When will korea apologize for this??

when will korea apologize for this??

>the flag
>cho jang goon.

It was a weird day at VT... I even crossed the guy at Donaldson Brown.

>comes from a collectivist society
>migrates in an individualistic society where nobody is holding your hand and you are responsible for your own happiness and if people don't like you - well deal with it, you are not dependent on them
>people don't like him
>"omg why are you crucifying me you pigs? :((( why can't we be a collective? :(( I can't live without you."
>slaughters everyone

Typical case of cultural confusion.

man i remember the days when we thought noone would ever top cho's high score. seems like yesterday

I think it relative deprivation, he grew up from not wealthy enough family and lived whole life as a hiki. He was living up to the objective set by both him and his parents.
Seeing those bullies and happy ones in Uni made him go crazy

this guy got dumped and lost his mental stability afterward.

how are you keeping up with yourself since then?
me .. same.


Well he was still wealthy enough to attend a university, wasn't he? Which is wealthier than many people in the US.

Was he really that good in school that his university was an elite university where only rich people are? If that's the case it's a shame that we lost a smart guy. The aurora shooter was also pretty smart.

ive actually been doing quite well for myself recently. yet i still return here daily, so there must be something wrong inside of me.

I have read a few articles saying that his parents did some tough ass business as immigrants. Proably rich enough to send two kids and live normal life in America but still suffocating in terms of money I guess.

Like I said
This guy went nuts after the break up
and since nobody was around in his play during stay at Virginia. No one can assure whats what in detail in his mind.

That racism thing or cultural conflict thing you mentioned was probably recognised well in his brain before. Im thinking this guy had some tough life alone and stressful moments made him do stupid things.
stupid things caused him to fall more into deeper darkness

result = mass murderer.

school shooters fascinate me

cho just killed people that bullied him

it was not because of pussy

Though, I laughed meme created on Korean sites.

I feel sorry for those victims personally. What a psycho.

>feeling bad for bullies

>32 killed
>17 wounded
>using only a Glock 19 and a p22

good lord, never mess with a Korean holding a sidearm

iktf, unironically started listening to KMFDM to sate my inner edgelord

I don't understand: i don't know who this guy is? Did he go around his uni killing all those who said mean things to him?

child detected

yes, he did exactly this

Now I know why you were so traumatized by Vietnam and Korea. Asians are fast and agile as fuck.

Nobody broke up with him. I doubt he had a girl friend. Well I agree that his life was relatively tough. It is not easy to change cultures. Add to that your random idiots and bullies and you have an explosive mixture. What he probably wanted was that people walked towards him and reached out to him (Elliot Rodger thought the same). Ain't going to happen. Life isn't a movie. Life isn't fair. Your random schmucks aren't going to walk to you and treat you like a bro just because you are in their vicinity. People in the West have hundreds of "bros". The last thing they need is another Asian nerd dude as a bro.

Haha a gook died


It was a long time ago so fact checking is impossible in my brain. I think he had breaking up stage.
he spent his childhood in america, it wasn't something national culture difference it was just him fitting in groups of people.

I feel like he had another thing going on in my mind. I doubt bullies in uni was the main trigger...

but yeah whats left as fact is what you said.

yeah youre right. these people arent very different from your average 4channer. the difference here is that we are aware we are weird people. we accept it. whereas these guys were murderers and people clearly had a very good reason to avoid them.

according to the article he was weird kid keeping distance in korea too but he wasnt physically or mentally harrassed there.

he had emotions for a long time and the girlfriend thing was just him stalking 3 girls he had met online. cops involved for those cases too.

according to his family, he avoided contact from his mates since he was very young.
his old classmate kim kyung won has said that he was a smart, respected kid who dress well but cho seemed to avoid making friends seriously. thats what he said.

>dude killed shartians

we're actually proud of him

I'm an Asian at a university beside Virginia Tech. Last year there was a shooting threat and Asians were demonized and scape coated :(
It turned out that dude was an Asian though... :/

It's was one of the first signs of being a beta negative male in the Calhoun universe. He was just one of many like the Unabomber and everyone else who followed.

Sooner or later we will have front row seat for the collapse of the Human race.


well thats kind of just unfair though. most tech schools are like 90% asian students.

its scapegoated btw