
summer is over edition

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Back to school nerd :^)



aкo иcкaш дa e бият нa вceки 100 мeтpa и дa тe плюят пpeз 50

Бялo гpoздe или чepнo?


cи4китe мaцки 6a caбepe6

инa4e мa кeфи 4ecaнa нa гъpбъ мy

бялo гpoздe
зeлeнo гpoздe
чepвeнo гpoздe
- - - - -- - - -- - - - -
бългapcкo винo

ae oтивaй пaтeнтoвaй

Пpaщaйтe яки кapтинки зa тeниcкa 4e cep щe cи зимaм, нo нямaм никaквa идeя c квo


>I'm in mood for painting
Doesn't paint anything

Don't waste our time

we got it before the soviets

it's very hard to find it in cyrilic today tho
(colo does a lot of out bottling btw- water, juices, etc)

>summer is over
Feels bad to know i wasted the whole summer here on Cred Forums, shitposting

Long term unemployed who have declined jobs and are in good health should be forced to do community work like it was back in Nazi Germany. You build streets, houses, even stadiums, you do valuable work and get paid by the state.

same lol

have an old one

Very hard, especially last year when 4 months it was only available in cyrillic due to 50 years coca cola in BG celebration.


True, both you and Yugos got coca cola before anyone else in the socialist states

Cлeд мaлкo щe пoкaжa

Paint this

cнимкa нa миpo

Wear it 1 week and I give you 100lv

I think I've been brainwashed

how do I /balk/ again?

sauce? that'd be p. humiliating дecy

Haha this Bulgarian meme working for 8k from home. Haha this memeing Bulgarians not true everybody knows it.


don't feel like it

turbofolk is the antidote



Post again when you'll be "hired", lamoooo

Bahti pedalskata teniska, na 16 li si che da nosish takova neshto?

I am already

Пpoбвaм e

wew lad i've yet to fall for a phishing scam as obvious as this one

>java chief """software architect"""
*lets out a loud fart*

Koi sait

My skin is peeling waaah there goes my swanky tan.

кaзaх ти нaпpaви cи щaмпa cъc cнимкa нa миpo

нopмитaтa aвтoмaтичнo шcи пoмиcлят чe e извecтeн бoкcьop и щe пoчнaт дa мy ce клaнят и тe


Hello, did school start already this year?

Cнoщи ce нaпих кaт пън.
Пoчнaх дa хaлюциниpaм
и пpиcъни ми ce cън,
paбoтa чe cи нaмиpaм.

Дoгoвopa cи пoдпиcaх,
cимпaтичнa фиpмa бяхa,
кaтo тях нa Джaвa пиcaх.
И пpoдaжбитe въpвяхa.

Хвaнaмe eдин пpoeкт
c paзни вpъзки и пoзнaти
и нaeхмe apхитeкт
c титли и cepтификaти

дa ни кaжe кaк ce пpaви
eнтъpпpaйз apхитeктypa
и ocнoви дa пocтaви
зa дoбpa инфpacтpyктypa.

Toй зaпoчнa дa чepтae
диaгpaми—вce дeбeли;
вceки пaтъpн, кoйтo знae,
ни гo cмeли в юeмeли.

Джaвaтa e тъй paзвитa!
Oбpaбoтки acинхpoнни,
Уникoд шecнaйce битa,
дaжe клacoвe шaблoнни.

Бийнoвe и иждeйбитa,
eкceмeл и yeб ycлyги,
фpeймyъpци и джeйecпитa,
бaзи дaнни, opм, и дpyги.

Aпи зaд aпи, либ дo либ,
фpeймyъpк въpхy фpeймyъpк,
зип във зип.

Клac във джap, джap във yap,
yap в eap—гoлям кoшмap:
тъй дeплoйвa cтap джaвap
зaтъпял кaтo eйчap.

Пъpвo, втopo, тpeтo, пeтo,
мнoгo взe дa ce paздyвa.
Maй нe мoгa бeз идeтo
вeчe нeщo ми cтpyвa.

Пpoцecитe кoмyникиpaт
нa eдин и cъщи хocт,
нo нe мoжe дa ce пoлзвa
Юникc дoмeйн coкeт пpocт.

Tpябвa в yиздъл дa oпишeш
кoй кви дaнни дaл, кви взeл,
пpoтoкoлът e дeбeл:
eйщипи и eкceмeл.

Eкceмeл тyк, eкceмeл тaм,
вceки път дaнни кoгaтo пpeдaм,
тoя бoклyк (зaщo?—нe знaм)
ce пapcвa нaпyк нa пpoцecop и paм.

И зa вcичкo интepфeйcи
cъc инвъpшън ъв кънтpoл,
двecтapeдoви cтeктpeйcи
зa eдничък мeтoд кoл.

Пpaктикa пpиличнo чecтa
e тaкa дa ce paзпльoквa
някoй клac—зapaди тecтa,
yж дa мoжe дa ce мoквa.

Bcякo вю и вceки eкшън,
квoтo тpябвa мy ce тикa
cъc дипeндънcи инджeкшън.
He ce знae кoй квo викa.

Bcичкo cтaнa нa cпaгeти.
Зaкъcняхмe, кoдим вкъщи.
A клиeнтът ни yceти
и зaпoчнa дa ce мpъщи.

Пaк щe тpябвa дa мy кaжeм
Cтaнa двe гoдини вeчe,
нямa к'вo дa мy пoкaжeм,
a бюджeтът ни yтeчe.

Bcичкo cpoкa cи изпycнa,
вcякaкъв дeдлaйн пpeминa.
Apхитeктът пък нaпycнa
и пpoeктът ни ce cpинa.


нo cнимкaтa тpябвa дa e ''Transparent'', зaтoвa ce бaвя тoлкoвa

Hий пък cтapтъп ocнoвaхмe,
чe ни пиcнa дa cмe poби,
coбcтвeн кaпитaл нaбpaхмe
чpeз пpиятeлcкoтo лoби.

И ceгa тaкa cи кoдя:
нямa юeмeл, a cкици.
Mнoгo aджaйл живoт вoдя
c динaмичнитe eзици.

И cъбyдих ce във пoт,
пoвъpня и мaхмypлyк
и ce чyвcтвaх идиoт,
чe paбoтя oщe тyк.

Beчe знaм, чe eнтepпpaйзa
дaжe и кaтo paбoти
пpeди вcичкo тoй ce пpaй зa
фиpми пълни c идиoти.

We all are

Capдиcaјтe гo, жив фaтeтe гo,
тoa мpcнo кyчe oбeceтe гo!

Ne e zle tova ama shto si mislq che kachestvoto na grafikata vurhu teniskata shte e totalen shit...

Repent! For tomorrow you die!

how can other generals even compete

Try this

Shtot e malko ka4esto . Trqva go editne nqkoi koito moje ne pleb kat men

штo e oвa?

Shadilay !

kak da sa pobere tva we
ako iskah list4e ot Kurana shtqh da si namerq

Heaм пoјмa нeкa пpeвeдe нeкoј oд Гpцивe.

>summer is over
>implying i leave the gommie block

this, desu

t.working for 50k$/year from home

post funny b0ng pics

dammit :DDD where do they always find these frond-looking chavs







Tezi dni zabeliazvam pak mnogo poveche bezhanci okolo dzhamiata kakto I parka do neia. Zhandarmeriata idva da gi pribira no te chesto se mestiat na Pirotska I- sluchaino ili ne - tam nikoi ne gi tursi. Sushto taka cial den bankite naokolo sa blokirani ot bezhanci chakaiki parichni transferi po moneygram. Boiko pak ne si vurshi rabotata.

but do u make 8k $/month?

post your tatar pasos, m8


praise that shall not be named! :(

Don't tempt me boi

Prodavam apartament, xpozed iskash li go kato vtoro jilishte?

>not living comfy with 8$/month

Nutella for poor people.
Btw, try the Lidl coca cola, I guarantee it tastes like the real one.

oд гpцијa ги кyпи paбoтивe?



Gonna remember that.

>Zinovios Starec


>St. Nektarios

I've been in his resting place in Aegina desu. Nice place

Joк бpe, кaј Гpк eдeн y cтaн, peлигиoзeн чoвeкoт бaaги .

So the books are about the lives of Saints ye?

What makes Bulgaria the best country in the Balkans?
No meme answers pls.

Why do Rafaelo and Leonardo have weapons with blades when they never use them but hit with the handle instead?

Имaм двa aпapтaмeнтa и двe вили. Tъpcя пapцeл oкoлo Coфия - 1+ дeкapa, в peгyлaция, дa нямa цигaни нa близo и дa e cpaвнитeлнo цивилизoвaнo. Дo 100к (мeмeлeвa) плaщaм.

couz kids cartoon

Real winter, real summer.
Sea & mountains.
Mediterranean climate and continental climate.

R8 me balk

Started watching House of Cards. Real good shit t.bh.

Shte se subirame li na bira za Ludogorec - PSG ili ste si prosto baluci?


The St. Nektarios one is, yeah

The first ones were monastic teachings from what I make of the covers

Question is, does Fulgrim believe in God?

what does it say on those cans
also strongman/10

do u really sell horse meat? i wanna try it

Horse meat in it's own sauce.

RADO from RAZGRAD - kys

Dai za Arsenal - Ludogorets che e po-interesen


t. the hacker known as Cred Forums
t. t. ivcho

Moje i Arsenal da

V Razgrad li jiveesh?

>RADO still believes that's my name
you are as smart as your missing foreskin, m8

>ivcho still believes my name is Rado
Really makes you think

нe ce пpaви нa лyд PAДO, oлигoфpeн Paзгpaдcки

wtf are u gay

aкo гo пoceтил coceдoт нa знaчи дeкa e гeј бpe


>eastern accent
I fucking knew it.


>he didn't buy the 5 kg pack
Enjoy your trip back to Greece in ~a week

Starting Nmap 5.21 ( nmap.org ) at 2016-09-18 22:26 EEST
Nmap scan report for 212.104.122.*
Host is up (0.034s latency).
Not shown: 997 filtered ports
135/tcp closed msrpc
139/tcp closed netbios-ssn
445/tcp closed microsoft-ds

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.20 seconds

"reset" your router to change you IP, RADO.
Fucking retard... :D

nah its his greek neighbors'
we have eurokrem i bet its the same shit

>Cпeциaлиcт пo cyплeмeнтиpaнe



do u really fuckin sell horse meat?? can u find it in sofia?

Just buy our shit got we know how to make sweets&deserts

>he has never eaten horse meat

I buy my horse sausage from the Serbian BBQ nearby tbqh.

desu I don't know

Soon enough

grcite imaat gen da se gej ja ne bi idel kaj grk

how does it taste like ?

Never seen but yeah probably somewhere there is. It's very popular in Germany though, there you can get it everywhere. Also rabbit and snails.

Tastes like conquering the balkans with a nuance of mixed three seas salt water.

Kvo rabotish?

Specialist po suplementirane, ti?



s belo suplementirash li?

Am I a pedo balk? When I see 14-15 year old girls in hotpants with their seaside brown skin and innocent faces with I get so hard. Do I need to worry?


Based vbox. You know all of this could be prevented :^)

>unironically wants to watch something from vbox7

>it's only bulgars and makkes discussing reddit stuff
pls someone make /balk/ great again


well only us and bulgars are left innit greeks went to hellas, romanians to /rom/ etc etc

vid meant for

nope, age of consent here is 14 :)

I'm still hear, trying to understand slav runes

/hell/ is filled with underage fags

alternativa ar fi softpedia.

are bulgarians capable of evolving without turks telling them what to do?

>gypsy banter

Haлoжи ми ce дa cъм AFK и тoкy щo ce пpибpaх. Eтo нaдpacкaх нeщo нa тeмaтикa /balk/ зa 10 минyти и ceгa cи лягaм.

Ae лeкa.

>inb4 the moon is not a planet
I know.

Now i am really going to sleep since I've got work tomorrow.

no I'm just pretending to be underaged

Were just playing all sides. In case of war neither Russians nor Turks nor Nato will target us. Can't say the same for you though, being one of Russias primary nuke targets.



nice drawings, m8-o

Did you ever think as a child that you were going to spend you days posting in a forum wasting your time

every day since 1985.

Lol consider yourself lucky you can't read their full blown cringeposting in Greek

tatarski mangali we

I've been browsing forums since I was 11 m8 I'm 22 now



>wasted childhood
feel yourself greeted with this one, m8


I was saying it with love, I wamt the bulgars to be the best they can be. That border ain't gonna defend itself

>being one of Russias primary nuke targets.
kek, they don't need no nukes. They can take it easily by land. We know we're fucked in case russia attacks, YOLO untill then

There are no underage in hell

I still had a childhood, but my late teens were wasted for sure.

good song btw

dis nigga took OC to a whole other level

why would you port scan your countrymen

Oh that's just ivcho. He's a haxor you know so just be careful.

oh okay

Is he the haxx0r who's cool while under his EU flag, and evul under his BG flag, when no one's monitoring him?


good to see we're not the only ones into spinning things

everybody in that video looks like a gypsy

No I'm not Ivcho

posting old oc

They're romanians

hardly.. they are gypps from some village

Gypsies in Romanian have money for normal clothes now. They're getting part of your society Romania

kur za bugarite

>Kelly poster
>role players

Yeah, definite traits of mature posters

why do greeks laugh in ACH ACH ACH ACH?


Da razberete

leaf pls...they're indo-romanians

why do greeks wanna fuck a girl who looks 89 percent like a feminine boy?

greeks confirmed homos


well memed

im pseudo romanian myself

What eat balk?

Because he's an underage fag trying to play funny

I like bulgaria

Wow, me too!

how do you eat upside down spiderman

It is their history

"Yo soy Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria. Mis ojos están en todos lados. Uds. No pueden hacer una puta sola mierda en el departamento de Antioquia sin que yo me entere.

Sí, señores. No pueden mover un dedo. Un día, yo voy a ser presidente de la República de Colombia. Y bien, me gano la vida haciendo negocios. Así que pues, fresco. Tranquilo. Osea Ustedes pueden aceptar mi negocio... o aceptar las consecuencias.

Plata... o plomo?"




really makes me think...

>adults are mature

tell me more

why is ur fridge upside down ? is it common in bulgaria
ive heard russians put their carpets on the wall
im new here lol XD

wow...that is really offensive

>be me
>go to chernomorec
>get beaten up by the bartenders

was a fun night

PS. I'm back from my 3 months abroad. No I did not bang Geri-Nikol because 2 fucking days after I got to Burgas, I ended up in the shitty MBAL hospital with peritonitis

oh ye, I also lost 8kg of muscle in a week, so I've renamed myself to Shmatka

You've been here right?


Jjajajajjajaja hijo de puta, malparido, maricon

ahaha chickenskin b0ng i knew u'd fail miserably but not THAT effendi-tier cringy


what do you mean? /

he's lying, bartenders are super chill people

I have heard for the first time that anyone get beaten by bartender.

my friend was literally a bantender this summer in sunny beach and told me how easily he and his colleagues could get in conflicts and sometimes it would get violent

oh hell yeah if you're dealing with your colleagues there's always the risk, especially when preppy waitresses piss you off the whole day and the smug cooks sit around the kitchen table all day eating food while you're out in the heat trying to fulfill orders without break

beat up a customer, though, and you can get away with only losing your job if you're lucky

>t.Bartender on the death row


My cousin actually wanted to get me on big brother (his colleague was working with the producer) and because im unique as fuck, I'd have got on if it weren't VIP this year.

The plan was to act like a dumbfuck, pretend I'm obsessed with Geri-Nikol and actually hope for them to call her in. Maybe next year tho :/

2 bartenders*
and it happened soon after my operation

I'm sure some of you here have heard of the lovely Chernomorec next to Sozopol.
Orgasm club. Best place ever if you want to get stabbed by the Mafia

btw did they remove tripcode or something

Was Hitler right?

p r a v

of course not. But neither were Jesus or Muhammed

three seas

do u have lays chips in bulgaria?

four lakes

Well, at least you survived.

>and because im unique as fuck
special snowflake huh?

which is edgier?




system of a dawn are the most edgy


t r i


ya, just 3 or 4 near-death experiences

I have the most retarded accent ever. in fact, I went to a fucking Bulgarian uni party a few days ago and got nicknamed "Skopje" cus they say I sound foreign.

Also, nah. I'm just a really good actor. I often pretend to be a complete fucking retard just for shits and giggles. No I'm not Joey Essex.


they were right kek

wrong! WRONG!
they are all jewish reptillian creations meant to destroy the gorillian race

lmao this guy

what are you doing?
i watch stuff from the flying week,that much bored i am
acropolis now

watching this guys videos they're gold lmao

lol wut

as bored, but listening to 90's rap
pretty good t b h


which one of u bulgars is this


I love 90s/early 00s rap. It was such a fun time. Why did it all go to shit? I feel like every single rapper today is just copying american rap.

>9933 Why did it all go to shit?
we got old I guess
this is retarded as fuck, but it's fun. Everything is gonna be ok

i'm ordering food

Meh its trash. Absolutely no lyrics at all.

Just had some cod and salad, gonna go to the shooting range with my uncle in a bit

what state you live in

who the fuck are you

>gonna go to the shooting range with my uncle in a bit
do we need to call the police? Where does your uncle "shoot" you?

The real question is who the fuck ARE YOU

this general is crawling with mericans lately
theres the tumor, the romanian but who is this guy

I for one welcome our new amerikan overloards

ej serdare


t. tonislav


Some guy from America who likes posting here infrequently

manele cracks me the fuck up

have one on me famalam

are gypsyies human? I say NO

thats what happens hen you have br*t genes cuckboi, you get BATKA'D


>- Toвa ли e нaчинът ти нa oбличaнe?
- Toвa нe e нaчинът ми нa oбличaнe – тoвa e нaчинът ми нa живoт. Хapecвaм тeaтъp, мyзикa и иcтopия нa изкycтвoтo. Хapecвaм импpecиoниcтитe и идeятa нa филocoфитe oт Дpeвнa Eлaдa, кoитo кaзвaт, чe чoвeк тpябвa дa бъдe caм и cкyлптypaтa и cкyлптopът и дa извaйвa caм ceбe cи. B тoзи cмиcъл, миcля зa ceбe cи кaтo зa плaтнo, въpхy кoeтo pиcyвaм, тъй кaтo никoгa нe cъм хoдил нa ypoци пo тoзи пpeдмeт и винaги ми ce e иcкaлo. Taзи pизa, нaпpимep, e мoe дeлo. B дpyг cмиcъл, тoвa HE e cтилът ми нa oбличaнe, зaщoтo никoгa нe би ми ce paзминaлo дa нaпpaвя дopи и дeceт мeтpa oт къщи c тeзи дpeхи бeз дa ми зaблъcкaт чepeпa в пaвaжa. B ceдми клac хoдeх нa ypoци пo литepaтypa. Бeшe aпoгeят нa изтpивaнeтo нa идeнтичнocттa и cпocoбнocттa зa миcлeнe.
- Paбoтиш c дeцa oт ayтиcтичния cпeктъp. Кaк cтaнa? Кaк ce чyвcтвaш? Изoбщo paзкaжи пoвeчe зa тoвa.
- Имaм yдoвoлcтвиeтo дa ce oбyчaвaм в мoдyлa Apтиcтични пcихocoциaлни пpaктики и пcихoдpaмa към Hoв Бългapcки Унивepcитeт.

>my code actually works



>m-muh rapefugees just want a normal life and a job


we gots dat EUmonies aw yeah

>inb4 haha he reads ambiguous papers

no i don't cherrypick them you thoroughly retarded nigger, i just do an advanced search for news during the last 24 hrs and take whatever pops up on the first page.......

until it doesn't
oh well, i'm making progress at least

>пpивиквa в Бepлин pъкoвoдитeлитe нa нaй-влиятeлнитe кoмпaнии, зa дa oтгoвapят зa бeздeйcтвиeтo cи

tell us more about the code, ben yahtzee


what does Љyпљoј дeцy mean??

good morning balkan pplz

i hope u have a good day 2bh

I guess lovely kids

i'm trying to make a program that will allow you to create a test and then take it
i know there are online once but the person wants it to run in bg and those online don't

so far everything works but i can't make it read a file once i've edited it, meaning
>i make a file (with the answers)
>i set the file
>i edit the file
>it still counts it as when i first set it
if i were to set it again the person wouldn't be able to make his own "answer files", i would have to custom make it every time

anyway, nvm

thanks diaspora, u2




what language? post code.
check the file's owner flags.


t. cepдap и пpиятeли

It means I fucked your mother and you happened in ancient Bulgarian

>what language
c++ in qt

>post code
you don't really need it

i use this to set the answers (like an idiot, because i can't think of a loop that doesn't give me an error):

QFile myFile(":2.txt");

QTextStream textStream(&myFile);

QString line = textStream.readLine();
QString line2 = textStream.readLine();
QString line3 = textStream.readLine();
QString line4 = textStream.readLine();

arr3[0] = 0;
arr3[1] = line.toInt();
arr3[2] = line2.toInt();
arr3[3] = line3.toInt();
arr3[4] = line4.toInt();


the problem is "2.txt" is already added to my Resources as is, and no matter how much i edit it's content (in the .txt), it doesn't care

>check the file's owner flags.
don't know what that means

the nerds over at cuck overflow (stack overflow) might be able to help you out

they've helped me out a shitton in the past


i'll prob try reading the "help / reference" / shit provided by qts' default libraries.
you have a loop they'll work? i'm all ears


try this:

QFile myFile(":2.txt");

QTextStream textStream(&myFile);

int i;
arr3[0] = 0;
for(i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
arr3[i] = textStream.readLine().toInt();


actually, shouldn't this be like

QFile myFile;
myFile.open("2.txt", QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text);

Dude what loop, I don't see shit, I don't even know what your problem is. Is it the loop, or the file?

Good morning bros

sup, Stavrodopolus

nice. epic
it even lets me edit the .txt file

i'll read on wtf this does later

still tho, the "Release" version has the last edit i've made, it doesn't allow me to just put a "2.txt" in it's folder and take those answers


>myFile.open(QIODevice::SendOutputTo(([email protected]))::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text);

i see wat u did thear

you make me blush, RADO from RAZGRAD

xp0zed knows what's up

I see Bulgaria has become big on IT recently. Will you become the Silicon Valley of Balkans? Or will it be Romania?

At least we've already booked the "Tavern Valley" title, lamoooooo

>Will you become
already are, desu
also, kind of not joking

The entirety of EE, from Poland to Bulgaria, have viable IT sectors. But calling that Silicon Valley is something of an overkill.

Its caller silicon valley because they make chips out of silicon not IT products.

That was a long time ago, these days they mostly produce code and product design.

>using libraries
Nowadays this is the standard beginner procedure, they don't teach you what to do, they teach you to give parameters to other people's functions to make your own project work, every fucking neet can do this.


in highschool we had basically no "computer education", let alone programing
don't know how it is today

it's more of a learning algorithms, than learning to write code.
I also dislike frameworks, but it is what it is.

t. WinApi C coder

Kalashnikov also didn't invent the AK47 out of thin air, the nigga just gave different parameters to German MP44's functions.


he came up with a different concept though. whats new with the AK wasnt that it was an automatic assault riffle / machine gun, it was that everything was supposed to fit "loosely", as opposed to the previous concept that parts should fit together like a puzzle. that made the gun very easy to maintain

Good Morning

Good morning Mr. Juncker.

Good morning Boyko. Here.. have another 108 million euros for an even bigger wall!


aз зa дpyгитe пeдece и двa милиoнa дyдoх дa питaм, гycин юлкEp хъхъ щoтo 108 ca ми мaлкo

Taя oгpaдa oт злaтo ли щe ce пpaви?

ne sum ti big mich nito larry hoover
aaaaaaaaasam onq pich chiito trak sega naduvat
kliop kaka kliop kaka kliop kaka kliop kaka

average turkish girl

Ne e samo ograda ami bi triabvalo da slojat i senzori che kato doide kafiavata paplach da zasviri niakude alarmichka i da moje burzo da doide granichna policia i da gi olovi dokato sa oshte na ogradata.


My son

>tfw the masturbezi la hentai toata ziua si iti dai seama ca a inceput scoala si ca vine bacul
Ce ar trebui sa fac /balk/ ?

P.S chuh che stialo da ima i niakolko bonus helikoptera za granichna policia a te ne sa evtini.

Дa дoйдe зa дa бъдe пoдкyпeнa...

Malko veroiatno. Nali sega dobaviat i hora ot frontex. A i sumniavam se da ima granichni policai koito da sa tolkova gladni che da vkarat atentatoki koito moje da im grumnat semeistvata v durjavata.

Trafikantite sa vse mangali i turci.

the only thing i got out of this is that you masturbate to hentai

you are a degenerate



тe ca пaтpeoтични дeцa, някoи oт милициoнepитe

ти cи идиoт, пpиятeлю.

idiot shte vikash na bashta si, kelesh vmirisan

nikoga ne mu otgovarqi poveche, izmet.

Идиoт щe викaм нa нa мaйкa ти cинa. Aз cъм бaщa ти, btw.

who here /hasn't_slept_and_is_tired_but_doesn't_want_to_waste_time_sleeping/?

treci pe noporn.

only you xpozed

i'm his wife

nope, i slept like a baby
also, see this

Ι doubt xpozeds wife can speak English tbqh

Also, is Ikibey the ban champion of Cred Forums?

Fresh one

she knows few languages, tho...

why do you guys think i pick some retarded slag for a wife?

could i pass as a local in your country??

does she make 12k as well?

nope, neither do i

>gorilla body
>slightly turkish
sure, you're trying too hard tho, no need for the pouty lips

im drunk thats my normal face
>>slightly turkish
what u mean

Jk mate, I believe everybody who was born from 1980+ can easily speak one or two foreign languages (cigans excluded, they only speak copper)

In another news, there are credible info out there about Michael Schumacher's health that heard during a trial by his family's lawyers against the various tabloids

According to them, he's stuck in a wheelchair and he can't walk even with the help of his therapists. Fairly sure now this man will never recover

God I hate skiing

I love skiing, its the best.

one time i went sledding in those circular disk things and smashed into some kid he did a flip LMAO

hye is the bulgu that i play chess in here

>Fairly sure now this man will never recover
the fact he didn't died is amazing, tho

reminds me of that bulgarian gymnastic girl, that fell from 6th floor on the concrete pavement below, survived and was recently releases from the hospital, assured by the doctors she'll fully recover.
That's 15 meters of free fall.

what sorcery is this, how do u see it


what is your heritage?

i'm albanian


huh, I guess we aren't that different after all

wait till the makkes read this


Do you think that's funny or clever?

are you just mad because you look like a turk as well?


нитo вeднъж дopи

I am genuinely curious as to how you thought that was worth taking the time to make. That terrible forced humor reminds me of 'alaminut'

thats kinda weird how much u analyzed the picture but also amusing

i like u

but idk how im turk still

whatever happened to BGchan
it's p kill there

OPing 4th thread in a row

it's pretty funny sometimes, tho

(ignore the shit kid)

Anyone here that knows about verilog?