Why are Nordic women so much more beautiful than other women?

Why are Nordic women so much more beautiful than other women?

Is it just a genetical coincidence or has it something to do with Atlantis?

Nordic girl with her Asian boyfriend

me taking the pic

meh tier uezs.

She's short as fuck nobody cares about your slav fetish.

She's clearly slavic

swedish women are disgusting mudsharks deluxe. literally down in the mud sweeping.


arr rook same? How do you tell.

been years since I last saw this shit thread

reddit tier meme taste

>She's short as fuck
Look at the door on the right, he is tall and she is of average height.

She is Scandinavian

having been there numerous times, i can tell you they are not any prettier than dutch/german girls

slav girl>>>>>mediterran girl>> asian girl>>>arabic girl>>> germanic/scandinavian girl

Go to chuj, idiot. They are not.

Picreleated is beautiful.

Poles are true aryans.

And nice german, sweden and denmark girls will be polonised.

It's like this.. Dutch > Norwegian > German > Swedish > Danish .. etc

it's you again huh

All scientifically incorrect

>northern german > danish > dutch > norwegian > Southern german > swedish desu

No? Maybe you mistake me for someone else. Levantine women>all

German should be somewhere in the etc

That one's ugly.

it's just like scientifically like the """scientific""' feminism

go to chuj, idiot, Sweden shoudn't exist, now we all understand why

and you will pay faggot for all evil what you did to finnish people. you will pay, nazi whore

>that is scientific in any way

No, the usual Hong Kong poster love berbers

>norway over sweden
Objectively false. Norwegian women are piglike and overweight.

i agree

>India over the UK
I doubt this

They're not

have you ever even seen a uk girl?

Kys Germcuck

but her elbows aren't even pointy

There is no such thing as Atlantis. That bs is ridiculous.

We are uplifted alien hybrids.

Too many recognizable autists gathering

t. Caj-Göran

I don't like them. Honestly.

I am attracted to women of my breed (slavs) or asian/sandnig women.

I don't know, what's wrong with me.

Germanic/Nordic/Anglo women all look less attractive.

Negro and latinas are at the bottom for my tastes.

And I am blond and quite pale myself.

>he is tall

His head wouldn't hit the frame.

>There is no such thing as Atlantis

Everything points towards Atlantis being an ancient Nordic/Atlantoid civilization where Åland is nowadays.

arab women have more class than nordic women.

It's called having unique individual preferences.

Halim please.. just because you haven't been to the right places, doesn't mean German girls are bad. Most people go to big cities like Berlin (which is utter Garbage) and think that city resembles anything. Germany is a big fucking country with 80 million people living in it..

Wrong spot, here is the updated map.


Slavic admixture.

My name is Mark and I live about 5 km from the border with Germany. Nice try though, Dieter.

Norwegians are not pigweight, they are average. But majority are not blonde. Probably 20 procentage are blonde


Based on your family or what?