Post IIT if your grammar have any actual complexity.
Post IIT if your grammar have any actual complexity
English is a lot of easier
Amazing,the brazilian language is amazing.In portuguese there is only tu and você
I though you spoke the same language..
We got raped and mugged by a lot of cultures, we may as well get something back from you
>jij (2nd person singular nominativus)
>jou (2nd person singular accusativus)
>je (alternative for both)
>jullie (2nd person plural all cases)
>u (2nd person singular/plural polite nominativus/accusativus)
Wow I didn't know Portuguese began in Brazil.
Tы - you
Teбe - to you, you
Teбя - you
Toбoй - by you, you
Bы - you
Baм - to you, you
Bac - you
Baми - by you, you
>Brazilian flag
Tu-second person singular
Vos-It´s less formal than "tu"
Ustedes-Secon person plural
Vosotros-Second person plural
Vosotras-It´s as "vosotros" but just to womans.
Singular You:
Not going to bother with translations
Russian runes are the coolest ones, looks like magic or some shit
Please refrain to post itt, grammar peasants aren't welcome
"You" korean ver
>[너] Pronunciation: Neo
>[니] or [네] Pronunciation: Ni
>[너희] Pronunciation: Neo-hee or [너희들] Pronunciation: Neo-hee-deul
>[니(네)네] Pronunciation: Ni-ne
>[니들] Pronunciation: Ni-deul
>[당신] Pronunciation: Dang-sin
>[그대] Pronunciation: Geu-dae or [그대들]Pronunciation: Geu-dae-deul
>[니(네)놈] Pronunciation: Ni-nom or [니놈들] Pronunciation: Ni-nom-deul
>[자네] Pronunciation: Ja-ne or [자네들]Pronunciation: Ja-ne-deul
>[니(네)녀석]Pronunciation: Ni-Nyeo-seok or [니(네)녀석들]Pronunciation: Ni-nyeo-seok-deul
Korean is most difficult in the world ;_;
du - singular subject
dig - singular object
ni - plural subject
er - plural object/possessive
more than that is excessive
And this is a good thing becaaauuuseee...
What are the different meanings/grammatical functions?
why would you need so many You's?
It's basically damage control. They're butthurt their language isn't the lingua franca and as such feel an intense need to try and make their particular language seem better than the current one [english]. The "muh grammatical complexity"-card is a very popular attempt at the above-mentioned.
Of course, anyone with half a brain would quickly realize that a language's expressive ability does not lie in needlessly complicated grammar.
I don't know, ask the tugas. It's not like we use anything besides "você". Except the faggots in south Brazil.
Now you know.
You can never have enough (you)'s
I heard somewhere that Koreans rarely say "you" because of the complexity of the politeness system. They usually call someone by their profession or relation. Is this true?
Do you guys still use this? Spanish vosotros feels more alive than this, or is it like in LatAm, where they only use vosotros in legal/liturgical text.
들 (deul) is the plural form
english ver 's'
For example
>apples(사과) and apples(사과들)
>people(사람 or 인민) and peoples(사람들 or 인민들)
>dog(개) and dogs(개들)
>Korean(한국인) and Koreans(한국인들)
etc ...
This is true for Japanese.
You either use someone's name/profession+さん or you just leave out the pronoun. It's not required.
Using あなた a lot makes it seem like you don't know a person's name, and it's a bit confrontational.
Poorer countries need resource diversity and so split their (you) quota's rebranding some (you) as new (you) but its the same old (you) you can get anyway in the UK for a tenth of the price. Collectors and whatnot appreciate them but their usage value is far below their market value and make bad investments in the long term.
The interesting thing is that it resembles Portuguese from OP-pic.
Tы, тeбe - pronounced Ty, Tebe.
Baм,Bac,Bы - pronounced Vam, Vas, Vy.
We have 14 different versions of each word
Youze (multiple You's)
Youze guys (multiple You's in particular)
All of youze guys (all of multiple You's in particular)
So you feel too good for my (you)?
You think that's complex? Get on my level
All singular, things get funky with plural
Well we've moved on. We used to have thou and thee and in rural areas people still use 'yous' informally.
No one actually says this. I live in Pittsburgh and y'all is much more common.
Y'all (singular)
>In the past, y'all was never used as a proper singular, but it may have been used with an implied plural, e.g. "you [and your team]", "you [and your coworkers]", "you [and your family]". Due to a cultural shift in the United States by non-Southerners using the word, it is now sometimes used as a singular you.[1]
Lots of sins u got there
Kamu = Informal. At Jakarta, it's usually used for calling family, or your gf/bf/wife/husband. Singular you.
Lo/Elo/Lu = Informal, kind of like お前. Jakarta's slang. Singular you.
Anda = Formal. Singular you.
Kalian = Neutral. Plural you.
"I" and "you" in my language are depended on who do you talk to, a relative or not, his/her age and his/her social situation.
All these words could me "you":
And most of them also could mean "I".
Nah, vos is really really old
Must be on the East Coast or something then, because I live in San Diego and no one says y'all to begin with, much less in the singular form of the word.
i forgot cháu, con, and em.
care to translate? or when u use this words?
I heard people say it all the time "ironically" but as we all know, pretending to do something ironically only leads to people doing it unironically
>if your grammar have any actual complexity
I'd refrain from bashing languages if you don't even speak them José
>them also could mean x
I hate this, why don't you make your Fucking mind
just some words
Bạn: when talking to someone who has the same age as you (mostly a word for foreigners, we don't use it much irl)
Anh: a male who is a litter older than you, someone who is at the same age as you, but you respect
Chị: same as anh, but female
just in SC and RS they use "tu" and all this shit, in PR it's just "você"
I forgot
>gij (archaic/southern stressed 2nd person nominativus singular/plural)
>ge (archaic/southern unstressed 2nd person nominativus singular/plural)
So that brings the total of words that equal (you) to 7 for Dutch.
Why do spics and monkeys need male/female pronouns for E V E R Y T H I N G
We haven't completely lost cases. They still persist in pronouns.
>Nah, vos is really really old
so you can distinguish females from kids online
They are sexist
Same with English.
My favorite part is how archaic English is nearly the opposite.
>thou (2nd person singular nominativus)
>thee (2nd person singular accusativus)
Soon your Syrians will be saying "jullie al"
Looks Greek to me.
He him his his
She her her hers
I me my mine
We us our ours
They them their theirs
You can only reply to this post if every word in your language has more than 100 forms
>all yall's
enjoy your nukes
> We have 14 different versions of each word
Why would you do this?
Ever heard of synonyms?
Because cases.
Conjugating "copy" in portuguese, for example.
Romance languages are fatally more complex than english, this is a fact. I just don't know the utility for this, since we speak at a very basic level.
>look at all these completely unnecessary words we have
Let me take take declension of a simple noun in Slovak, to lietadlo (that aeroplane):
N: to lietadlo
G: toho lietadla
D: tomu lietadlu
A: to lietadlo
L: o tom lietadle
I: s tým lietadlom
N: tie lietadlá
G: tých lietadiel
D: tým lietadlám
A: tie lietadlá
L: o tých lietadlách
I: s tými lietadlami
Cases are nominative, accusative, dative, locative and instrumental.
Synonyms are different than forms
To keep out foreigners. It also doesn't stop there, Estonian is impossibly hard to learn as a non native
>s tými
How does that sound?
That's nice, but you didn't go overboard like we did.
>Bulgarian verbs are the most complicated part of Bulgarian grammar, especially when compared with other Slavic languages. They are inflected for person, number and sometimes gender. They also have lexical aspect (perfective and imperfective), voice, nine tenses, three moods, four evidentials and six non-finite verbal forms. Because the subject of the verb can be inferred from the verb ending, it is often omitted. As there is no infinitive in the contemporary Bulgarian language the basic form of a verb is its present simple tense first person singular form.
There isn't even a logical system of how the words change in form, it's completely different for each word so you actually have to remember all 14 cases for each word
Ty - you
Tebe - to you, you
Teba - you
Tebou - by you, you
Vy - you
Vám - to you, you
Vás - you
Vami - by you, you
This is for Slovak - same as Russian except it is "teba" and not "tebja" and some have long wowels in Slovak.
>implying that words that look different but have the same meaning aren't different forms of the same conept/noun/whatever
>America """""education"""""
Lingua franca was not even a real language, but simplified mixture of Romance languages that was used ONLY for international communication. If English is a "lingua franca", then you admit it is essentialy a bastardized version of Saxon mixed with Latin and French that is not suited for use between people of 1 nation, only internationally.
You mean João
>noun: lingua franca; plural noun: lingua francas
>a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different.
That's the modern usage of that term
More complex doesn't mean better.
You are legitimately retarded
Every form has different meaning than other
There is Nritish English, Canadian English, Australian English, American English, South African English, (probably more too) aaaand International English. There also used to be Trans-Atlantic English.
*British english ffs
English fits every definition of a creole language.
Let that make you think for a while.
yes, that's true ...
>Typically used words
singular: 너 (Neo)
singular: 니 or 네(Ni), Plural: 니들 or 네들 (Ni-deul)
singular: 너희, (Neo-hee), Plural: 너희들 (Neo-hee-deul)
>when you speak to person who is unfamiliar or first meet
singular: 당신 (Dang-shin), Plural: 당신들(Dang-sin-deul)
>but it is not that common use in ordinary situation
>from the superior to a person in a low position
singular: 자네(Ja-ne),
Plural: 자네들(Ja-ne-deul)
>when the listener is in low or equal position
singular: 그대(Geu-dae)
Plural: 그대들(Geu-dae-deul)
>when someone speak aggressive
singular:니(네)녀석 (Ni-nyeo-seok)
Plural: 니(네)녀석들 (Ni-nyeo-seok-deul)
sen - singular and informal you
siz - plural you or formal singular you
sizler - double plural you
Y is really just regular i in Slovak, but in the di, ti, ni, li syllables the d, t, n, l consonants are pronounced soft. Y means you pronounce them regular = hard. The little apostrophe-like mark means a long wowel.
But that's wrong.
Tu = you
Te = (to) you
Ti = (at) you
Vós = Thou
Vos = (to) thou
Você = you (but conjugated as "he" because you're retarded)
Vocês = thou (but conjugated as "they" because we're both retarded)
Lhe/Lhes = (to) thou.
Don't knock on English simplicity, since it's one of it's best things. Just like Romance languages' thrive on reducing the number of words and carrying more specific meanings which aids it in describing a scene with more detail more briefly in poetry and prose.
Also, don't pretend to even use half of those when you don't conjugate the verbs properly half the time. We should even go back to using Vós, desu.
English simplicity is great when you want to verbalise nouns or nounify verbs, even if they don't exist. It's why it's become the lingua franca of the world.
Portuguese (or most romance languages) thrive on having prettier verbs, even if less modular:
"cogito ergo sum" requires 5 words "i think therefore I am" in English and just 3 in Portuguese "Penso logo existo", making it briefer and wittier to write when properly used, which nobody since Camões and the like have done anyway.
Danku om dit erbij te zetten, dat had ge niet moeten doen maat
Was more integrated with the alone "s"
>6 cases
I really like the fact that Slovak has a much freer word order. I can finish a sentence correctly even if I change what I wanted to say mid-sentence.
He parked the car next to the supermarket on sunday morning.
Zaparkoval auto vedľa supermarketu v sobotu ráno.
Zaparkoval auto vedľa supermarketu ráno v sobotu.
Auto zaparkoval vedľa supermarketu v sobotu ráno.
Auto zaparkoval vedľa supermarketu ráno v sobotu.
Auto zaparkoval v sobotu ráno vedľa supermarketu.
Auto zaparkoval ráno v sobotu vedľa supermarketu.
Vedľa supermarketu zaparkoval auto ráno v sobotu.
Vedľa supermarketu zaparkoval auto v sobotu ráno.
V sobotu ráno zaparkoval auto vedľa supermarketu.
Ráno v sobotu zaparkoval auto vedľa supermarketu.
And I probably missed some ways to say this sentence. Also, cases are not really that hard in my opinion, most of the time they are very regular. I think the reason why Anglos always lose at learning Slavic languages is that they try to "memorize" them by thinking of them as separate forms of a word. They are not really that, they are more like "tails" that are added on to the word based on what function in the sentence it has. No Slav "memorizes" them, they are a natural way of speaking in a language where word order is not totally rigid.
Noone will ever learn your irrelevant cuck language
By your logic, Italian is "essentially a bastardized version of Latin".
Stay mad.
It's the rippoff of a rippoff of Greek.
Not just based on it like Latin.
Btw in Slovak cogito ergo sum is:
Myslím, teda som.
Nobody will learn your either, roach. And cuck, seriously?
Yeah, I don't know enough languages to be able to state that Romance/Portuguese is absolutely superior, so I've been restraining myself to comparing them to English only.
French is romance and requires the subject in every sentence, so you need "Je pense, donc je existe". or something like that, so it's not linear across the board.
I like English's utility and Romance's beauty.
Also what I wrote applies to every Slavic language, apart from Bulgarian/Macedonian.
It already spoken widely around the world,cuck
One advantage of gramatical gender is that "he, she, it" is often unnecessary (like varil = he cooked, or varila = she cooked) but Portuguese AFAIK has that too. Awkward expression like "female friend" are also avoided, we just say "kamarátka".
Because you emigrate everywhere, roach.
And in which way I am a cuck?
We have it, but not on verbs, only in adjectives, pronouns and nouns. I think that's a Romance thing across the board.
He cooks, she cooks = Ele cozinha, Ela cozinha.
Amigo/Amiga for male/female friend.
Being balkanfag is a good start plus you are slav which makes you top cuck
Sorry I mistook you but you are still cuck
czech is harder
I have been planning to start studyoing Vietnamese (I have been trying to study Japanese and Chinese, but those symbols that they use are huge pain in the ass so I quitted), do you recommend or should I forget the whole thing?
Why not study Korean if you can't handle the hanzi?
I am changing not feminist (I hate them as much as I hate communists), and I dislike changing language artificially, but why you need any gentered words?
Kek, we are the least cucked area in Europe atm.
Yeah, their declension is more irregular (v Praze (CZ) vs v Prahe (SK), but that is about the only significant difference.
good job Brazil, good job
Greek and Latin being the same color is flaring up my autism
Korean is one of those what I have been thinking. I would like to learn some language from asia, but I can't decide whitch.
For some reason when I think that I typed certainly, the messange reads changing
What do you mean?
Technically, we have 7 (vocative too), but unlike Czech, we only use it in certain words/expressions like synu, Bože, otče, chlapče etc. DESU I like vocative and tend to unconsciously use it when speaking (in Slovak) to Czechs.
one of the hardest languages here
no one is beating Poland, though
Well, he's not listing every single conjugation, just the "you" formal and informal forms.
We probably have just as many. If we don't it's because we just don't separate into genders, but we have all these:
And those don't include the object you're cleaning, otherwise you'd have to multiply it all by 6, since there are 6 possible objects, where you get "limpar-lhe-ia" and shit like that.
Vietnamese sounds ugly, plus the country is poor. They don't have much in terms of media that you can use for immersion. They do have many qt women, but Korea as well.
There are many resources for Korean available, plus many films you can watch, and an extremely large amount of music you can listen to.
If I were you I'd get over my fear of hanzi, but the second best option would definitely be Korean in my opinion.
See Also, grammatical gender has little in common with biological gender.
I could learn Polish in a month if I lived there, I already understand a lot of it. It depends on your native language.
Also, it seems to me that everybody speaker of a synthetic language thinks their language is "one of the hardest".
Polish isn't hard. It's just a broken Czech, that drifted away for whatever the reason.
Finnish/Estonian + Caucasian are the hardest for me.
My own language is very easy, but most foreigners never learn to pronounce the words as we do, even after many years.
Broken Slovak, it is very close to Eastern Slovak, and Easterners can talk to Poles as fluently as regular Slovak speakers can talk with Czechs. And many Poles on this board have stated they understand a lot more Slovak than Czech.
Polish is a more traditional Czech. We didn't have the Hus reform or partial reconstruction after baroque.
Well why wuold you be precise whit couldn't you just say hän kokkaa (he/she cooks). And if you need to say gender couldn't you just say that Alice cooks or Michael cooks?
And I have been seeing feminists in anglosphere (and sweden) trying to change language artificially to get rid of grammatical gender (whitch is discusting). Now days they mostly are trying to push
...more pronouns in there (something like ze and zir and stuff)
In french it's "Je pense donc je suis", it sounds better in portugues t b h
Slovak is a lot closer to Czech through, and avoided the changes Bohemian Czech (as opposed to Moravian, some dialects of which are basically Slovak dialects) underwent during the 16th century (the -ý to -ej change, prosthetic v etc.).
Why use more words if you can use less?
Yeah, it's been a decade since my last french lesson.
In a way you can say Polish is 12th century Czech and Slovak is 16th century Czech (not exactly of course).
Czech used "w" instead of "v" until 1840s. Really makes you think.
You are rigth, only thing that I disagree whit you is that I quite like how Vietnamese sounds and as far as I know there are more Vietnamese people in finland than Koreans. What you think about mongolian language btw? It sound quite fachinating to me, but their typing looks like mix of arabic and elvish
Old Slovak also did (when it was written down) before the official written standards.
>be Portuguese BANE
>never sure which second person pronoun to use
They use cyrillics now I'm afraid
don't waste your time with poor land's language... learn Swedish as your forefathers used to :)
This. Video related, its a """"polyglot""""""
Use the pronoun that denotes Big Guys
Well this is bad argument frome be because other parts of finnish language system is complicate, but would't it make more complicate if you have to remember two variation of same word and which gender to use them?
Mongolian sounds really nice, but the Mongolian script is pretty shit imo. However, in Mongolia they mostly use cyrillic and latin, though the Mongolian script is supposedly being reintroduced there.
You do not have to memorize anything.
In general, in Slovak:
if the words ends with -a it is female
-o = neuter
consonant = male
With some exceptions, like dievča = girl is gramatically neuter (probably damn German influence).
I do not think about cases or genders when I speak my native language lol. It is intuitive to native speakers. And most words have only 1 gender, exceptions being professions.
well the Cyrillic alphabet is derived from Greek
This is a true polyglot:
I have been learning swedish in my school (5 years now, it's mandatory) and I don't like how it sounds, to my ear it sounds more gay version of german.
That is good to hear, because it's easy to learn (or that's what I have heard from my friends who study russian). It's bad to hear because that means that they have lost part of their culture.
they still own your ass, huh
"envergadura" could either mean "breadth/magnitude" or "in a hard cock"
Also, you know what gender the word is by how you "ask" it. English only has "that" as in "that man" or "that apple", but slovak has three "that", one for each gender - ten (male), tá (female), to (neuter).
For example:
tá kniha (that book)
to vajce (that egg)
ten muž (that man)
damn, it's impressive how well he can pronounce foreign languages
He seems to be pretty rich and travel a fuckton though, which probably helps a lot for pronounciation.
There have been lot's of people who hate it (you can count me in those) and try to change this, there was suggestion (quite good one imo) where people have to choose ether russian or swedish, but every time someone tries to change things, people who supports mandadory swedish say that "it is not that hard. It is just good thing to learn it.Bilingualism is richness (and for some reason it has to be swedish, and enlish doesn't count).",
Pic is wrong
What is so bad about learning Swedish? "Sounds like gay German", does not count and it enables you to talk to Norwegians and Danes too (through in the case of Danes you are likely to hardly understand when they reply).
Well you are right, maby it just sound stupid, for someone whose language don't have almost any gendered words.
>through in the case of Danes you are likely to hardly understand when they reply
They would be better off learning Norwegian in that case. English is already mandatory in all three countries iirc. Russian is used more in more countries than Swedish is, it makes perfect sense not to learn Swedish.
I'm so glad I learned English, I prefer it over all the other shitty languages that feel they need to have more than two you's.
>You all
I don't have problem whit learning swedish, but when it comes mandadory I can't stand it, I wan't opportunity to chose. I myself don't like swedish and I would have studied russian if I would had opportunity to choose. (sorry if my text is hard to understand, it's litle bit rambly)
I must say, as a complete sperg/social retard, it really is nice sometimes to be able to use English and not have to worry about formal vs. informal, unlike in French. Way too many times I've embarassed myself by being formal or informal when I shouldn't have.
Oprotten schijtbrabander.
all noun cases
Ata - male, singular
at - female, singular
atem, - male, plural
aten - famale, plural
the last one is not used
It's good to know english, because so many other countries teach it. Would be even better imo, if they would teach esperantto or some other made up language, to remove unfair advantage that english speakers now have
You - Int Singular subject no1
You - Inti Singular no2
Them - Intkom Plural subject
it - (we don't actually have an objective word for this, we just refer to it as female or male object) Dik / Dak
Those - Dawk
Nope. It's pretty much like US english and yours. The same goes for spanish.
>to remove unfair advantage that english speakers now have
literally who the fuck cares
Also, English is a real language, and therefore has actual culture behind it, meaning that even if you learn it primarily for international communication and working in certain sectors, you still get access to very rich litterature, music, etc. Esperanto has no such thing.
>inb4 some subhuman esperantist barges in with his usual "B-B-BUT MUH HANDFUL OF ESPERANTO AUTHORS"
Yeah, you are right about that one, didin't think that far and I am lil bit drunk
In Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay we use vos instead of tu. I think the same goes for Nicaragua and some other regions of central america and Colombia.
Wtf, I love Slovakia now.
Are there any differences between ustedes/vosotros?
>Tu-second person singular
>Vos-It´s less formal than "tu"
Plz explain. Is usted more formal than tu? Spanish has 3 degrees of formality? Usted/tu/vos?
Work smarter not harder
What's the plural of 'you' in England, I know in America it 'you guys' or 'y'all' and in Ireland it is 'ye' but what is it England? I heard it is just 'you' but then how would know if someone is talking about one person or a group of people? seems weird.
Do you know each one?
you all.
all of you
Are you fucking retarded?
He has a pretty thick accent, but he's way better than most other """"polyglots"""" I've heard
Breddy gud, although accent is noticeable and some endings are not in place.