Russian anons

Russian anons,

Are Aleppo bombings covered in your media? If they are, how?

Other urls found in this thread:

And what is Aleppo?

An apple?

Chinese Apple?

A city where the eastern part is kept as human shield by muerrican supported islamist rebels that want to overthrow Assad and establish another sharia ruled shithole.

American media is funny. They never report anything that Russia says about Syria and how Americans are supporting ISIS. They always only write headlines about what American military or government leaders say.

Just go look for yourself and judge which side is more biased.

Of course they are also backed by puppets like Merkel and whoever runs the UK atm.

They don't have to support ISIS, the other so called rebels are just as bad.


I asked from Russians. Not expats or putinbots.

America doesn't support ISIS
Stop eating the cotton candy

Why are both sides so shit in this war?

They say this isn't a sectarian war, but the more I read about it the more it seems like it to me.
Just random article about Syria. News about Syria go every day, but I don't read it anymore.
Picrelated is google translated version.

nice meme, Gary

Americans has bombed some humanitarian convoy and they also support ISIS as much as they can and they also do not implement the truce agreement whilst Russia is Asad's best friend and Syria's savior.

Assad is still the better option.

Look at Iraq or Libya.

NATO needs to gtfo those countries and deal with Russia directly. Also stop supporting Saudi Arabia they are worse than the Nazis.

Russia tries to reconqer the land with Assad while getting a lot of pressure from the international community and US-Bombings.

That's a hard task.

thanks guys

Reads itself like an ordinary news article.

Bombings? Yes.

They say clearly "russia" participates in this war and bombs here and there.

"Russian muders killed 200 of bearded toddlers with AK's who fought for democracy and peace"? No they don't write that.


>Americans has bombed some humanitarian convoy
Yeah, it was all over the news, but they also said America accuses Russia of bombing.
It was more like
- Russia, you bad, you bombed that convoy
- No u!

" ~ terrorists from moderate rebel groups been killed by airstrike near Aleppo. "

Oil embargo

Pfff, they dont love their daughters anyway.


wtf i hate russia now



Russia and Assad are killing moderate rebels who are also four year old disabled rocket scientists

>op asks russians how their media portrays the war were they are actively participating
>thread fills up with not-russian flags spouting propaganda
really makes you think..............

The oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, you eeeegnorant amyerifat!

>OP's pic
>implying Russia did it

The same as Yemen bombings in our own media: none

Gary pls

"""""""Moderate""""""" rebels