What was the colonial empire of your country ?
What was the colonial empire of your country ?
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Kongo wasn't really a Belgian colony.
It was the private property of King Leopold II.
It became a colony.
in 1908 the king gave it to Belgium
It's sad because we were never really defeated by any natives. We gave the Empire up for economic and political reasons. We fought some wars against rebel movements, won, then gave up the colony anyway. If we didn't have such weak leaders we would still be a great power today.
>German education
>tfw you were part of the Faroese colonial Empire
are you seriously this deluded?
>If we didn't have such weak leaders we would
Bankruptcy and WW2 forced their hand, you sought an American loan to escape insolvency
>British Victory
>Give up colony anyway
>Give up most colonies without even trying to keep them
>Give up India despite it being militarily possible to keep them
Yep the Atlantic Charter and WW2 ruined us but the death blow were the weak governments who threw away everything we had so people could live lives of luxury in the UK, not having to care about any responsibility.
I mean look at Rhodesia, we spent money and time getting rid of our own colonies and giving them over to the natives, why! At the very least if you're going to give up, just leave them alone.
This might surprise you, but the sudden removal of British Administration was the first (insidious) pathological blow to this country, the second being like Iran and Afghanistan, the arrival of hardline Islamist governments
Sure you might have reservations about our capacity for building a modern civilization, but like France's colonies we needed a gradual British withdrawal with education of replacements.
Not that hard beating natives who have literally no technological advances, innit?
The Brits spread their empire too thin, and they couldn't handle fighting against Germany, a fellow Western European country with no colonies.
Yes it must be very destabilising to have a country come in, colonise a large area, set up what is really an artificial government, then leave suddenly.
I just wish we never left.
>Not that hard beating natives who have literally no technological advances, innit?
And the fact that the British have become extremely good at war over hundreds of years. The Saudi's have modern weaponry today but they are nowhere near close to being a great military power. You need discipline and unit cohesion too.
>The Brits spread their empire too thin, and they couldn't handle fighting against Germany, a fellow Western European country with no colonies.
Yeah I wish the Germans hadn't started two massive wars against fellow Europeans and destroyed a good thing.
What are those squares?
I assume
Some treaty port in Heibei.
We never had anything major going on. Gaining the independence as late as 1917 has it's toll.
Don't forget Haiti for a while.
>not knowing you had concessions in Tianjin and Tangier
Saying Siam and Liberia had no European influence is dumb desu.
Saudi Arabia is a new country.
They'll get there.
>They'll get there.
But it's not just Saudi Arabia. Egypt has massive problems too.
>On one occasion, an American mobile training team working with armor in Egypt at long last received the operators' manuals that had laboriously been translated into Arabic. The American trainers took the newly-minted manuals straight to the tank park and distributed them to the tank crews. Right behind them, the company commander, a graduate of the armor school at Fort Knox and specialized courses at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds ordnance school, collected the manuals from the crews. Questioned why he did this, the commander said that there was no point in giving them to the drivers because enlisted men could not read. In point of fact, he did not want enlisted men to have an independent source of knowledge. Being the only person who can explain the fire control instrumentation or boresight artillery weapons brings prestige and attention.
>never had colonies
What does it feel like to have a colonial empire, guys?
But you had Serbia. : ^ )
we brought civilizatiton to barbarians
this triggers the spaniard
: ) I meant an actual post-Great Discoveries Era one, where a country's acquisitions are separated from the mainland.
>Czech Republic
At least we're not slovakia,,,,
Russia never had any colonies, except for Alaska, but it wasn't that much of a colony.
And don't forget slovakia, that was our colony when we in the czechoslovakian days
We were a little late when it comes to colonization, but we still managed to commit a genocide.
So would Japan, in that case
The Portugese literally owned land there, idk why it says never colonised.
Post your country's colonial architecture.
Slovakia and transcarphathian Ruthenia
Post a reconstructed ship which is more beautiful than the Batavia. Protip, you can't.
Napoleon stole it