>Who do you support for the 2016 election and why?
>Trump, because I hate America
>Who do you support for the 2016 election and why?
>Trump, because I hate America
>trump because memes
1. Crown colony
2. I like Ike
Why do you want to make America great again then?
Or do you hate it because it isn't great?
Liberals deserve some Karma for the past 8 years of scapegoating white men and tearing down civil liberties
Also the guys pretty funny. Lets just roll the dice and see what happens
Trump, because it'll be funny to watch.
To see pol on fire
Gary Johnson, because I hate americans
1. flag
2. ron paul
>Russian Federation
>Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Trump because I want to see how low american politics can sink.
i really dont know anything about the candidates but i know trump because of all the memes so ill put my faith in the memes and would vote trump
She's the least bad option.
Tbh I don't really care who wins
someone said, vote hillary and you'll watch the world end crying
vote tump and you'll watch the world end laughing
>Trump because Shilary will certainly ruin our cunt Murica is going to burn either ways
Trumps gonna be our Justinian! Youll see! Revitalize the empire, maybe slaughter a stadium full of protesters... itll be great!
FUCK America
Because he's a top lad
>Originally a BernieCuck but now support Trump, I just don't want Shillary to win either way
Trump, because he's the only candidate who can make our colony great again.
Trump, he seems like nice guy, america will lose its status of a worldpower with whites as a minority
Trump he's funny
And a woman being President can only end horribly for everyone
> Kingdom of Sweden
> Trump, Sanders before he dropped out. Never Hillary.
>I follow US politics and not EU politics
>the US presidential election is relevant to non-Americans
>Trump is the savior of the white race
should be bucket hat insted of trilby desu
Vähennä yleisradion ja iltalehden lukemista
Trump ofc
Never Hillary.