What's wrong with black people? Why are they proud to act like niggers?

What's wrong with black people? Why are they proud to act like niggers?


Music Video related. She sings "I'm proud to be black"

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What's wrong with being proud of being black?


She isnt ashamed of her race. Whats the deal?

You'll notice other races don't do it half, or even 1/4th, as much

it's overbearing and screams latent insecurity

>german confused about people being proud

hmm, really makes you think.

any race could do it though, hispanics do it just as much if not more and asians are super proud to be asian as well.

it's ok when you are being oppressed

>those comments

As usual, Cred Forums getting triggered like autists.

Remember when black people used to be seen as civilized and respected. Mansa Musa would genocide these Basketball Americans.

Because other races weren't en mass treated like subhumans, other than Jews of course.

Not even close. And I don't think white celebrities could get away with it at all, can't think of one case. "White pride" is a fringe internet thing while black pride has its own holidays

Maybe if you say something enough you'll believe in it?

So they're proud of the fact that, as a collective, they're essentially in last place in the human race olympics?


tad contradictory

black culture was imposed upon them by the mass media to indoctrinate blacks to behave badly as a source of cheap labour for business

just look at how blacks are depicted in the films/tv shows, always over the top and stupid

they're just as bad as sjws its like reps vs dems

oh shit i got baited again

Eh. To be fair to Cred Forums, you'd probably be pissed if the leftist media kept ramming their feel good crap down your throat for the past three years.

It seems that for the past three years or so, the left wing has completely plunged off the deep end.

Whites here and on Cred Forums also do it. Are they also insecure? Or white nationalist in general

It hasn't really plunged off the deep end much, people are just more aware and more looking to get triggered.

i get where you're coming from but if Cred Forumstards ran the media we'd be looking at the exact same shit but with reversed roles. neither side actually knows what it wants or has any means to accomplish anything. they're both small groups they just seem large because they never shut the fuck up.

see believe it or not, relative arguments can be made in life and everything isn't black and white :-)

>someone says something
>sjws get triggered
>this triggers pol
>sjws are triggered by pols triggering
>pol is triggered by sjws
>repeat for a period of time depending on how sever initial triggering was
>go to step one.


how about we talk about real life

in real life I cannot fucking stop hearing about race shit and its even starting to pervade sports for god's sake

and your idea of equivalency is one dumbass little fringe forum board on Cred Forums

white pride is associated with nazis though. you can absolutely be white and proud of your heritage most white americans claim to be german, irish, or w/e. its just that those specific words "white pride" are largely associated with racism

Whatever, I saw brown pride and pinoy pride scribbled all on bathroom walls growing up.

when i say poltards i'm reffering to those people who can't stop bringing evil sjws into every thing ever.

Why don't stupid Americans just say "I'm proud to be German-American" or I'm proud to be English-American

There is no such thing as "white" Caucasians aren't a monolithic entity. White is just what Americans say since America has no culture, aside from nigger culture.

The race shit going on isn't exactly a leftist issue though, it'd still be going on if the media weren't left leaning by default.

It's because racial pride is dumb, and since blacks do it the most we can go ahead and say they're being the most dumb

anyone who puts their flag in the ground and talks about their race as a point of pride are retards

you can't be hypocritical and give them a free pass because m'oppression

I see Hispanics, Irish, and Italians do it literally all the time and no one bitches at them for being proud of their ethnicity.

Besides it's all over Cred Forums with muh white pride.

they do say that. thats exactly what i was saying. few people say they're proud to be white because its associated with racism and because as you said, its fucking dumb.

>nigger culture
Don't you mean black culture

No it wouldn't. 90% of the narrative is theirs. They really kicked shit into high gear when they peddled the Trayvon Martin story. It was nothing new, their coverage and slant was.

this, my GF is korean and her family is pretty fucking proud of that. every asian i've met is proud to be whatever specific nationality(or race as they see it) they are.

National ethnicity isn't racial. I hope you can see why there's a distinction.

Being proud of your race is quite literally racism in its purest form. I don't walk out of my house in the morning grinning broadly because I'm part of the "whites"

it was a fad and its dying down already. 90% of what i hear about sjws is anti-sjw these days. it got crazy for a while and now everyone is stepping back and realizing its retarded.

I didn't see much of the Trayvon coverage as it happened, can you tell me a bit about how it was?

Not necessary. Sure a lot of stormtards and pol fags say "muh white pride". But being proud of your own heritage(not the one pol makes up) like if your Scotish you will celebrate scotish culture and show your culture to other people. You don't say "scots are better than every other race" that's how you become proud of your culture.

Stormfags/trump pol frog posting retards go out and say "muh white power, exterminate all non-whites" and so eventually when enough people do this, celebrating most European culture is seen as racist.

>I don't walk out of my house in the morning grinning broadly because I'm part of the "whites"

I do

Are you autistic?

American blacks kind of do get a free pass though since a lot of them don't even know what country they're originally from, they have no culture to celebrate, no heritage to embrace. Black pride helps them get through the oppression that continues in part to this day and reminds them that they're not just slaves, they wuz kingz.

Then what the fuck are black people supposed to be proud of when it comes to their ethnicity?

Btw, there's a large difference in fundamentals between white pride and black pride. Black pride is purely a response to living in a dominantly white culture or society that teaches most blacks to hate their heritage. It's more about connecting with your roots as opposed to thinking you're superior to others.

Who the fuck says "Isch"

>American blacks kind of do get a free pass though since a lot of them don't even know what country they're originally from
They're originally from America? Do people ever say this to Jamaicans or Trinidadians?

>they have no culture to celebrate, no heritage to embrace
They do. They have their own culture like everyone else does.

They just want to reconnect with the remnants of their African heritage that was robbed from them.

Jamaicans have a Rastafarianism, That whole thing is about African roots and returning and looks at Haile Selassie of Ethiopia as a messiah


>They're originally from America? Do people ever say this to Jamaicans or Trinidadians?
You're comparing two tiny majority black nations to an absolutely huge country that had race issues almost since its inception, it's not really comparable.

>They do. They have their own culture like everyone else does.
Only around the time where black pride became a thing, before that it was just oppression and watermelons.

Yes they fucking do
I live in New England here and Guidos never shut the fuck up about how they're proud to be spray tanned pasta monkeys

Yeah so black pride applies to everyone apart of the African diaspora, not just Americans. It's about connecting with your roots and being proud of something you were taught to be ashamed of.

It should be mentioned that the melody is stolen from a popular Neue Deutsche Welle song:

>You're comparing two tiny majority black nations to an absolutely huge country that had race issues almost since its inception, it's not really comparable
What's your point?

>Only around the time where black pride became a thing, before that it was just oppression and watermelons
Gospel music, Blues music, Jazz era, R&B/soul era, Southern cuisine/soul food, Harlem Renaissance, etc.?

Just say you don't know what you're talking about.

>thread full of leftists who would otherwise say it's important to be race-blind and that race isn't a huge deal, suddenly changing their tune and saying its a nice thing that black people will not shut the fuck about their racial identity

Are you self-aware of your hypocrisy and simply don't care or what

there isn't a clause for groups of people you consider simple and less harmful

How many times is someone going to equate race with nationality in this thread

you are all thick as a mother fuck

its a stupid thing to get mad about. whether you think its ok or wrong for black people to say "black pride" is irrelevant, either way you're an idiot that's buying into media bullshit.

No, it's just as much racism as anything else, you're just a hypocritical fuck lol

>here's what white pride and black pride are, one is better than the other and is fine

thanks bud

You never heard of white pride? White people acting like niggers.

>What's your point?
Because they're more tiny, homogeneous, and have a lot less problems with race, also the black culture there is way more rich, you can't really compare it to a place where everyone's all spread out and oppressed.

>Gospel music, Blues music, Jazz era, R&B/soul era, Southern cuisine/soul food, Harlem Renaissance, etc.?
Sorry, I thought black pride was from around that era where they started calling each other man and the like.

I'm half black american and I just hate nigger culture. My father talks like one but he's very sophisticated.

It's satire.

>Black pride is purely a response to living in a dominantly white culture or society that teaches most blacks to hate their heritage

It's not the '50s anymore user, I'm pretty sure blacks aren't using textbooks authorised by the White Citizens Council

Blacks are more dominant. They don't care about the rules and definitely don't want to be ruled over.

Tropical climate where food is available throughout the year favors those who are the most impulsive and dominant, hence genes responsible for these traits became common in black people.


Is there anything you insecure fucks won't complain about?

>the guy on here of all places complaining about people being proud of their race


The point is that when black people try to do the same as Italian or Irish Americans, they literally can't because their ancestors' ethnic identities were destroyed during slavery.

It's actually the reason why black Americans started to be referred to as African Americans. They wanted a deracialized term to denote themselves and their collective identity.

>Sorry, I thought black pride was from around that era where they started calling each other man and the like.

It was. Pre civil rights and lynchings were largely a response to black pride. Balck communities in the south were actually doing better than whites, and were terrorized and/or destroyed by poor whites

You seemed to confused us with someone else?

A better question is, Why is a black woman in a tanning bed?

I thought asian americans were doing better than both.

Asian Americans weren't even allowed to emigrate to America at the time.

>also the black culture there is way more rich
By what measure?

>where everyone's all spread out and oppressed
Have you ever been to the United States? Do you know how segregated it is? There's probably more black people living in the Atlanta or DC metro alone than all of Jamaica or Trinidad. It's rare to find black people not living around other blacks.

If anything America has a much larger black culture than many parts of the Caribbean since there's millions of more black people.

>Balck communities in the south were actually doing better than whites

Is that why they all fucked off to Northern cities and California?

Asians rather.

>black culture

This term is so fucking retarded. Same goes for "white" culture.

>simplifying the culture of many different peoples just so you can say your group is better than that other group

>By what measure?
>Have you ever been to the United States? Do you know how segregated it is? There's probably more black people living in the Atlanta or DC metro alone than all of Jamaica or Trinidad. It's rare to find black people not living around other blacks.
When I say they're spread out I mean over a larger area, they didn't have the same amount of proximity Jamaica had which contributed to the homogenisation of their culture. And of course just the fact that they didn't have to deal with anywhere near as much racial issues as American blacks means that their culture wasn't repressed much at all in comparison.

Americans, I guess I should say White Americans, historically have been real good at shutting shit down when minorities get too successful. Like when the Chinese were first started rising above their station in California that's when they shut down the opium dens and used it as a proxy to put them in their place. Not to say opium is good, but the criminalization was not benevolent. youtube.com/watch?v=lmsWlPx027M

Black Americans didn't know which country they were from so black culture was the only one they could identify with, they can't just trace back their ancestry like other races because it all goes back to slaves.

It's really weird how fucked up so much stuff is in law, we have a really large amount of wacky laws over here that are still in effect today.

Here's some ones from the D*ily mail

"Carrying a plank along a pavement
Flying a kite or sliding on ice or snow whilst in the street
Entering the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour
Dying in the Houses of Parliament
Keeping a pigsty in front of your house - unless duly hidden
Erecting a washing line across any street
Beating or shaking any carpet or rug in any street. However, beating or shaking a doormat is allowed before 8am
In London, riding the bus (knowingly) with the Plague
Handling a salmon in suspicious circumstances
Being intoxicated and in charge of a horse or cow
Wilfully and wantonly disturbing people by ringing their doorbells or knocking at their doors
Firing a cannon within 300 yards of a dwelling house
Jumping the queue in the Tube ticket hall
Gambling in a library
Removing a dead whale found on the British coast - since it automatically becomes the property of the ruling monarch
For a pub landlord, allowing drunkenness in their pub
In Scotland, turning someone away if they knock on your door and require the use of your loo
Allowing your pet copulate with any pet from the Royal House
Importing into England potatoes which you suspect to be Polish
As of 1998, causing a nuclear explosion"

Holy shit how long have you had this post in the chamber?

>they didn't have to deal with anywhere near as much racial issues as American blacks means that their culture wasn't repressed much at all
Although this is partially true, I don't see how this makes their culture any deeper. The Blues and Jazz stem from black American oppression and also has heterogeneous roots and you're essentially telling me that something like Reggae is deeper than both because it's more homogeneous and doesn't stem from oppression?

I didn't :^) His post just reminded me of the dumb laws governments like to put through for silly reasons.

I wouldn't say that because I don't know much about either Reggae or Blues and Jazz music, it's just that Jamaica had free reign for their culture to flourish while in America they were restricted a lot.
This probably isn't too good an example but black people in a place like Louisiana are pretty different from black people in Detroit, especially when it comes to cuisine.

>"you're only allowed to be proud of your race if you're white!"

Some of these make perfect sense though

>Handling a salmon in suspicious circumstances
Scotland is world famous for salmon fishing and angling tourism brings a lot of money into the local communities, as such the fishery is highly regulated, buying, taxidermying, etc salmon that is out of season or something like that should be illegal.
>Removing a dead whale found on the British coast - since it automatically becomes the property of the ruling monarch
If you would disturb Her Majesty's whale carcass, you are republican scum.
>Allowing your pet copulate with any pet from the Royal House
If you would let your filthy mutt fuck Her Majesty's corgies, you are republican scum.
>Importing into England potatoes which you suspect to be Polish
Sounds reasonable

>This probably isn't too good an example but black people in a place like Louisiana are pretty different from black people in Detroit
That's not true. They have much more in common than you would think.

Black people in Detroit still have roots in the American South and many blacks who migrated to the Midwest during the Great Migration came from Louisiana. Either way black people in the US are very connected culturally. That's why they don't always respond well to black people who aren't American.

Damn, you're probably qualified to be a middle ages lawyer now.

I'd rather be a middle ages doctor with no working knowledge of human anatomy or medical pathology. Just blaming everything on witchcraft and ill humors, all the while collecting sweet farthings for increasingly scarier beak face masks and deformed fœtuses I keep in jars around my office.

>Black people in Detroit still have roots in the American South and many blacks who migrated to the Midwest during the Great Migration came from Louisiana. Either way black people in the US are very connected culturally.
Yeah I gathered this when I went but there were still some differences, in the north they were a lot more white when it came to cuisine and they acted more sassy, down south the cuisine was fucking amazing and they acted way jollier.

>That's why they don't always respond well to black people who aren't American.
One of the guys I went with is a Black Englishman who speaks in a perfect RP accent, when he spoke to or around black people their reactions were always hilarious.

I wonder what being a doctor was actually like back then, how much research do you think they did? I read recently that up until quite recently they thought smells transmitted diseases, they must not have researched much at all.

i'm pretty suret they didn't. i just whatched a documentary on vaccines and apparently indians were vaccinating with scabs like a thousand years before plauge masks existed.

>Black Americans didn't know which country they were from

They weren't from a country. They were captured by other Africans and sold to the Europeans.

>They weren't from a country
They still come from a country and tribe. Slaves in Africa were actually far better treated than before they came to the Americas.


Yeah I realised right after I posted that I shouldn't have worded it that way.

They routinely cut up cadavers so they probably had a reasonable knowledge of human anatomy, but poor diagnostic skills and not much ability to actually cure anything.
The beaks on those masks were full of good smelling things like flower petals so thete's definitely something to what you mentioned about smells.

>we'll give you guns if you give us the people you're fighting with or we'll enslave you

Some choice


>we're just going to work these war prisoners to death or execute them so why not sell them off to the rich white men for easy money

probably wasn't a hard choice desu

isn't it the other way around, though? An unironic "white pride" video would be considered nothing more than neonazism today and would probably banned from TV in most western countries

I'm not white, but I kind of get some of these idiots frustrations. You get a bunch of white kids who grew up bombarded with all this information about how whiteness itself is evil and imperialistic, and about how they'll be minorities in 25 to 50 years and that's probably a good thing, etc. I mean, it's almost racism to NOT think this counterculture phenomena wouldn't happen. Do you think white kids should be smarter/know better? If this was happening to any other ethnicity we'd be allowed to be more sympathetic

I think progressives and liberals are reaping what the sowed. Their PC ideas of demonizing the worrie of white ethinical pride advocates are being vomited back at them. Society won't be able to shame an increasing number of whites into not being racist as well as it did before, and it could get much worse from there.

Clearly you've never met any Afrikaners. Every day it's
>I'm part german/french/dutch/british (in some or other combination
>forgets that his ancestors came here and wasted no time in hooking up with local tribal women and later with slaves from other parts

Boers aren't people though.

They can go be proud of themselves in the Congo jungle.