How do we fix Japan?
How do we fix Japan?
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Import tons of Muslims. Solves all problems.
>worrying number of virgins
What are they worried about? Beta uprising?
they need to import black cocks
Yes. That's all normies worry about. It will come soon. When normies are no longer useful to us since every manual labour job will have been replaced by robits, normies will have no purpose. Then we shall slaughter them by the millions. It's unavoidable, but they will try to buy themselves time before that happens.
A pet in traditional Japanese lake
Truly a country of beauty
Japanese technology has gotten to the point where 3DPD simply can't compete anymore
If VR more developed, Korean and Russian whores will go home country. BANZAI!!
Japan you are the best country.
Why are American Jewish publications like Wapo and Bloomberg literally obsessed with Japan's population?
Housing prices are going down, slums are clearing out because more people can live in normal spaces, nature is being preserved, but noooo Japan needs millions of Africans/Muslims or else they'll go extinct.
>Why are American Jewish publications like Wapo and Bloomberg literally obsessed with Japan's population?
Gotta support that ageing population somehow - unless you go full Logan's Run and make capital punshiment mandatory after 65
I thought that Japanese girls looked like this, how can there be so many virgins
let's face it: the average jap woman is ugly af
they should allow more whites to enter the country, and mix, to create a couple of new generations of beautiful hapas
in 50 years the problem will be solved
Pretty horrific
post qt average Italian girls
Are they average amatuars?
guys, post hapas!
it's the only way to convince them
People always talk about how virginity is normal in Japan but I don't think so
I spent 3 months there as an English teacher and told one of my students (a 33 year old male) I was a virgin
He laughed and made fun of me. He started calling me 'MI0' which apparently was a joke about MI5 and MI6 and stood for 'Mister Intercourses Zero'. Other students talked about their girlfriends often too.
Surely they would not make fun if it was normal?
they hate you since you somehow dont want to bend and take progressive cock up your ass, remidns me of UN thing
What is sex ed class in Japan like?
Do they beg the students to fuck requently without condoms and show slideshows of elderly people dying alone?
well this is nothing like my animus
>look at all this horny corndogs thinking they'll get Jalanese puss
Sure, there will be a bump in tax burden, but should that be continuously staved off with indefinite growth?
Sounds like an A+ way to crater your standard of living.
someone who can marry would marry, someone who can''t wouldn't. that's all. inferior DNA isn't needed.
any question?
>According to the Japan Times, a new survey of Japanese people ages 18 to 34 found that 70 percent of unmarried men and 60 percent of unmarried women are not in a relationship.
>It gets worse: Around 42 percent of men and 44.2 percent of women admitted that they were virgins.
Holy fuck. Japan is the land of virgin qts. Here I come
Removing anime or throwing another nuke
that's fucking stupid solution. just like making Americans eat poisoned mercurious fish instead of Pizza to down weight
>no token loli classmate or blonde foreigner girl
might as well burn the school down
just destroy anime
>He started calling me 'MI0' which apparently was a joke about MI5 and MI6 and stood for 'Mister Intercourses Zero'
>'Mister Intercourses Zero'
Ayyyyy. Well, you are so brave enough to declare that you were a virgin. I'm sure you'll get a date someday if you use your brave heart for it.
are you related to pooey lynx lad?
Why do people always freak out about this image? Some of the girls are pretty cute. You'd find the same amount of uggos anywhere else.
>worrying number of virgins
Sounds like /brit/
>Some of the girls are pretty cute
>He started calling me 'MI0' which apparently was a joke about MI5 and MI6 and stood for 'Mister Intercourses Zero'
damn. Japanese bullying is no joke.
So fucking what if they aren't fucking? If they want it that way so be it.
Fucking weaboos thinking they know what japan wants/needs.
me on the right