why is tan skin more attractive than white skin and black/brown skin?
Why is tan skin more attractive than white skin and black/brown skin?
>more attractive than white skin
Speak for yourself, I love albinos.
Pale skin is softer and ages more slowly.
Pale and tan are both nice, this is just an insecure brown huezillian
This is white. If you are not this white, then you're nigger
>tan skin more attractive than white skin
t. Chinggis
t: you know what
it looks like a boy
>mismatching eyebrow and hair colors
are you wanna die?
>those symian traits and bone structure
Reminder that Finns consider this shit pretty. Says a lot about the quality of their women
Completely wrong. There isw a reason pale redheads age like shit.
>not wanting a qt plain Jane gf
we have a different taste then. i prefer her to those generic scandi women
White women are ugly. White men, in the other hand.... delicious
Pale skin makes everything look better, even niggers.
this one is actually attractive lol
dear god
what about tania
u wot?
It isn't you fucking retard
Pale qts are best qts
Flat as cardboard
i like skinny and healthy women and big boobs are quite rare with them
but we like flat girls here
better, nose kinda big tho
Innocent as virgin
It's not.
This boy is pale and is pretty attractive.
Where is this from?
>autism hair
>overgrown pubs
Girls shouldn't be tan.
Bulgaria knows
>autism hair
kek, nice