To Americans; has the fervor for Donald Trump been noticeable in your city?
To Americans; has the fervor for Donald Trump been noticeable in your city?
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My neighbors have a Hillary sign in their yard.
I have only seen one bumper sticker. And it was an 8 year old Obama one driving home today. The fucker clearly doesn't care about anything, including his safety. He drove like a real piece of shit.
I live in possibly the most conservative place you can be while still being a cunt hair from Los Angeles. People just don't care where I am.
>People just don't care where I am.
You're not an illegal are you?
d-don't judge, it's my mom's car, I was just borrowing it
>Live in liberal city
Not one bit, feels bad desu
I'm a white boi. There is just no reason to vote republican in California.
West coast niggas
Not anymore anyway.
He got by through being a celebrity. Being a meme is stronger than the party you choose. Shwarz was a total fluke.
>Georgetown University
Probably 25% support Trump. 25% are Shills. 50% are third party or voting for Kanye.
>Shwarz was a total fluke.
Hopefully we cant get another fluke desu
No, thank god.
>25% are Shills
As in Shillary?
Yes. It's amazing how few people like Hillary.
I wish Trump would start becoming more mainstream though. He needs the GOP establishment and its big money in Florida/Nevada.
>It's amazing how few people like Hillary.
she has never been popular when she runs for office, yet she keeps winning
>I wish Trump would start becoming more mainstream though.
As Hillary declines further, it will happen inevitably.
It's been rigged from the start dumbass. That's why Trump will never win no matter how popular he is. Shit's fucked
No, although there has been a constant presence of reluctant Hillary supporters.
This is a university in DC. Her unpopularity is amazing.
Well, Trump didn't help himself today.
Right as he gets even with Clinton, he starts another conspiracy theory.
I really have a lot riding on this election, and Clinton losing. I just wish Trump would stop memeing so he can secure the lead.
>Right as he gets even with Clinton, he starts another conspiracy theory.
2008 Hillary is the one that made it up though, thats been in the media for years and years now.
Trump BTFO all the mainstream Republicans and practically hijacked the party.
It is not "rigged". It is skewed against Republicans, but that doesn't mean complaining about it will boost your chances of winning.
Hillary is unpopular enough for Trump to win. He needs to stomach his pride so he can best her.
She never said that and her official campaign staff never stated it during the campaign.
Yes, it was implied and quite prevalent among her supporters.
But it is retarded to bring it up as an accusation. It looks bad. Furthermore, it keeps people talking about Trump's stupid "birther" phase.
>Trump BTFO all the mainstream Republicans and practically hijacked the party.
Literally highjacked the party.
>Furthermore, it keeps people talking about Trump's stupid "birther" phase.
People will talk about that anyway, at some point.
During a debate or interview etc etc; he should clean it up now.
Also, Im one of the people that thinks he needs to address every detail because everything leveled against Hillary is serious.
I love this picture and its variants.
Honestly can't believe it's been more than a year since it happened.
>People will talk about that anyway, at some point.
If he had just stated it two weeks ago, and said that the birth certificate proved it, they would not have.
>During a debate or interview etc etc; he should clean it up now.
Agreed. Then again, claiming that Hillary started the conspiracy theory is stupid and looks bad. He still needs Florida to win. And he's down 3-5% there.
>Also, Im one of the people that thinks he needs to address every detail because everything leveled against Hillary is serious.
He will. Unlike Romney in 2012 with Obama in that debate. Romney was too nice.
But, early voting starts in a week. Usually people begin making up their minds now. Trump has to get a few more points and waiting until the debate is not going to work.
>He will. Unlike Romney in 2012 with Obama in that debate. Romney was too nice.
Exactly, at least this time no one can say the Republicans didnt have a good candidate.
Hillary has only won two elections in her life, as a carpetbagger Senator in a state where a convicted child rapist would win if he had a D next to his name.
Fuck you took my quads.
Its ok tho cause I like your post.
Also she laughed about a 12 year old girl being raped.
Even diehard liberals don't like Hillary; some are saying they'd hold their noses and vote for her if it would stop Trump, but then Romney proved quite well the fallacy of assuming mere dislike for the other guy can win you an election.
He official campaign staff did though. There are leaked internal emails and memos between her top level staff talking about using his "questionable American roots" as a line of attack, and the pictures of him dressed in kenyan garb were leaked by her campaign staffers. I was alive and voting for Obama in 2008 so I'm not ignorant of the what kind of scummy ratfucking she was using against him.
Not American, but I own some MAGA stuff.
He was just a Kennedy sock puppet anyway, but then it was practically impossible for him to not win in California of all places.
>some are saying they'd hold their noses and vote for her if it would stop Trump
Its true, he came on too hard in the beginning i'd say.
Bill Clinton also said "Thirty years ago, Obama would be bringing me coffee."
If Donald Trump said this, we'd hear a little bit more about it.
I want the camo hat
Romney got 48.4% of the vote senpai. Trump will get 44-45%.
Obama just happens to be wayyyyyyy better than Hillary.
>He needs to stomach his pride
That's impossible.
1.) unequivocally clarified his position on Obama's birthplace
2.) Hillary's *people* did start the conspiracy even though she lawerly avoided using her own mouth to do so.
Read up on this. She not only defended the rapist in court, but joked about it, saying the girl was white trash who deserved what she got. The poor girl suffered injuries that left her sterile.
I'm gonna need a source.
Trump clearly claimed that "Hillary started this theory". Which is blatantly false.
He should have been more careful and claimed that staff members in her campaign started the theory.
Hillary initially took the bar exam in Washington DC, but it proved too difficult for her, so she instead went to Arkansas, which had much lower standards, and passed. She was kicked off the Watergate Committee for unethical practices.
Girl I know was at the Trump rally earlier today/yesterday.
Bill also as a youth had been an admirer of infamous racist Arkansas governor Orville Faubus.
>He should have been more careful and claimed that staff members in her campaign started the theory.
This is what his statement says:
>"Hillary Clinton’s campaign first raised this issue to smear then-candidate Barack Obama in her very nasty, failed 2008 campaign for President. This type of vicious and conniving behavior is straight from the Clinton Playbook.
In Southeastern PA, there's almost a complete absence of...any campaign signs.
Liberals also worried about Trump's list of potential Supreme Court nominees, all conservative judges and mostly all young guys who could be on the bench 30-40 years. They tried to push Ruth Bader Ginsburg to retire before Obama is out of office, but were unsuccessful in doing so.
I'm trying to get my hands on a hat but it's hard. You're not allowed to buy things outside of the USA since it counts as a campaign donation, but I don't want to buy some bullshit fake hat from Chyna off of Amazon.
>"Hillary Clinton’s campaign first raised this issue to smear then-candidate Barack Obama in her very nasty, failed 2008 campaign for President. This type of vicious and conniving behavior is straight from the Clinton Playbook.
Im completely ok with this statement.
I've seen a couple signs but I've never met a Trump supporter
I live in Florida
Yes, and in a fairly liberal area by the way.
Makes me glad.
Fuck incompetent clinton.
America needs a slap in the face to wake up from the apathy hand me everything bullshit.
What's skewed against Republicans?
yes and it's great
Miami, Florida
yeah lol lots of bernie bumper stickers but in the really nice neighborhoods in coral gables there are a bunch of Trump signs
What could have been...
>Liberals also worried about Trump's list of potential Supreme Court nominees
Supreme court members no longer have to follow identity politics.
Wouldn't be the first time a president may have regret their choice. I'm willing to take the chance.
Besides they need approved by vast majority of congress anyway.
I can't get over the fact that the entire MSM has gone completely abandoned any pretensions of journalistic ethics or impartiality and is now shamelessly biased against Trump. Every single outlet is totally assblasted. I've never seen them like this.
The Supreme Court is supposed to be above partisan politics, but lyl. It goes all the way back to John Adams frantically appointing like 50 Federalist judges in his final week in office as a huge fuck you to Thomas Jefferson.
Jimmy Carter tried to convince Thurgood Marshall to retire after his defeat in the 1980 election so he could appoint a replacement before Reagan took office, but Marshall refused.
As fate would have it, Carter remains the only president to have completed an entire four year term without appointing a Supreme Court justice.
I live in Georgia and see almost no yard signs or bumper stickers for either Hillary or Trump. Even the last gubernatorial election had more excitement than this.
Georgia is a gimme for Trump anyway, just as Massachusetts is for Hillary, so not much point.
There was a fair bit of apathy in 1980 as well; though Carter was unpopular, many people had their doubts about Reagan's intelligence, also his age was a bit of a concern.