Crazy, the most populated areas are right there as wel!!!
really makes u think
i always knew we are German
No wonder Hitler loved animals so much.
>Furry conventions in Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Kosovo and Romania
>Specific regional website
Nah, the real thing is to use google.
They still have no internet in Mecklenburg? Jeez…
I'd like to point out the distinct lack of furries in Sweden.
delete this
we used to call them zoophiles
It is true
Literally all of them, except Finland speak Germanic languages. And even Finland was Swedified at one point. So same thing
Bestiality is a feature of Germanic "civilisation"
If you're fine with eating meat you should be fine with fucking meat
We lived closely with them and drank their milk.
No wonder we started to see them as sexual partners as well.
You are on to something
Not surprised one little bit
What happens in Melbourne?
The sexy depravity.