Living in my car edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Gas the taigs lads
korean pop
I have to keep moving.
cara 2bh lads
How many brilliant and well-researched articles like this need to be published for people to realize that Trump is a crooked, racist, deplorable, liar? Supporting him is exactly like supporting Hitler on his now infamous rise to power. READ THIS!
gonna eat a girl out for the first time lads. Is it as disgusting as i fear it is?
Fuck off yank
you going to keep crying about trump up until he wins the election just like you did with brexit?
Just make sure to not do the same thing with your tongue. A popular technique is to write out the alphabet with your tongue. Sometimes a little suck of the clit goes down well, too. Don't be scared to finger her while licking her, too
how would i know
Nah it's alright
Pretty boring though, prefer to finger them
Am I supposed to suck on/stick my tongue far down the actual vagine or is it all about the clit?
watch the nina hartley guide its supposed to be pretty decent for starters
wtf i hate cis people now
no its quite shite though
>he thinks trump will win
>he thinks that trump will actually be any different to other presidents if he does win
>he thinks that presidents actually do anything
you're deluded.
time for your daily dose:
hope you get herpes on your mouth la
No. Focus on the clit
hello good morning
>I just have to keep moving.
y'all know what he means by that, right?
when will this happen and which county will get it
I mostly want to do it just to get a rally good close up view of her pussy because she's always shy about showing it off and it's really annoying
Is this it?
Are we finally going to have sub 20 temperatures until next spring?
fingers crossed for a chilled winter
Hahahahahahahahha hiding the muscular, veiny forearm
deluded on the left, deluded on the right
Need a white Britain again
desu I don't know if she is saying it wrong or right
when was this? the last major snowstorm i had was in 1994
NEED to get my second hand bookshop fix
Isn't it annoying when you tell someone off for doing something shit, they acknowledge that they're shit and won't do it in future, and then they continue to do it?
Why are people such wankers fuck
0161 mentioned
M20 here
he been doxxed obviously
Took came out today
Digging out cocaine bogies already lads
FIT bird from last night has requested to follow me on twitter.. scary
>When manlet's learn
Desired gf
Getting my daily dose of Molyneux and Sargon lads
drinking is the shittest option out of all the drugs, just drank a longeck and it's rubbish, would rather fucking drink poppy seed tea or something stupid
watching this and laughing. MSM is dead.
Doing a phone list because windows 10 has been updating for the last hour.
Been using for a month now and it's gotten me nowhere. Thinking of quitting soon because no one replies to me.
What I want to know is if there are people here with experience with that website. Let me know your experiences and opinions.
I haven't had any luck. It sucks. Just like that library guy says in the movie 'You've got Mail': "As far as I'm concerned the internet is just another way to get rejected by women".
The unfair part of this is that I am good looking.
Going to have to start thinning the runt herd, I've heard some of them talk about revolt. Might employ that old Roman practice of decimation, ought to make for a good show.
alri junkie
Can't even bench 100kg
what happened to reviewbrah kek
be a true leader and do yourself in first
Take better selfies.
Every grill on dating websites gets a million messages a day. You need to be 10/10 to get replies.
morning lad
like watching videos of women getting bonked
top day of listening i have in store lads
CNN made a video about him
Diberal Lemocrats
having a danish
anyone ever play cod3? The last good one before modern warfare came along and changed it all
Still play online on my old 360 and I am absolutely fucking boss at it
poleaboo would have been convicted if he was still a man
did you download these or just make new folders?
whichever one of you fucked the ladyboy - kill yourself
you won't get them a second time pal
t. dunce who posted in the wrong thread
want to be able to dunk a basketball
wait thereportoftheweek is a yank? saw a review of him eating taco bell there's no taco bell in britain right?
Torrent getting 500kb/s lads, fucking beautiful
Not gay but he's a qt
Are you a real life idiot
really enjoyed that danish
DL'ed la
Remember the first time I ever saw internet go to 1MB/s was when I was torrenting, it was fucking glorious
.... that was a decade ago though mind you hahahahahaha
are you 13
I think it was a fair question
oh ok
24 mate
dawkins is solid
spot the virgin, lads
Yes there is. But he's a yank anyway
can't fucking stand programs that just minimise or run in the background when you press the X
who the fuck presses a big red X if they just want it to keep going off screen
She wouldn't have half as many subs if her face was a bit less symmetrical
looks like a nice guy honestly. at least he got a hobby and enjoy doing his stuff
There is no quicker way to know someone is a fucking idiot than if they listen to Richard Dawkins and can take him seriously. He's a borderline retard who just makes a career out of finding more retarded people who disagree with him and humiliating them on TV for a a cheap laugh at a strawmanned argument.
Can't believe reviewbrah was 17 in his first video
Looked more like 12
Not an argument.
what did you think he was?
7:23 on a saturday night and after ahving worked six days i feel like going to bed right now ha ha
t. Dave
People like this woman make me question how much makeup a woman can put on before it becomes so thick that it loses structural integrity under the weight of itself.
>Oxford professor
>borderline retard
do ASMR girls realise that only nonces watch their stuff to wank over?
do they just not care cause they're making money?
No, wait, disregard that, turns out I'm the fucking idiot
> gf is having another irratible mood anxiety day
*slowly walks away, whistling*
*turns the corner and begins legging it*
I go to Oxford Uni and there are PLENTY of retards here. Trust me.
I fell asleep at 10pm last night with my laptop on the bed and /brit/ still open
10.24 on a saturday morning and after having slept 10 hours i feel like going to bed right now ha ha
good lad
hi me
they end in a g fucking dumb yank
this episode of 'neux is top notch
it's a blessed life we live
Tell us who you are so we can make sure you don't get preselection
t. apparatchik
>laptop on the bed
Bad sleep hygiene mate
Started watching banshee
I did that once with porn, woke up and mummy had left some clothes on my drawer
made me think that one
Which is the best ASMR girl
No, I do not wank to them. It is purely for euphoric mental stimulation.
did you have a screensaver or like sleep mode??? or did she see some chicken gettin dp'd
>Being so autistic you don't touch your own willy
richard dawkins god delusion audiobook
what a woman
>No, I do not wank to them. It is purely for euphoric mental stimulation
Then why do they have to be a girl? The best ASMR I've found is usually done by guys because they are capable of not making the video all about themselves.
Definitely opening this link.
*sits down opposite you and stares at you, smiling*
*you gesture to the link, telling me to go ahead and open it*
*continues staring at you with a smile*
*you start sweating and fidgeting*
*i move my hand slightly closer to the link but still nowhere near it, still smiling*
*you finally snap and swipe the link off the table, saying something about not wanting me to look at it anyway*
What's your lifting routine
had a bird from Tinder wank me off last night after our date
bit strange that, isn't it? was expecting at least a blowie. handies are crap unless Remy Lacroix is giving them.
asmr skets are just girls that are too coward to drop it for chaturbate tokens
This country is going to the dogs.
she looks like my nan when she was younger desu
about as xenophobic, homophobic and racist as well
bit disgusting
nah I had it plugged in so it doesn't power down or go to a screen saver, usually turn it off before I fall asleep so it's not been a problem before or since
No more gingers
ah yes queensland
reminder poleaboo is a normie doing a creative writing project
3 Day TM
Barbara Palvin is a slut
are u 14 lmao
who gives wanks anymore
I think we should rename it to Kingsland when lizzie dies 2bh, unlikely to get another queen for a century at least
This desu
Might sneak some wildlife into Australia
twitch tv/runescape
that's what i thought
she was 25 and all
Brits, what the hell is wrong with your hairline, Daredevil can't be fucking bald or I'll riot.
Was having a meal with the gf last night and I'd had half a bottle of wine and was feeling very nice. She started talking about her friends or some other uninteresting shite and I literally just did not listen to a word she said. She must've talked for about 20 minutes and I just ignored it all. Literally couldn't tell you a word she said.
Absolute bliss.
tell the asmr ladies to buss it open instead of making breathing noise in front of a microphone
put in some work
>in bed with qt that i intend to make my gf
>can't get it up
fucking K I L L me lads, hadn't even drunk much, think it was just nerves.
What can I do / W2C dick pills?
Feminazis made the royals change the law. Now men do not take priority over women when deciding hereditary heirs. Far more likely to get a queen with the new rules.
More like runtscape
Hm? Haven't heard anything about that
Meet me by edgeville bank in 10 minutes
who /not English but have English GF/ here?
I dropped her as soon as she got with lewis nignog hamilton
>bailed passed with nothing happening
how convenient
who wants to bet the hearing will be the same
were you nervous? thats the main cause honestly
Not really.
Eroticising the ASMR experience just proves how much of a runt you are.
>think it was just nerves
Yes I guess so, seeing her again in two weeks and it cannot happen again. faaaak
say that to me in wildy, not online and see what happens
Wondering why Cred Forumstards think their internet memes are a world apart from the real media.
Cred Forums users always jizz themselves when there's a reference to them outside the internet. bloody deluded navel gazers
weird but w/e
were u in her house at least
business idea: split High Peak between cheshire and greater manchester
just don't stress. I know it sounds more easy to say than to do but just have a good time and don't think about anything wrong happeneing
I have to physically attend the hearing
You can literally attend with me, I'm allowed to bring some witnesses
It is more likely though, we could go another 500 years without a queen but in 100years this list will be vastly different hell in 60 years all but 2 of them will be gone leaving just a man and woman and then people not yet born.
Business idea: degenerate paki puts as much effort into his cv as his blog
Stop fucking replying to it
Hate you all so much
unironically going to try get some cialis or something, which is depressing af but won't let me down.
and I would walk about 2 miles and I would walk about 2 more just to be the man who walked about 4 miles to knock for you at your door
Realistic version of that song 2bh x
desu the royals have been living for a ridiculously long time, it's possible Charles, William or George will as well. William could possibly make it another 60, Philip is still kicking at close to 100
is this a good place to propose
maybe stop wanking too much but really don't get boner pills. You're still a young lad you don't need them
Thought it was only the welsh and kiwis who liked sheep lad
Propose on the bog
Yeah lad go for it
Poleaboo is shit at everything it does.
Shit at being a Muslim, shit at being a Paki, shit at being a tranny, shit at uni, shit at looking for work, shit at posting here, shit taste in film, shit Spiderman bed.
The only thing it puts effort into is the blog.
>You can literally attend with me, I'm allowed to bring some witnesses
>pepe = \pol\
They won't be there at the time
lmao I'm a kv its for a friend
It's not a bog lad, its actually called the guiness lake
sublime .
also drown in that lake normie shit
quite fond of the new google chrome interface innit
Is it filled with guinness?
>lmao I'm a kv its for a friend
>I'm a kv
Lmao literally leave this is a normie general
I've never seen anything on Cred Forums that resembles normie
this is a general of people who want to normies
love the oily coating around the inside of my mouth after an aeropress coffee. can taste for hours after.
>for a friend
he's already a normie
me in the white
literally kissed 10 girls in the past calendar year lads and two of them were/are completely in love with me
you must be some hyper giga turbo normie then
Enjoy your cancer
yes, and thieving polish cunts who like to break into visiting uk peoples cars while they're out for a walk
felt bad for them 2bh
Why can't normies and autists like in peace
might obliterate my balls on a whim
t. pakipoo
>le look at me using tinder and posting slags
that doesnt make you a normie idiot. It just means you're not a complete autist
nice achievement I guess
I wish we could be I've been hurt by the amount of times I've received a FONT and now i feel like we are at war
Just recalled kissing a bird on the dancefloor last night
nice :)
t. normie
I need one of these
medal's in the post
Just recalled fingering ur mum in the bathroom last night
nice :)
>using tinder
Well it was 8 girls and 2 guys actually I always forget about that
Fuck off fonts
literally never used tinder and not planning to
Should switch to the more inclusive term FOT tbqh
If pepe is the symbol for autists whats the symbol for normies
I used it in Asia just out of interest and pretty much every single girl matched me
Those Asians are desperate for whites
I dont im talking about the people who post them here
Increasingly becoming pepe as well 2bh
yes and they're normie twats
just like you
im gonna bleed in the club
I've tainted many Anglo wombs with my big Celtic cock. I Celtic came in them now their raising my paddy offspring. Stupid sluts got MICK'd
>it's finally getting cold
black holes are orbited by billions of years worth of captured light rays that obviously can't escape
would be interesting to send an indestructable camera in there
Be honest lads, when did you lose your virginity?
just thinking it makes relations fake tbH. this stuff is supposed to be created on a look, maybe body gestures, a smile etc. then a bit of words. not on swiping left or right
Who is this? I recognise him.
Off runefest btw
dam this is deep yo
think I overdid it with the pain meds lads, muscles in my arms are on the edge of giving up and feeling a bit sleepy
going to read some mozart
think i've hugged maybe 7 women this year
haha dont you mean listen
can take the topcoat out of hibernation
At the age of 22
Did it with an 18yo virgin though so I count it as having teen sex
pepe is a normie meme
Recommend me some music please
I like hot chip lcd soundsystem, justice etc
but we've never actually discovered a black hole. there are phenomena in the universe where entire spherical areas of it are completely black; devoid of all stars and everything else within them. we don't know anything about them so we've just called them black holes
hokago tea time
tension between me and the housemates I feel
Never and I'm 28 now
24 then slept with 5 girls in 2 months (now).
Had phimosis until i was 23 tbqh, also the guy that couldn't get it up last night.
Bob the builder
swastika is backwards on the tea cup
Jan Dismas Zelenka or Lil Uzi Vert
Sounds like it's SHIT IN THE CISTERN time again
Tying a noose for dummies (Audiobook edition)
one day
Am I retarded or is this book legitimately hard
Can't understand shit without dictionary to be honest lads
I wish I could be happy
author's trying hard to be poetic and shit . sounds like an amateur
>his country is named after a dumb ugly bird
>(2.28 MB, 2448x3264)
Shan't be opening this I'm afraid to tell you
tried too hard to find a long way to say manc's a shithole
thanks lads
Its alri but as the other lad said the author is doing his nut in trying to fill page space with meaningless filler words/metaphors that sort of sound kind of smart.. maybe.
wrong way round. black holes were speculated long before we observed any phenomena that might match the description. 1783 was the first mention of an object having an escape velocity greater than light. black holes are also predicted by general relativity/Chandrasekhar/schwarzschild etc
not to mention we have observed stars orbiting massive invisible objects that produce some of the strongest x-ray sources in space.
[Chair creaking]
It's one of those things where unless you live in a post industrial northern town, you don't really get it. He's poncing around a bit, but I understand his point
Can sense an anti semetic undertone from this post
it's the little things lad
focus on the small things
it's all we can do
love that book, read it in like 3 days
might start meditating lads
there any techniques out there or do I just sit in silence and do nothing for 30 mins?
ah yes davyhulme
>taking longer than 3 hours to read a book
Absolute spacker
Are you Israeli or a tourist? If you are Israeli, can you record something for me? No more than 5-7 words
It's a research for accents (studying linguistics)
gf keeps pissing me off and then wondering why I'm ignoring her. I've told her time and again that certain things are fucking annoying and she keeps doing them and then crying when k eventually tell her what she's done wrong
How do people have such low self awareness
why do we have so many golf courses
Reply to me again and I'll fucking gut you.
You know who you are.
make a five song playlist of songs you really like atm
belinda carlisle- heaven is a place on earth
tommy wright III- chrome thang
new order- run (grt videoclip too
kate bush- this woman's work
steppenwolf-born to be wild
not at all
look harder m8
>using your phone whilst driving will now be punishable by death
Ahh yes
he's not describing davyhulme there, he was born in the hospital there but he was raised on terraced streets in old trafford. davyhulme is typical boring suburban semi detached.
would you rather have thousands of newbuilds instead?
>don't reply to me heheh ;^)
fuck off you rodent.
perhaps they're literally the 4th dimension, whatever it might be
feeling like shit after last nights sesh
heaven? more like haven
Haven't heard of any of them and can safely assume I won't like them so I won't be listening to your shitty songs
now rack off
>Your Amazon order will be delivered today by Shaahid, your DPD driver.
goodbye lads
Keep squeaking.
Wouldn't expect less from an edgy fag like morrissey but I paid ten bucks so gonna read it anyways
>Shit at being a Muslim,
not muslim
>shit at being a Paki,
not a paki
>shit at being a tranny,
it's a long journey
>shit at uni,
decent student
>shit at looking for work,
NEETlyf, wagie
>shit taste in film,
Godzilla is fun
>shit Spiderman bed.
changed the sheets
Morrissey is a UKIP supporter and admits that chinese are subhuman
too bad he's a militant veggie and thinks the falklands belong to argentina
>people that use the term 'sesh'
havent did a amazon order in so long
missed the anticipation
I'm 20, I'm a virgin and I've only kissed 5 girls in my life. None of which were this year.
2 of the girls were goths, 1 is a weeaboo who unironically wears pastel lolita dresses everyday. Other 2 were normies.
Is my situation salvageable??
Good lad
every time an user post about himself farting i get really erect. i would just love to take a big whiff of an anons juicy rancid farts
just for banter
he'll be dead soon
>I give more consideration to the political views of singers/actors than those of some scrote off the street
aaah yes, most impressive.
when i watch that new order videoclip it reminds me of being hungover and scattered as fuck and just really lost in the world and unable to function normally but it's really funny
just hire a prostitute lad
yes la, hit le gym and sort your garms out...then even if you're a sperg it's a done deal
don't associate with weebs or goths either, baka.
>Aabdar Rahim its on his way to pick you up, he will arrive in 1 min!
Can't wait to get into this bo-ridden 2003 Avensis with a collapsed seat
Nah his "cancer" isn't really cancer, it's barrett's oesophagus.
>brits become the majority in /brit/
>quality of the thread plummits
Happens every day without fail. Think it's time we instituted a 70/30 rule, 70% foreigners and 30% brits.
I'm 24 and I haven't even been kissed more than once.
At 20 things are better but you have a lot of beta in your system which won't go out easily so that's problematic. You can't just make a 360 degree turn and change completely man.
Hey can I ask a serious question here?
What the fuck does FONT mean?
usually cum twice during every wank session
fuck off blairite scum
F*ck Off Normie Tw*t
absolute animal
blacks word for
If i recall correctly
He's an American negro
Fuck off northern twat
'going to'
jog on gramps
Sorry I don't live in London
>it's a "there's no food in the house apart from unripe pears" episode
fuck sakes
Thanks lads, now I can act cool and fit in
how the fuqq did you go shopping recently enough to have unripe pairs in the house but nothing else?
alri Columbo la
Quick! post Italo-disco.
WOAH didn't even notice that string of tripdubs
they're conference pears, they don't ripen
oh I also found half of a stale soreen, some pasta and a tin of hotdogs
best episode yet