. Why don't you stop being a pussy and go after the things you want in life?
What next, should I be myself too?
Excuse me for being a social reject on a board for social rejects at 3am on a Saturday morning. Go have sex with some girls and let the rest of us wallow in self-pity.
>let the rest of us wallow in self-pity.
But why, is what I'm asking.
Why do you choose to wallow in self-pity when you don't have to? I don't really have sex often but I just don't understand your mentality
N-not yet, baka
The reward is not worth the risk, I guess. Some people are just very bad at things.
>dating some French bitch
>about to fuck
>she has a massive beef curtain
>"shit gotta go"
>never call her back
Being a non-virgin has other problems.
>The reward is not worth the risk
What risk is there? Let's talk this through rationally. What do you lose by trying to accomplish something you want?
>Some people are just very bad at things
Do you make a conscious effort to improve? Do you hold yourself to a higher standard?
idk. you kind of get stuck here. i used to have social phobia, don't anymore, but still here on friday because while i'm not afraid of people anymore i'm just not really interested in them.
>What risk is there? Let's talk this through rationally. What do you lose by trying to accomplish something you want?
What do you mean 'what risk'? How about your self-esteem one? When you put yourself up for evaluation from others and it's consistency negative, it's not going to be too long before you stop. Otherwise you just end like one of those guys who says things like "I asked out 1500 women in a year and they all said no".
>Do you make a conscious effort to improve? Do you hold yourself to a higher standard?
I do what I like, alone, away from other people. I don't blame anyone but myself for my problems, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to complain on anonymous Khmer fingerpainting forum from time to time.
>Otherwise you just end like one of those guys who says things like "I asked out 1500 women in a year and they all said no"
No one says that because that doesn't happen.
If you look anywhere near average and can actually speak English you will probably have sex at least one as a result of asking out 100 women and going on a date with a few of them and not sperging out.
>I do what I like, alone, away from other people. I don't blame anyone but myself for my problems
No no. I get that my man, that's completely your choice. But i'm just wondering why you don't try something different if it's not making you too happy?
Don't you ever have feelings where you think "FUCK MAN why did I miss that opportunity"?
It just seems kind of sad and like you're selling yourself short by living your own life afraid of things and not even trying
>When you put yourself up for evaluation from others and it's consistency negative, it's not going to be too long before you stop
The thing is though, is that oftentimes that doesn't actually happen. People just overthink things and build up a whole theory in their heads about things. you have a negative and pessimistic view of the world, and that manifests itself further.
When you say things like "Such pleasures are denied to me", you're just telling yourself you're not good enough and basically forfeiting before even trying.
anyway it doesn't matter what you do, just saying that you'll probably eventually regret your choices
>No one says that because that doesn't happen.
Yes they do, but they're an extra level of pitiable because they're not self-aware.
>If you look anywhere near average and can actually speak English you will probably have sex at least one as a result of asking out 100 women and going on a date with a few of them and not sperging out.
Some people are below average looking. Some people can't not sperge out.
It isn't even worth replying to anything else in that post when you open with something like that.
>Some people are below average looking. Some people can't not sperge out.
See a therapist or something. Take your meds
>Below average looking
Highly doubt. Unless you have a very strong facial deformity you can get to at least 7/10 by exercising and dieting, dressing well and basic grooming like making sure you have a good haircut, fixing acne, good facialhair, etc.
I went to a late night viewing at the cinemas. I was the only one in, so it was comfy
I'm afraid of HIV in the Northern Nigeria
No but I need to and will have sex with Arab qts in the future