How did a country with absolutely nothing to be butthurt about become the most butthurt country on the planet?

How did a country with absolutely nothing to be butthurt about become the most butthurt country on the planet?

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>nothing to be butthurt about
Yeah, there's your error.

Communist brainwashing

huh? Isn't everyone else butthurt about them instead?

>Muh ebil commies
>We need to ban them from the Olympics
>We need muh sanctions because gay pride is a core of our society
>everything else

They literally raped everything they wanted for 500 years and isnt a fake non-country like yours

>nothing to be butthurt about
Not our fault you're being memed by US to think that we're the bad guy of Europe

It's less the US than it is the Butthurt Belt.

> the most butthurt country on the planet
I think you posted the wrong picture, let me fix that for you

Poles aren't butthurt

It's quite heavily us tho too

>Muh Russian cheater Olympians
>Muh evil Russian hackers

More importantly, how is it legal for a country to be so HUGE?
>17 MILLION km2

>evil russian hackers
Every hacker just uses Russian proxies because that's where the USA doesn't have jurisdiction.

howling, it seems pavel has infested canada too
go home lad

>Poles aren't butthurt
Is this bizarro Cred Forums time?

80% of it is a barely habitable frozen wasteland m7

what are we butthurt about exactly


if people can live in norilsk they can live anywhere else in russia

People don't live in Norilsk, they work there.

t. former citizen of Norilsk




does everyone there have depression

What are you doing in Canada, Gregorzsh?

>absolutely nothng to be butthurt about

Every slav has depression. It's integrated with our soul from birth to death


>being butthurt about winning a war

nice win you got there

Is remembering occupation, opression, genocide, war crimes and other bad things done by your enemy "butthurt"? I don't really get this reasoning. Also a lot of seemingly butthurt Poles here are just straight up memeing included those you posted in these pics.

I must admit I don't know history of any of your countries, I don't know if you had similar traumatic experiences as Poland or you just don't care.

>watch russian movie about Leningrad battle
>movie is from 2009
>russians sing songs insulting poles, while fighting nazis
After 200 years of occupying poland russians are still salty over 1610 and 1920


>they still think that they won that war


a lot of people are convinced that russia are good boys that didnt do nuffin

Those are memers.
And actually funny ones.

What about Polish-Soviet war? Are you butthurt? Because Stalin was actually extremely butthurt about it also due to the fact he was partially to blame for the defeat. I guess that's why he treated Poland so badly.

this is vietnam tier delusion

Ikr. If they won the war, man... it surely would be miserable here.

Thanks, I'll tell Karelia you said 'hi'.

If you ask them they always say they don't care at all but then I don't really understand what's the point of mentioning perceived "suffering the atrocites of the Polish invaders" in 1610. I'm really curious what exactly these atrocities were compared to genocides carried out by them. I wish Russians were as "bad" to us as we were to them.

I don't really understand what's the point of mentioning perceived "suffering the atrocites of the Polish invaders" in 1610
talking about this video

you should do some more research into your country's history and maybe then you'll come to realize what an utter asshole poland has been historically. you are butthurt, get over it.

poland is and always has been the hyena of Europe

It is sad that we lost some clay, but we we did not lose the war. There will always be be people claiming that we did, but the truth will prevail, and we will never yield.

>Is remembering occupation, opression, genocide, war crimes and other bad things done by your enemy "butthurt"?
Yes, when you are literally bringing them up at every chance you get and complaining at people that don't know and had nothing to do with it for no reason at all.

Just imagine we had a thread about beaches in our countries, and the moment i saw an american flag i lashed out at him crying about them supporting the separation of Panama because they took our beaches. I would definitely look butthurt as hell.

Whatever helps you sleep at night bby. Bless your heart.

it's not only "sad" that you lost land to Russia, it's indicative that you lost the war...

it's just a political conception, a defensive alliance I don't really know what's wrong with that especially considering the fact in never came to exist
what's wrong about supporting "nationalist independence movements"? we Poles believe that every nation should have a right to self govern
Czechs took it from us when we were fighting with the Soviets, then we took it back. The region is really small (also ethnically Polish back then) and I don't think this conflict caused any large casualties(if any at all actually).

Are you Russian/Czech diaspora? Never said anyone saying things like "utter asshole poland has been historically". Or is all your post bait? You posted some fucking political strategies and 1 really minor conflict over few fucking towns. Do you realize what Russians did? They were slaughtering Poles in thousands.

What truth? Lots of people died and you lost clay gust because you were stupid enough to not accept territory exchange?

In Finlandland capitulating = victory, you dumb burger.

not to accept*

Are you linking to those horrible things?

We were strong, so they didn't manage to annex us. They lost the war even though we lost some clay.

More butthurt, more whining, more excuses

>Do you realize what Russians did? They were slaughtering Poles in thousands.
Im just disappointed that they didn't finish the job

>They lost the war even though we lost some clay.
butifel finn logic

>lose 11% of your territory
>literally lose an extremely important strategic port in the north
>actually, lose your entire northern coast and become "landlocked" by the Danes

Er... You pretty much lost it shamefully tbdesu.

>Yes, when you are literally bringing them up at every chance
I don't know I'm not bringing them up at every chance maybe that's just your perception. But surely we talk about them a lot as they are a part of our very recent history.
>complaining at people that don't know and had nothing to do with it for no reason at all.
Nope I don't care for any recognition of any of the crimes committed against Poland. And I don't think any other Poles do. We preserve our memory about these events because it's our history and that's enough we don't want your attention. Most of the Polish butthurt posts on this board are adressed directly to the Russians so why do you even care about them?

>Just imagine we had a thread about beaches in our countries, and the moment i saw an american flag i lashed out at him crying about them supporting the separation of Panama because they took our beaches.
That's the clear indicator you simply can't understand Poland because you never suffered similar atrocities committed by your neighbours. You compare loss of bitches to russification, world wars on your territory and planned genocide? Lmao.

You didn't manage to annex us.


>absolutely nothing to be butthurt about

Stop giving them (you)'s, they understand only memes.
Also poles trying to play "muh holocaust" card are really pathetic.

Neither did you. So we won anyway.

Hahahaaa oh shit!

Do you unironically think that country of 5 million people could, even in principle, annex country of 144 million people?

We won the war, just admit it.

I was more about the Polish Operation of NKVD.

Nobody was going to annex you, USSR was needed to move borders far away from Leningrad. We offered you to exchange our territories for yours. USSR offered 2 times more territories then we were asking from you. But you win, ok, totally agreed.

Annexation was never a goal of the war. Russia achieved everything it wanted with the war.
You're trying to paint a moral defeat as an actual defeat, and coming off pretty delusional.
By this logic Germany won WWII because of far lower casualties and lmao you didn't annex us!!1

>Be Russia
>Want to move your border away from capital
>Offer territory exchange deal to Finland
>Finland refuses
>Go to war with them
>Take the territories you wanted AND not give up any territories in return

>Fins call this a victory

Fine. You "won" the war. But I will never ever call it a "victory" without apostrophes.

It wasn't capital back then, but it was still very important industrial city.

C'mon, i don't want to call it "victory" without apostrophes also, we lost a lot of people, i just want to say, it was stupid war because of stupid politicians.

>it was stupid war because of stupid politicians

I know. Unfortunately that war is the reason why tension between us exists. I genuinely wish we could be friends, maybe some day we will be.

Russians are Mongols, they just take countries and destroy it and claim it was an empire

Hope so. Most of the people here, in Russia, doesn't make a big deal about this war, i mean or course we remember about it, but without any hate about Finland, may be because we fought to much through our history with a lot of countries.