1- what is the name of your country's leader
2- do you enjoy anime
3- is anime popular in your country
1 dunno
2 yes
3 dunno
1- what is the name of your country's leader
2- do you enjoy anime
3- is anime popular in your country
1 dunno
2 yes
3 dunno
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Based Macri
2. No
3. Sadly, yes
Kill yourself faggots.
No I'm not a manchild
>get on Cred Forums
>see /lat/ and other spic threads
>ALWAYS the one chilean and the one Argentinian poster replying with pictures of anime
Fuck you both you should be hanged in your pathetic countries.
You will never have a partner
You will die lonely
You will probably get jumped by chads
Fuck you and fuck anime
>1- what is the name of your country's leader
theresa may
>2- do you enjoy anime
>3- is anime popular in your country
1-Furansa al Hollandi
2-Of course
3-Less popular than mangas
1. Justin Trudeau
2. No im not a virgin or a NEET
3. No it isn't popular, no one watches anime except for neets
Permaban everyone ITT
1. löfven
2. yes
3. yes
1- Pierre Elliot Trudea
2- rarely
3- yes