Voce fala portuguese? De vonde voce e?

Voce fala portuguese? De vonde voce e?
Eu quero um pouco de cafe, por favor! isso e maravilioso!

bump! Ela e linda!

muito bump!

um dois tres?


Eu não gosto de café

come se diz "why" um portuguese?
why voce nao goste de cafe?

de vonde voce e?
Lissabon? Porto?
How today in Portugal?
Do you have a lot of refugees?
Are russians welcome there or not?
How many money you need for 1 month living?


voce esta feliz


I live near Lisbon, we live pretty well but our government is kinda shitty
>Do you have a lot of refugees?
No, we got almost no refugees
>Are russians welcome there or not?
Yes, we get many people from eastern europe, mainly Ukraine
>How many money you need for 1 month living?
You can live comfortably well with 1000€ month

"Porque não gosta de café?"

Why [just before sentence end] - por quê
Why [anywhere BUT sentence end] - por que
Because - porque


Por que você não gosta de café? [Why don't you like coffee?]
Você não gosta de café? Por quê? [You don't like coffee? Why?]
Não gosto porque é amargo. [I don't like it because it's bitter.]

Eu gosto de café com leite.
Por que você está aprendendo português?

Thank you so much

>mainly Ukraine
And how all there lives? Are them all kinda weird or not, from your view? may be them with criminal minds? Do you like them or don't?

Or if you wanna go with PT portuguese, before sentence it's "Porque é que", and after it's ", porquê", the BR version would be gramatically incorrect here.

Porque é que tu não gostas de café?
Tu não gostas de café? Porquê?

>And how all there lives? Are them all kinda weird or not, from your view? may be them with criminal minds? Do you like them or don't?
They came in the late 90's and early 00's. At first they were working on construction even though a lot were doctors or engineers.

There was definitely a culture shock at first and the kids were a bit delinquent because of the language barrier and being left behind in school (like, 16 year olds starting the 8th or 9th grade to get accustomed to the language), but eventually they got better integrated and are really no problem any more.

Nice, hardworking people, the Ukranians here.

>Por quê
That isn't right. Either "porquê" (why) or "por que" (for what), although construction into a phrase varies into .

At least here. "quê" would only be used in "o quê?" as in "what?".

"Por que [é] que" is also common here, but a bit frowned upon as "language vice".
And now I'm not sure about you guys' rule about the space.

Our "porquês" are so fucked up.
I speak 3 languages, apart from my native, and ours has the most retarded rules, even yours are simplier

"Porquê" [joined, with circumflex] here is only used as a substantive.
"Diga o porquê disso." [Tell me the reason/why of this.]

(I agree with , it's fucked up.)

Man, semantic satiation has kicked in and neither sound like words any more.

porquê = why (or reason)
porque = because
por quê = for what [reason]
por que = for which [reason]
porque é que = because of what (reason) is it [that something is like this]

I think. Might be having a brain fart and overlooking something really simple. Portuguese is hard work, man.

sounds about right.