I need to clean my filthy DNA with this kind of womans.
I need to clean my filthy DNA with this kind of womans
You cant clean your DNA
You not reproducing at all is more realistic.
>my genetics are shit so I must shit someone else's genetic lineage up too
literally sour grapesoda nigger logic
My child will look more European which would be positive
I need what I need
in your childs time european dna will be filthy
you'll always have nigger genes and you'll make your kid's life terrible so the best idea is to kill yourself
Wouldn't that make her DNA dirty since women retain a mans DNA
>her surname means swede
too much irony here
fuck, didn't think of it
dude if we could import black chicks like her i'll go full sweden but you know reality is always bitter
I wanto pump Kazadi's ass full of my polack cum
i know a girl who knows her personally, black too ofc, she's yet another proof that pole/anything mix looks always superior
i always wonder why patrycja's hair is straight, or is it a wig
don't know senpai, she's cute though
makes u think how that guy even did this, Jesus works mysterious ways user san
polish genes senpai
and people claim we're subhumans.
on the other hand better not play with chaos magic, poland stay white
I'd play with her magic :3
>wanting kids