Mastermind edition
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Ah yes, an appropriate edition.
korean slop
morning lads
having a go
Post-Brexit Priorities:
Return Los Malvinas.
Apologise for Dresden.
Give RoI their territory back.
Set Scotland and Wales free.
May as well get used to being irrelevant serfs.
how about we ugandon't?
it's 4:30 in the afternoon lads
if this was 12 years ago i'd be outside playing with my friends
*unzips dick*
here, you can play with this.
kek, my m8's ex missus won the bachelor
someone's crying in my house lol
just ate a massive plate of roast pork, green beans, and mac n cheese
lads i've just had a wank, now i'm due for a poo desu
BIG moon tonight
>no brit flag in the thread
fuck off murderer
Wtf happened to 95% of aus territory
Kansas is a great band, too bad people usually only know Wayward Son
not sure, it's definitely something to be mulled over
abos burnt a lot of things down
and the rest was already desert
hahaaaaaaaaaaaa you sure got meeee
t. town rapist
why do americans refuse to put tobacco in a joint? they're all billionaires that can waste weed like its nothing or what
What do americans wear on a daily basis
mate, they have 1 small desert just east of centre iirc. The rest is filled with wildlife, trees and bushes endlessly, if it was a desert there would be no plants and limited wildlife. The wildfires apparently help things along adding nutrients back into the soil and encouraging seeds to grow, if you ever drive through one its like snow, ash just rains on you for miles, very odd.
weed is cheaper than tobacco m'dude
>there are no plants in the desert
posting the only thing to ever come out of Moldova
how much is it for a gram at yours
$10 or less
big discount if you buy bulk to the point where its like $3 a gram
I buy my weed bulk, vacuum seal it, then use it when needed, lasts forever.
look a like middle finger, llo
:(((((( feels bad
check it out mate, its semi arid not desert. I drove from Perth to Adelaide through it and its mostly trees and bushes millions and millions of them with spinifex grass everywhere.
There are real people right now who believe in a bronze age desert God who causes us all to suffer and die because a talking evil snake made by that same God convinced two people to eat a certain fruit thousands of years ago.
They believe that this God is good, despite that God admitting to advocate for war many times, to torturing innocents many times, sending plagues many times, committing countless genocides, and demanding you mutilate you genitals and abstain from certain sexual activities.
They believe this God impregnated himself inside a Jew so he could be a carpenter for 30 years before sacrificing himself unto himself to give you a chance of salvation from eternal suffering which God has caused you to have in the first place.
The only way this God allows you to reach a hope of salvation is through believing in this God and praising him despite lacking any evidence, except a 2000 year old badly translated book written and edited by humans, which is full of contradictions and scientifically incorrect events.
If you do get saved, you spend all eternity praising God's name. Without any break. There is not Paradise or real afterlife. It's just an eternity of singing praises to this God, which sounds almost as bad as Hell in my opinion.
And this is the most popular religion on Earth btw.
Really, fuck this species.
seems like a typical overreaction. he's not calling for her assassination, just pointing out her hypocrisy
>There are real people right now who believe in a bronze age desert God who causes us all to suffer and die because a talking evil snake made by that same God convinced two people to eat a certain fruit thousands of years ago.
>They believe that this God is good, despite that God admitting to advocate for war many times, to torturing innocents many times, sending plagues many times, committing countless genocides, and demanding you mutilate you genitals and abstain from certain sexual activities.
>They believe this God impregnated himself inside a Jew so he could be a carpenter for 30 years before sacrificing himself unto himself to give you a chance of salvation from eternal suffering which God has caused you to have in the first place.
>The only way this God allows you to reach a hope of salvation is through believing in this God and praising him despite lacking any evidence, except a 2000 year old badly translated book written and edited by humans, which is full of contradictions and scientifically incorrect events.
>If you do get saved, you spend all eternity praising God's name. Without any break. There is not Paradise or real afterlife. It's just an eternity of singing praises to this God, which sounds almost as bad as Hell in my opinion.
>And this is the most popular religion on Earth btw.
>Really, fuck this species.
Shan't be reading this.
God is both good and evil dummy because they are both relative human concepts
Sister is in the lounge room lads, might try for a sneaky wank while she's here
"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laff."
- Charles Nelson Riley
>And the Northern girls with the way they kiss, They keep their boyfriends warm at night
what did he mean by this???
>the day after leg day
>be american
>wake up
>inhale freedom
>get out of bed, open fridge
>fridge full with burgers
>lol @ other nonfreedom xdddd
>take burger in bed cuz its the land of the free
>turn on fox news because its the best channel
>BREAKING NEWS: Another school shooting; Hillary vs Trump medical condition wars
>such is price for living in freedom
>get up, call taxi and drive 10 meters from my house to local walmart
>take the fatmobile because fuck you america
>see 600 round magazine (spoiler alert its airsoft)
>shart myself in fear
>how can they sell these things in stores
>vote for hillary even though trump and hillary are both retards but WHO CARES ITS DEMOCRACY MURICA
>trip down from fat mobile
>pigsqueal as i try to get up
>cardiac arrest
Such is life in america
bravo andorra
>go on amazon
>whole frontpage full of "amazon echo" shite
>when you haven't eaten small children in the last couple of hours
cactus are very rude plants
hate it when big companies use the fact that they're a big company to promote their new and shitty product
>tfw just woke up
Can't get out of this rut lads
>(1.32 MB, 1144x1194)
Shan't be opening this
got a post-beach boner lads
>adults attempting to understand youth trends
It never works out does it.
we need a culling
Start hitting the gym
In fact go right now
why is a gimmick to humble brag about how shit your internet is on /brit/?
Ce-le-brate good times
Come on!
never watched a blu ray disc ever
>it's a "dad has a schizophrenic episode" episode
ah yes
never bought into the fad and now its already dead
I own one blue ray and that came with my PS3
Try stay up until 10am-12pm """today""" and then the next """day""" try staying up until 5-6pm. Once you're on normal hours start fucking doing shit to get yourself back on track lad.
Want a proper slutty gf who shags around behind my back
t. Richard
reminder that Nostradamus was right about everything
sauce please
t. Pierre
spider man?
me on the right
Skyla Novea
her face kind of reminds me of an irish traveller
great pair of tits on her though
you're a big guy
translators intentionally mistranslated and misinterpreted text to make him predict things that already happened
I can read his original works you absolute runt
post more camera walking man mems
think we need another world war to dust off the cobwebs lads
we've grown complacent
imagine if your willy was hard normally and it went soft when you got aroused
>I can read his original works you absolute runt
post fucking machines
586 books on my amazon wishlist
*doesn't buy any of them for you*
Interesting, very interesting
*walks into the bathroom*
Only if it's a race war. no white on white violence
bought me some gucci shades
for you
>Live in shit northern town
>Brother is a teacher and hates his life
>Gf breaks up with him
>he moves to Dubai as a teacher
>Gets like 40k a year tax free
>Is always at some party, flying around travelling or doing something generally cool
>He's gone from wanting to kill himself in our shit town to living like a millionaire
Fuck sake it makes me feel so depressed
*buys book*
*poses with it on facebook*
*reads 20 pages*
*sets it on my bookshelf never to be read again*
*teleports behind you*
*hacks into your amazon account*
*removes entire wishlist, then puts male sex doll on wishlist*
heh..... we don't like gays around here..... kid.....
t. Peter
cara 2bh lads
who is attacking all these polish people?
If Europe gets razed to the ground again all the Rasheeds will leave and the white people will stay behind to rebuild their countries and will have another baby boom like after WWII
monolinguals are the true fedoras famalam
Tony Blair I reckon
the government
Imagine being this delusional lads
Nigel Jackaufulmen, proud Neo-Nazi and denier of the Holocaust
This 2bh
yeah it's the jews alright
Couldn't live in dubai personally. thought it was abysmal.
buzz of to frog land if you like french cock in your mouth so much
>pretending to be me
but I also read his works in the original French :^)
History repeats itself
There will be another world war in Europe the only question is when
Why what's up with it?
He's a bit of a show off so he'd never criticise it incase it didn't make him look good but he did once say it's just a bit soulless because it's just bellend arabs with too much money
when did i claim to be you?
canada has 2 offical languages moron
I'm glad your brother is happy and left this shithole country, but I visited a friend in Dubai and the entire place just seemed....fake? Idk how to describe it. I mean, it's literally just skyscrapers plonked in the middle of a desert
has he never invited you over to stay with him a bit or something
i know the feeling though, hate knowing jammy cunts
i miss caralad :(
buzz off to frogland because canada is anglo territory
is this real? please
dubai is disgusting and his brother is engaging in a bout of hedonistic degeneracy in an artificial city to relieve the anguish of being dumped and being a northerner
Canada bastardised the French language. They're not real frenchies, the cunts.
t. Half French
>tfw poor wojak is left out of the spotlight again while Pepe gets all the attention
>buzz off to frogland because canada is anglo territory
turn on bbc. the queen died
best outfit she's ever worn
any news articles lad?
The north is the powerhouse of England lad
that fucking pug
>tfw the United Kingdom will dissolve in your lifetime
turn on channel 5. the queen died.
Fair enough, he has said that before but I just imagine that being near the sun and nice beaches everyday isn't too terrible.
>get prescribed an anti-seizure medicine for my OCD
>doesn't help my OCD, gives me tremors and weight gain
I hate medicine sometimes
Fooled for the last time
die antwoord edition
done a SPLENDID wank to this
where's her dick
do Gibraltars speak dago?
*tucks penis between legs and begins to strip*
This can't be real
goodnight faggots
Yeah all the time, he's a top guy and all but I can't be arsed spending a holiday of him going on about how great his life is and how shit back home is
>no futa
>no lesbian
>no f*rf*g shit
>no vore
>no other weird shit
ah yes, a porn game with principles... at long last...
doing a listen
alri Buffalo Bill haha x
commonwealth federation WHEN
good lord her thighs
>that image
the height of autism
The moment Trudeau executes his master plan and Canada leaves
t. kitty pryde
Well the weather is unbearable, you can't walk outside for more than 5 minutes without being drenched in sweat. I like cities that are walkable, and Dubai is also the least pedestrian friendly place on earth.
Culturally it's embarrassing, one of the main attractions is a shopping mall which should be a red flag immediately. I ventured to "old" dubai which a) wasn't very old and b) was shit.
Everyone is either a poor indian construction worker or a rich arab twat. Of course if you want a drink it's £9 for a 330ml beer in a hotel.
I one day decided to walk from my hotel on Sheikh Zayed Road to the sea (a mistake for many reasons) and within 5 minutes I was walking across empty land with piles of rubble everywhere and sand blowing all over me and my suntan lotion dripping off.
have you ever sat in a rural town bar singing this song quietly whilst slightly drunk on a hot afternoon?
Come to the realisation that living in the UK is actually wank.
Property is ridiculously bloated,, and unless you are a landowner you have to live in some shitty suburbia which is a mess.
The only place worth living is London and yet it's ot remotely enjoyable unless you don't earn 100k or more a year, but even then if you do it means your job will be 70 hour weeks anyway so you won't get chance to enjoy it.
It's never fucking sunny - even when it's mildly warm you know it's a rare occurence because every chav in Briatin runs out in some shorts with their top off to show off their bulldog tattoos.
We have a ccrab in a bucket mentality so everybody is miserable as fuck and hates to see you happy.
The only thing we have are pubs and beer, but you could literally get that anywhere.
I might kill myself.
When will Frankie MacDonald overthrow Justin Trudeau as the Canadian PM?
Shan't be reading either of these text walls
Good lord I haven't heard this in years
Forgot it even existed
Dreading the day this happens, not because I care about the stupid monarchy, but because of the charade of conditioned grief that will go on for months and months.
really wish I was more well travelled
i bought a galaxy s7 today lads
how much of a consumerist cuck am i
righto, won't do that then. ta
about a nine
already downloaded about 1.5gb of porn today
cheer up lad could be worse you could have been born here x
radar love, i knew i knew the name golden earring.
Cred Forums didnt make me laugh so hard in years
nine inches more like x
gud led
At least it's sunny there.
Fair enough, that does sound very grim.
What's the beach like, is the water nice enough to get in? Is it really that expensive for a beer?
That actually sounds a bit hellis, like an extremely shit Spain
*dab like pogba*
this is a really really REALLY big cacktus
enjoying a comfy morning cup of tea 2bh lads
*hits you with it*
Reminder, Poleaboos blog is back up and active
*teleports in front of you*
*blocks the cactus*
*stabs you with a machete*
heh.... just too easy....... kid......
my landlord worked in Duabi on construction in the 7s and 80s, worked in Afghanistan around the same period too. He left Dubai in the end because his boss kept shooting at water skiers out of the window of his beach bungalow and my landlord was in the place next door and didnt want to have to have to go through a trial of any kind where a saudi was on trial. He also saw indian guiys being executed because of a scaffold collapse and the resulting deaths which spooked him a lot.
if i saw any of you in public i'd deck you without a second thought
The beaches are probably nice in November-January when it's "only" 30C and not 44C (all the best ones are private though). I was there in July when the beaches are empty because of the heat, the sea is too hot to be refreshing and if you're white the only way to avoid sunburn would be a burkini.
wondering what would have happened if the URSS won the cold war
>if you're white the only way to avoid sunburn would be a burkini.
would've imploded in short order
same if napoleon won
"URSS was a cultural association in interwar Romania, uniting left-wing and anti-fascist intellectuals who advocated a détente between their country and Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union."
Bit esoteric for me lad.
Can you explain the bit about the schindlers list tier Arab taking pot shots at tourists?
such a silly get innit
a cartoon frog?
ahh sorry french for USSR
what if they prospered though
sure the world would have been a bit better
Marrying a yank gf.
Have the option of moving to California with spics and liberals everywhere with no NHS and high cost of living
Stay in the uk where it's grey, miserable, small town mentality with chavs and will never ever own a home
What do I do?
What is quantitative easing?
you don't have to go to california lmfao
Dude print money lmao
erm well his boss was some rich guy who owned a load of private beach bungalows and he had one to live in, at the weekend the boss would turn up with rifles and shoot anything he took a fancy to including wildlife, near peoples feet for fun and at the waterskiers he could see going past out his window. mad but untouchable.
It's what I fuck your mum with every friday x
uk or a better state
Lmao but dude she lives in California, if one of us is going to uproot our entire lives at least one of us have to be grounded somewhere
Liberal Democrats
Fucking hell, I wondered why in all his pictures people were lay under sun loungers but never actually in the sea or just jet skiing along it
it's easy to uproot lad
t. was a military kid
Surely that just creates inflation?
doing some early morning reading and self-improvment :)
listening to lil yachty
I really shouldn't be here
*bursts into /brit/*
*starts running around banging everyones knee in with a cricket bat*
Heh... it's nothing personnel...
got no bones in my legs lad, literally no damage
posting racism sexism and xenophobia lads
*clatters you in the knackers with a snooker cue*
aussie posts are almost all action and rping posts
*knees regenerate*
*teleport in front of you*
*run you over with a combine harvester made of machetes*
heh..... just too easy to deal with the likes of you...... kid......
My team leader in Argos just bought a fucking Audi. Wtf
Gimmick idea: post riddles
You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, But the future can never taint me. What am I?
*calls the rozzers on you*
business idea: gas the yanks
The Sphinx
Memories xx
past participle lmoa
Answer is history, but I'll accept memories
Flour of England, fruit of Spain, Met together in a shower of rain; Put in a bag tied round with a string, If you'll tell me this riddle, I'll give you a ring.
The problem with posting riddles is that some gimp will always just google it.
*snuffles around on the kitchen floor, licking up crumbs and squeaking happily*
*notices the camera hidden in the corner*
*scampers up to it and begins licking the lens*
*suddenly a massive boot falls out of the sky, missing me by inches*
*squeals deafeningly and skitters away, diving through a hidden escape hole*
New primitive technology lads
*googles it*
plum-pudding haha
*spoils it*
*shoves an ice pick in your throat*
The future taints history all the time
*stabs you in the testicles*
um.... back the fuck off?!?!?!?!?!!??!
aggression is a reptilian brain trait you unevolved, violent, primitive beast
when will that brown paki twink stop pestering us in /polska/
You have been visited by the ghost of reviewbrah
Reply with "It is what it is" or you will be gangstalked in your sleep tonight
Reptiles are inherently superior to humans. They have shed off the petty shackles of emotion, instead relying on logic to survive
already watched it last night
>aggression is a reptilian brain trait you unevolved, violent, primitive beast
hes trans you utter shitlord
I bet the stalker is rotting in Reviewbrah's crawlspace right now
he's your responsibility now
It is what it is
state-subsidised wives. this is the future, friends
you mean he snipped his knob off?
fucking heretical m8
Is there ANYWHERE that whites first inhabited or did we just fall from the sky and start invading everyone one day
what if they ban cartoon frogs? it's already happening in germany
If we start drawing swastikas on trannies will the media and government start banning trannies?
White people appeared in the 1800s after they were created by the African god Yakub
No they would have banned gays already because they hate Milo
Just did a poo in an freshly bleached toilet. My eyes are burning
wonder how the guy who originally made pepe is feeling right now
Think I'm gonna try and create an independent Cornwall after William's landing in CK2 lad, will give updates later
How did a simple frog who said it feels good to piss with your pants all the way down become an issue in a presidential race what the fuck is happening
same 2bh
Black people can't be racist :^]
there's nothing in Cornwall worth independence
not bad yourself haha
absolutely dominating on the freecell leaderboards tonight lads
Why would a black person create whites to enslave blacks?
Normies belong in a bin
That's where you're wrong you fucking pole
Fucking kek
nah but just pirate paradox jewractive games 2bh
Nation of Islam isn't very popular anymore
would absolutely fucking love it if bills, rent and everyone could fuck off
apprenticeships are fucked if you live out of home
i am making the least amount of fucking money i have since i started working full time at eighteen, if you're gonna fucking do one do one while you live at home
i don't even go out and stuff but fuck me it'd be nice to just not have to be constantly stressed about money
He's certainly come a long way
*blame everything wrong in this world on the jews*
Caucasians come from Caucasia.
Literally the seed for europe and the middle east.
Join the military and you will have literally no bills at all aside from your mobile
I think I might have been a legit genius when I was a child. I don't know where all that potential has gone
where am I wrong you bogan cunt
He was trying to create them to be slaves to blacks but he accidently poured in chemical x
Cornwall is the powerhouse of England
People who I hate:
Things I can't do nothing about:
>rent increases
>lane splitting
Most Europeans are not Caucasus peoples
This is a widespread false belief based upon shoddy anthropological work from over a century ago
not really keen on that but thanks for the suggestion
Become a landlord who rides a motorcycle
My bail expired today, I didn't get indicted or charged with anything, so can we arrange the misconduct hearing?
Feeling stressed
Need the gf to cuddle
(this is the part where you give the correct answer rather than just go "no you're wrong")
rent can fuck right off, people saying that a transition to a nation of renters isn't a bad thing but it seems like abad thing to me considering it keeps a large amount of capital out of the hands of the middle class, creating further wealth inequality
everyday saturday morning i feel sooo good for once
How's this?
>My bail expired today, I didn't get indicted or charged with anything, so can we arrange the misconduct hearing?
what a freak show elections are
not just in america
does anyone here have a skinny gf who wears nothing but her underwear in the house and teases you with it when you're out
What's for breakfast lads?
Gagging for black pudding ngl
We're exactly the mixed product of three precursor races, swarthy blue-eyed hunters from the north, and pale, brown-eyed farmers from the south, as well as mysterious Siberian race
>The EU is creating an army
but i thought farage was a wayciss looney
I put black pudding on pizza
how do you decide who is chief jew
Fine, fuck off
I've sent this to the uni principal, the undergraduate admin lady and the uni solicitor
How's this?
>My bail expired today, I didn't get indicted or charged with anything, so can we arrange the misconduct hearing?
This sounds like Cred Forums pseudoscience
migrants crossing when eu country corder when they get denied at another creates a clear need for a single military unit .
feel a little bit left out ngl
Hmm fascinating
Why did Joe Biden tell a 13 year old girl that he's really horny to be standing next to her?
The only answer
Your email message is going to sound too aggressive and cocky and they're going to think you're a tosser
watched that video. its just a mumble. with made up subtitles.
Because I am in the right here, they do owe me an apology since they fucked up assuming I was guilty and suspending me for a year since nothing came of the police investigation
someone do a new
Modern Frankenstein
you're just not worth their time.
also you are guilty. you confessed in your blog
what size punchbag should i get
i'm 80kg and have never boxed
about the same as in yankland
i have been following the yank elections and it's scary how similar they are to the elections that commenced here last year only several orders of magnitude bigger and weirder. id never believe a few years ago internet communities like the alt right and sjws would become so central to deciding who will be the us president, thought it was just a bunch of obscure loonies on both sides but they have both been reviewed to death in the mainstream media
quite weird the whole thing
>you confessed in your blog
No I didn't
I said I was accused of a non-crime but that's about it
You can use my bollocks for free x
gonna go for a drive soon
browsing /r/transtimelines