So now that the dust has settled

Can we all agree that the USA is a dystopian, totalitarian country that claims to be a champion of freedom but in reality the government is under the control of megacorporations serving their interests, meanwhile being the single biggest generator of conflict worldwide?
I mean, let's just look at the actual, verified facts, shall we?

- The USA is involved in assassinations, bombings and indiscriminate murder abroad.
- Torture is still in practice in the United States, even today
- The US. arming foreign nationals to intentionally destabilize countries and reap the benefits from it
- Out of control mass surveillance. The NSA is spying literally everyone online, MMO games' chat, forums, Facebook, Cred Forums, your own webcam, nowhere is safe from the Big Brother. The entire internet is being saved to the Utah Data Center. All in the name of fight against terrorism of course :^)
- Large corporations spending billions on lobbying completely buying American officials, even going as far as having them slip in favorable bills, literally shaping laws and rules. Google, Monsanto being above the law isn't a rumor. It's the reality.
- TTIP and various trade agreements aimed specifically at foreign laws to suit American corporate interests - allowing corporations to sue foreign governments, undermine worker's rights, practice censorship and more.

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>Can we all agree that the West is a dystopian, totalitarian entity that claims to be a champion of freedom but in reality the government is under the control of megacorporations serving their interests, meanwhile being the single biggest generator of conflict worldwide?

Fixed for you OP.

This. He US is just a continuation of European imperialism


euros will be much worse


Europe is taking in all the rapefugees to show how different they are from the evil fascist Americans

This. We are the brainchild rejects of European empires, furthering the agenda of white global dominance, both economically and ideologically.

The world would be a better place if the USA would just be nuked.

Which part? If you say DC most Murricans would agree with you

WE DINDU NUFFIN' - the post.

Literally no EU government allows torture, death penalty, none of them use mass surveillance, none spy on their own people or instigate coups in foreign countris.

Of course. Just all the infrastructure related to the CIA/NSA/government. And Hollywood.

o sweet child

>- TTIP and various trade agreements aimed specifically at foreign laws to suit American corporate interests - allowing corporations to sue foreign governments, undermine worker's rights, practice censorship and more

Don't see the problem with thay

Honestly, yes. I hate that it is this way, but it serves no one other than our corporate overlords to delude ourselves into thinking this isn't true.

I don't agree with surveillance.
Torture is hit or miss.
Death penalty is sometimes justified. Our who prison system is a mess though, so just whining about the death penalty is barely scraping the iceberg of our judicial problems.

>or instigate coups in foreign countris.
This is what humans in power do.
You Europeans did it for hundreds of years, don't suddenly act all indignant and morally superior. From Africa to Siberia, there are countless examples I could point to. We subvert governments now. You created puppet governments that enslaved the people of those nations. Your criticisms are valid, but I want YOU to realize you are only so good now because you Europeans no longer have the power to do so. We can gladly withdraw from our East and West fronts and let China and Russia have their way. I assure you, they will not be any nicer than we are now.

i dont know who i hate more, the left wing or the right wing

>You Europeans did it for hundreds of years
In the past, yes, not anymore.

>We can gladly withdraw from our East and West fronts and let China and Russia have their way. I assure you, they will not be any nicer than we are now.
That is excuse.

Latin America needs a proper centrist movement as a whole.

>Literally no EU government allows torture
>death penalty
Ok? Neither does half the U.S.
>none of them use mass surveillance,
>none spy on their own people
>or instigate coups in foreign countries
Extreme kek
Read up on their actions in Nigeria throughout the 90's m8.

I'm not absolving the U.S. at all btw, but whenever Europeans act like their governments have been upright and moral it just makes me cringe with how deluded they are

Humans are shit and have always done shit things to other people. The U.S. is hardly special in this regard.

Yuroscum genocide when?

PMDB is literally what you want

That is the evolution of power. We are at the stage European Empires were at in the 19th century, ravaging lesser nations and imposing our might economically and militarily. We will settle down one day, and China will take our spot. Do I like it? Not really. Will you get your wish one day? Probably.

It is the nature of nations. If it makes you feel any better, you can view us as a "less mature" nation that is acting in a "primitive" way-- how you used to until you transitioned out of it.

>shitty post-communist slavic country defending the EU

fucking poetry, you fucking cucks


Yeah,true nationalism like we had in 1963(not jingoism or some false nationalism like the dictatorships).

>Not slavic

good one mate

USA is land of the free baby. love it or leave it. smdh

We have the PSR but its still very small

If I were US president I'd conquer the entire two continents and make them my subjects

No, I love the US of A and it's european allies.
Nato is a force for good and the European Union is the single best thing since SPQR.
All who speak otherwise are rusophiles and putinbots.

If Hungary is slavic, England is Celtic


But it's corrupt as fuck. Even more than most other main parties.

>This is what Europeans ACTUALLY believe
Holy shit read a book. European companies like De Beers and Nestle fuck the 3rd world in ways that make Monsanto look quaint.

USA is a teenage bully with a big gun.

The world would be a better place if USA behaved like an adult, i.e. like Canada.

>torture, death penalty

Literally all of them have cooperated with USA in the transit and delivery of prisoners from Afghanistan and Irak to the democracy prisoner camps run by the CIA. Most notably Guantánamo.

>mass surveillance, spionage

Again literally all countries allow USA to do it in Europe.

>Don't instigate coups

Kek. The Free Lybian Army and the Free Syrian Army, f.i, didn't just pop out of nowhere with guns and moneys. And it wasn't just USA behind it.

>De Beers
>European company

this map doesnt show the most important, worse things that happened

the thing to note is the psychopathic kind of awareness that amerifats have of these events. it ranges from unironical celebration, to self adulation, self adulation/ self deification for mass murders, to rejection of reality, to apathy 8they never take responsibility though), its sickening

>Headquartered in Luxembourg
>Founded by Europeans

Is this you?

Just dropping this here.
GDP per capita in 1950.

>Mfw half those posts are all me

Yeah he's known for being a fierce hater of the US here, but he does have a point.

Oh, I am too, I don't really know him, I just thought it was a funny coincidence.

They're still the best.

>Oh, I am too

>Keeping the subhumans in their place
Latam BTFO forever.

Anglo-European domination shall never cease within our lifetimes.

To hate the US is to hate Western civilization.

Enjoy poverty commie scum.

It is a South African company, historically and effectively. Don't be a moron.

>Headquartered in Luxembourg
Effective, operating headquarters are in Johannesburg, South Africa.

>Founded by Europeans
So DuPont is a French company, and Pfizer a German company?

He hates America despite America being the main reason his country isn't an impoverished dump.

it literally is for the most part though

Pretty sure the Canal would be built regardless, all European powers wanted it. Only difference is it could've resulted in less bloodshed overall had the UK, France or even Germany built it. This includes both Panama's independence war, the Canal's construction and the numerous nationalization attempts.

Roman republic/empire were an unstable hegemonic regime. And if Russia attacks the baltic states, or Georgia, or whatever, you have no real clue that the us are going to save their allies.

No one will ever convince me that Americans aren't bros.No matter how much countries they invade.They helped us in our time of need and for that i am forever grateful.Now hurry up and annex us already.

We have to jump in with them because article five of NATO.

When you listen to Trump, you don't have to.