/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico

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A-are we safe?

1771 or 1777 which is more aesthetic as a number?


786 is a muslim holy number. It saves amitabh bachchan from bullets in Deewar

I think the Ku Klux Klan are like the knights/samurai of the United States.
They wear stuff that look old and there's the whole religious thing to it.
They could have used weapons like an unique sword and armor to prosecute the minorities and the USA would be an homogenous country of white people.
Then we would create a master race by mixing the best existing ethnicities in differenr proportions of DNA. Europeans would have like 90%, Japanese could get a small share. Technically every ethnicity existing in history would have at least 0.00000001% you know what I'm saying? Then we could have a truly "American people". That would be awesome.

come again?

I think the United States of America should be called something else because America was the name of a hairy italian with a moustache and thats not nice to be the name of a country.
I like native names like Texas, Dakota, Alaska, etc. They sound good to be the name of territories so I'd come up with a good sounding name with a native meaning such as the translation of "Freedom" to native language.

all Im hearing from this is "I hate America"

there is a guy in a spiderman costume trying to climb the office building i'm working at right now. he's just the other side of the window frame, literally centimeters away from me. what the fuck do i do.


Tell him that he's foiled your plans today, but he won't be so lucky next time.

the USA should totally annex the southern stripe of canada. cities like toronto, quebec and ontario would be ours. we also would own 100% of the great lakes and river lawrence.

shoot him

update, it seems like he's a window cleaner.



Republicans are fucking dumb.
They could easily win elections by for example having their candidate be hispanic or latino.

jameson pls go




southerner here

you're a moron

and their costumes are copies of spaniard catholic ceremonial shit


>plan master race
>pollute with asian genes



>They could easily win elections by for example having their candidate be hispanic or latino.

There aren't any qualified latino candidates. Rubio is a political novice and Cruz isn't a natural born citizen.

I love how frantic the left is to getting the youth to vote, namely professors at my uni.
One of them even used the word "toxic" to describe Trump's "regressive attitudes."
Good guy, and all, but lel.


>cant switch roommates without already having a set dorm to switch to

I cant just go door to door asking if someone wants to switch roomies

Anyone here watching the SpaceX stream?


why do you want to switch, amerikun?

What do I do at a speed networking event? There's one today but I haven't even researched the companies going

>tfw finally lost enough weight to fit into the slim fit pants I bought a few weeks ago
I like that I have huge and muscular calves, but I fucking hate having huge thighs and a huge ass. Guys aren't supposed to have big asses

Girls like grabbable asses.

nice dubs, just wear this type of sweat/trackpants with roshe runs and start working on your upper body. People will think you're A E S T H E T I C for having a big lower body

I'm like polar opposites of my roommates and they never let me go to bed at a decent hour, and on the rare chance they do, they come barging into the room and """"quietly"""" listen to vines or something on their phone

Yeah but my ass has too much muscle. I wish I could be like the guys that can wear skinny pants

I used to lift several years ago and have retained a decent amount of the muscle so my upper body is somewhat big

>tfw you finished all of your homework for the week on a Tuesday

Honestly, just sneak some Orellanine into their food.
You'll be doing a lot a people a huge favor.


Really turns the ole hamster wheel.

my mom went to a job interview wearing dayglo purple crocs

I wanna make a huge multi course vegetarian meal and I'm not even vegetarian

She's lost control of her life

Started bleaching my teeth last sunday tbqh

Already looking a bit whiter

>why yes, I AM a vegetarian

Wtf my butthole is really itchy

>american grocery stores

>every price tag and ad is in spanish


I had this issue, my leg would twitch because it itched so much

Turns out I was infected

fuck IM blind

thats deutch or something

spic* grocery store

>haven't called in 3 days

>Would literally fuck anything right now



Got Korean food rather than going to Five Guys, buds

Just finished eating this. What do you think?

very bad choice

Yeah but I have to get groceries here anyway

Good, 5 guys is a rip off

I wanna eat something really spicy

Looks pretty tasty

why do you feel the (((need))) to make your teeth whiter

I wanna eat your ass after you eat something really spicy

i once ordered a shirt from macy's that never came and i never bothered to get my money back

wait what? your butthole was infected???

I did the same but with a snes copy of MK2 from amazon

Because maybe I can hate myself a little bit less if I have clean looking teeth


Yes. Just like your fingers are controlled by tendons in your arms your legs are controlled by tendons in your butthole

how did your butthole get infected?

russia is a shithole

feel bad it had to go so wrong for them

Which version had the better exclusive character?


Forgot pic



new danny brown album is out

Chicken thighs are so much better than the breast


not as much protons


so majestic

Why is our continent so comfy?

Only three countries are considered
Only three languages but English is numero uno
We the three amigos

i personally know nothing about mexico and have no idea if i like it or not

i do find spanish accents to be probably the most repulsive of any

Only by a small amount though. And they're easier to cook with only a pan

chicanos: pro tip for you

don't pronounce "latino" the spanish way

it makes you sound like a smarmy gay asshole

sup guys

>i do find spanish accents to be probably the most repulsive of any

Then you've never met Slants, poo-in-loos, mudslimes, and Africans.

jesus his voice is annoying

consider suicide


reconsider suicide

I really like girls with thick eyebrows tbqh

They look like fuzzy caterpillars

i have

spanish accent is way more annoying

they over pronounce everything and put an annoying spanish flare on it, where as the other accents you mention are just people having difficulty producing english sounds

I try to like Spanish but most of the time it just sounds so dirty

for some reason i just imagine a big desert similar to Afghanistan when i think abour Mexico

what the fuck is wrong with millenials and their insane taste in music

do they just intentionally listen to the most far removed and unrelatable thing possible?

You wong, wowse accents awe chinese. I raugh at youw foorishness.


pretty sure the north is exactly like that

I dont even listen to DB and I think this is good stuff, m80

You say that like you aren't a millennial

Simply the best

>do they just intentionally listen to the most far removed and unrelatable thing possible?


why do people freak out when they realize there is no toiler paper in the middle of shitting?
you just wake up and get a new one and go back to whipe you asshole

i guess i technically am but i feel quite a rift between myself and people who are 20~

i'm 29

i think you guys growing up in a fully developed web 2.0 era made you drastically different people

>mfw they changed the MAJESTIC AND BEAUTIFUL ;___; bald eagle cry at the end of Free Willy to a golden eagle cry because the bald eagle sounds like a fucking pussy

thats why you always check before you shit

I guess some people have really greasy shits or something

You're definitely a millennial tbqh

If you were born in the early 80s to the late 90s you fit in that category. There are people in every generation who don't really identify with their own group.

It's actually one of the most diverse countries in the world in terms of ecology.

we're gonna buy these

will we get scammed or does the USA make good combat vehicles

it's not a not identifying with my own group issue, people my own age up to about mid 30s i identify with just fine

there is a stark difference between people my age and people 10 years younger, we had very different experiences growing up

I was an adult by the time the internet came to exist as it does now

Americans, my country is buying F-35's from you. How much those planes will suck against the Russia?

it's like aliens in flying saucers vs the wright brothers' first plane

Well we did experience the most rapid changes in society of any generation so far

you got conned

self propelled artillery is obsolete, they just want to get rid of their old shit

So you're selling us overpriced shit?

we're buying them from norway or austria

F-35 has better tech than any Russian plane and it has real stealth

Russian maneuverability is something special, though

yes but they're really cool

Yeah well, hopefully they at least work. But the Hornets are cool planes desu.
Americans and all your fancy toys ):

yeah, so people my age don't really fit the millennial archetype

what makes millennials what they are, and so different than previous generations was growing up with full fledged web 2.0, at least in my opinion

>billionaire who never had to work a proper day's work in his entire life
>pays zero taxes and thinks that shows he's smart, but also refuses to release tax returns because he doesn't want it to become common knowledge
>his only suggestion for reducing the massive wage gap is lowering taxes (which time and again has been proven to mostly benefit the rich) and protectionism (which is a minefield that could have nasty side effects)
>americans think this is the common man's presidential candidate
Absolutely mind-boggling. How does the republican party keep getting away with fooling people like this? Why do people keep buying their narrative that lowering taxes and decreasing regulation fixes everything? I find it difficult to have any form of respect for people who vote republican. It feels like they are the party keeping the US back and constantly causing the country to lag behind more advanced countries.

>so different than previous generations was growing up with full fledged web 2.0
That's generation z
Millenials grew up around 9/11 and its associated bullshit

Who /GenZ/ here

Bye, don't let the door smack you on the way out


I grew up using dial up and not having much internet exposure aside from shitty video sites until I was a teenager

Is Gen Z guy the kid that lets other men fuck his girlfriend

>pays zero taxes and thinks that shows he's smart,
It does, from a business point of view

if you were born 1996 or later you grew up with web 2.0

most of the generation z posters here are probably still virgins
not even joking
t. gen z

and the mid 90s are when the millenials stopped being born

Last day of my Amazon prime free subscription. What do I buy?

the KKK are a joke and an arm of the CIA now like every white nationalist organization.

Canadians, tell me about Quebec and British Columbia. Which one is more comfy? Which one you'd recommend for a possible immigrant?

even as a teenager the internet wasn't much

social media didn't really exist, myspace was sort of a thing when i was in high school but hardly anyone used it

wikipedia had barely started, youtube didn't even exist

Well sure, keeping your money is great for yourself. But it's very bad for your country to not get a fair share of it. If people don't pay their taxes, you can't actually have a country.

>and the mid 90s are when the millenials stopped being born
I've heard a lot of people include early 2000s in millennial

That's the whole point. Look at American libertarians, Freemen of the lands and Sovereign citizens. Those guys don't give a shit about USA as a nation. They just want to benefit from it because majority of the population pays taxes and keeps up the system. They on the other hand want all the rights and zero responsibilities.

who here /baggedwater/

Tbqh I think those people are dumb as fuck

I like to say 1998 or so is the cutoff

They don't know what they're talking about. Kids born even in 1990 are very far apart from kids born in 2000

>I cant just go door to door asking if someone wants to switch roomies
You could probably get away with it anyway. Just ask them if they have a friend who wants to live there. Then go check out their friend's room and see if you want to live there. Nobody has to know, except maybe at a certain point but then you can just go right back after they tell you to leave.

>his milk comes in bags

A lot of people will say Quebec cause "dude it's so cultured lmao" but it's overrated shit tbqh. Unless you want to learn French and live in some old-timey apartment in Quebec City I do not understand the appeal of emigrating there.

I can imagine that being practical for innawoods and if the material is stretchy enough it could be used for an icepack too

he spent his whole life working, what are you talking about?

do you only consider manual labor to be work?

communists are literally this stupid lmao

you can find water anywhere innawoods here desu

i like to take my water bags on picnics, boating, or to the offic etc

>>pays zero taxes and thinks that shows he's smart,
It kinda does

Atrocity Exhibition is really, really good

A proper day's work means working hard, using your body. You know like when you're helping your dad chop wood and stack up firewood for the winter. It builds character. But rich spoiled brats never have to do anything like that.


One is full of eternally booty-blasted French, the other is a Chinese colony, pic related.

No it just shows his accountants are.

most people don't chop wood, and if you live in Manhattan you're not going to be doing a lot of yard work or anything like that, what the fuck do you expect?

this is the case for anyone in a giant city like that

I just want to live in British Columbia or American Pacific Northwest. But it's just that the forest companies are killing the nature as far as I know and soon there aren't any places to live.

the US has a far better standard of living than anywhere else, so something is working

even if you're poor you can live like a king in the states

>not soda with a straw
get on chilango levels m8

Not all Americans fall for the Trump meme. Republican powerbase is the rich and the people that are too ignorant to know they're being fucked. Those and the people who just really hate Clinton.

whoa that's crazy

why do they do this? bags are cheaper i guess?

Same reason cheap vodka is sold with a foil pull tab rather than a screw-on cap in Russia. It's going to be drunk in one sitting. Like its buyer.


He's a businessman, he cares more about generating profit for his company than anything else. Reducing costs(paying less tax) is included on that. Should've been clear that he's an entrepreneur first and foremost after the debate, he knows next to nothing on how how to actually run a country

Not like I think Clinton is the best shit ever or that I agree with her on everything, far from that, but at least she seems to know what she is doing

Yah 'der, hey.

>the forest companies are killing the nature

Not happening, BC is very nice just stay away from Hongcouver.

>we Endor

blame the lawmakers who set up so many loopholes for themselves

you expect people to not use them out of some sort of patriotism? that's fucking stupid

that's the problem with socialists, is they disregard human nature

you can't run a society based on shaming people into doing "the right thing"

Huh, nice to see at least someones are conserving the environment. But an Asian GF sounds nice to I guess the Chinese colony it is.

Hopefully Americans have followed your steps and protected the forests in Pacific Northwest.

they log in a pretty sustainable manner, they do fairly small clear cuts and the companies pay to have the trees replanted

People are supposed to realize that they depend on the country being upheld to have their lives and careers. And to uphold the country, paying taxes is absolutely crucial.

But yeah, of course the rich will always use advanced tax planning and any means possible to protect their money. Loopholes must be closed for sure

Fuck Europe desu

>falling for the Asian gf meme

If you weren't already a mongol I'd warn about this.

its hot as FUCK outside

you can't blame people for doing whatever they can to take care of themselves and their family

people only give so much of a shit, and there is nothing wrong with that

anyone who would sacrifice their well being for the well being of complete strangers is a cuck

>go to classes eight hours a day for two days and work eight hours a day for three days
>another class starting halfway through semester
>group I just joined requires going to 2 hour meetings a week as well as volunteering for group
>schedule dentist appt for tomorrow afternoon because no times are available during break, 90 minute drive
>employer conference coming up but can only attend one hour out of five hours because classes but need that shit for internships
>still need to schedule appt with adviser to sign up for winter class to prevent adding another semester but no times available
They said college was the best years of your life ahahahahahhaha

Europes are not for fucking user

It's pretty cold here

Europe is full of snobby pricks

>mexican """cuisine"""

what went wrong

Is this real life?

Extremely good!
B-but they're cute and fit or thin! Also they're educated.

its 95F

come get a conservative american qt

What state ?

We're really not so bad once you get to know us.


is weed legal in canada yet?

>kill jews man
That's fuckin hilarious

Well I'm American so you don't want me to get to know you guys

>But an Asian GF sounds nice to I guess the Chinese colony it is.
chinese self segregate themselves from whites here

there is little to no interaction between the chinese and whites

it is very rare you see an asian/white couple despite there being a massive asian population

even asian/white friendships are extremely rare

We have universal healthcare that's more cost effective than what you Americans have. Also it has better quality
>I'd still prefer to live in USA

ill send some water and cool wind

Grant went to war with the Klan during his presidency, that's why they're so pathetic now.

no, and it won't be until the UN changes international regulations and the US legalizes it

We're far too irrelevant to become the first country in the world to do something as ground breaking as legalizing weed

>it is very rare you see an asian/white couple despite there being a massive asian population
This just isn't true
Every major city I've ever been to has asian/white couples all over. Similar income level, so they often live next to eachother and bang
It's not surprising

Damn lad

>US legalizes it
I hope it happens soon

In Finland the most common AFWM pairing is the good old fashioned ugly, obese Finnish working class man with Thai wife.


this is literally only a good thing if you're a cripple

if you're a healthy person it's of no benefit

I've had two medical procedures in my entire life, neither of which were necessary, and the service is so bad i never seek treatment, i usually deal with problems myself or tough it out

i'm really getting nothing out of high tax and medical bills other than keeping people who shouldn't be alive alive

Why is this perceived as a bad thing and frowned upon?
Would you rather be alone/stuck with an obese white hamplanet your age or would you rather have a fit 20 something thai wife?

I don't really give a shit because I have really good insurance and access to some of the best hospitals in the US

I've only had to go to the hospital a few times in my life for operations so it doesn't really matter

in the US that is true, but assimilation in general is much more common there

in Canada immigrants generally form their own enclaves and don't interact with locals or immigrants of other countries

>B-but they're cute and fit or thin! Also they're educated.

The westernized ones have probably rode more cocks than a white woman. The fob ones are autistic as fuck and rarely leave containment zones. Believe me you don't want.

probably depends on the asian. Here the Hmong all mostly stick together in groups, I've NEVER seen a white or black person hanging out with them

What a time to be alive.
At least this article recognized that most pepes are not a """hate symbol."""" Did better than Hillary's website did.

>no Tommy Bartlett's Water Show

delet this

From my experience, universal healthcare is good in emergencies because ambulances are free. But I'm still paying for a private health insurances because it's much faster way to get treatment.
Because those kinds of marriages have the stamp "loser" on the guy. Also many times the white man kind of cheats on the wife because the poor Thai lady thinks her white hubby is some big boss in Finland. Reality is that he's a pathetic loser.
That sounds horrible.

>assimilation is in general much more common there
Not with the more recent immigrants, Mexicans like to stay among themselves and not learn English. The Somalians in Minnesota live in their own little Somalian neighborhoods and the same goes for Arabs. Indians generally move into the rich white towns and assimilate more, although they only really hang out with each other.

>Why is this perceived as a bad thing and frowned upon?

Because it sends a signal you couldn't "get" a woman without your meagre whitebux. Woman hate it when you devalue their puss, especially white women.

>saw a qt white girl today
>tfw I will never have a white gf

oh ok

but yeah, it's funny seeing all the thirsty people here talk about their chinese gf fantasies, not realizing it's unlikely a chinese girl would even look at them let alone talk to them

It is lad, Asian gf's are just a meme.

>Similar income level, so they often live next to eachother and bang
here most of the chinese are stupid rich compared to the average white canadian

Asians are pretty fucking racist, 3bh. The Chinese neighbourhoods in Vancouver are incredibly segregated. Richmond has virtually no white people, not a meme.

also if you even try to talk to a chinese person they just look at you all confused like you're an alien with two heads

>Because those kinds of marriages have the stamp "loser" on the guy
>being a slave to society's perception of you
>"ohhh you just couldn't get a white girl xD"
>implying white women are top-tier

me on the right

So lonely men should just stay alone?
If there was some big push by women to try and get with the middle aged dudes who went the easy way with foreign brides then I could understand, but white women wouldn't even acknowledge these men's existence if they weren't butthurt at them for dating an asian

in all fairness, the majority of those relationships are mega betas who are being used by an economic refugee of sorts

>Asians are pretty fucking racist

kek when I was in University I had some fob asian friends and they wouldn't even sit near black people.

>Don't pronounce things the correct way because it triggers me
Literally tumblr.

space faggots who keep jerking off about sci fi fantasies have made me hate space programs

Why do girls like Starbucks so much?

>not wanting to explore the cosmos

they sound retarded, over pronouncing foreign words makes you sound like a cunt and the latino spanish accent is insanely abrasive, i can't be the only person who thinks this

>what is the theory of relativity
sorry buddy but sci fi and real life are two very different things

Kek that makes me think about one of my Asian friends who always calls black people "niggers" and always uses the hard 'r'

It's fashionable

who won the debate?

because they like candy and star bucks is basically a candy store

>hard 'r'
What would that be?

How is a coffee store fashionable?

Shameful dispray. But the kids would be so cute.
Ever seen the mongrel kids they produce? Not the good kind of half asians but the kind with no roots anywhere. Also they're as obese as their fathers.

whoever you like more

objectively though, trump did spend a bit too much time defending himself against accusations instead of just saying that's not true fuck off

a lot of poor countries do this

they buy coke in bottles, pour it in the bag, then return the bottles for extra cash.

its way cheaper than buying a bottle and there is less litter.

They don't care about the men, it's about them being mad. It's no different than when Asian guys get ass-blasted about white guys with asian girls or white guys being mad at blacks for having a white gf.


Instead of nigga

Because walking around with one of those oversized, clear plastic Starbucks cups shows that you can afford an overpriced product that is actually pretty average. Just like Apple computers and iPhones

>But the kids would be so cute.

Only if girls though, kek

Why do people care about this
I don't get the point

elliot rodger was fine looking, he couldn't get laid because he was an asshole who literally acted like an anime super villain

people have tested this by using his pictures for tinder accounts, they got lots of women messaging them

where did this starbucks is overpriced meme come from?

only the specialty drinks with a fuck ton of expensive ingredients are expensive

their prices are competitive with any other coffee shop

What about his sis? He heard that vagina getting "plunged" and got real angry, kek.

The building I work in is older than the countries of USA and Canada. Really makes you think.

Speaking of which I'm going on a class trip to a state park over the weekend and I want to bang this half asian girl on said trip
How do I accomplish this? She's really qt desu

sister wasn't bad either desu

alcohol, duh

Why the fuck are people so rude? If someone says hello to you just saying something back. Holy fuck, is it actually painful to acknowledge someone who acknowledged you? Does it cause such immense pain that you can't speak?

>wasn't bad
Bruh she is fucking hot

I microdose psilocybin and mescaline throughout the day.
I practice transcendental meditation for one hour at dawn and at sunset.
I have also abstained from masturbation for over 3 weeks and have not consumed any animal products in almost 2 months.

I think I'm getting close to opening the third eye and looking through the doors of perception of the astral plane

All the specialty drinks besides the plain coffee are pretty expensive. If you're paying more than a couple dollars for a coffee, you're paying too much tbqh

No alcohol allowed on the trip

Humans are inherently tribalistic despite what people pretend.

Hillary seems to have spent a bit more time on "policies" (aka worthless motivational speeches) than personal attacks, but the debate changed nothing. Donald Trump is a career shitposter, the people that supported him before this will still support him afterwards. The only thing that'll change opinions at this point will be a massive scandal, like Assange's October Surprise.

1. don't be an autist
2. don't make a big deal about her ethnicity ("I like women like you" or "Hapas are hawt")

That's cool mate

What do you do for work?

>too much muscle
You're just fat bro


Why should I feel attached and defensive of a random slut on the street because she also has light skin?
I don't think I'll ever understand this meme.

>Live in a four person suite by myself
Feels good man

So if your parents got divorced and your mom married a black guy you'd be 100% proud of your new black step-dad?

Go home Drump. The flames of racism and violence he has been fanning will soon dissipate. His cocamamy tax plan that has been proven by history not to work will never touch us. Hillary Clinton wore an awesome red pant suit and made that man's hand tremble when he sipped his water.

mfG. Merkel

Can't say I'd care, as I said. If he was a good guy then I'd be more than happy

Probably would be happier than with my current Dad who is a literal cuck (I've snooped in his internet history) and a couch potato in all honesty. I need a strong father figure ;-;

Shoo roach. Your b8 has no power here.

I'm with Hillary tbqh

Deal me in

I'm with her

Love trumps hate


>my current Dad who is a literal cuck (I've snooped in his internet history)

America is lost


For some reason I can't fap when I'm naked
I need to have my underwear on. Think it's the friction
He's ex army too kek
I wish I could go back and not snoop, not that my opinion of him was that high before learning that anyways

>casual racism is an inherent human trait
>only get shit for it if you're white


maybe he was just drunk and high or something and delved into some weird porn one time

check his history again and see if it's a full blown cuck or not

Do you jack off with the Willy in your pants still?

Retarded aF

>inheren WHITE human trait
ftfy racist

Oh, it's called bartender, btw

I don't know, he had looked at that stuff on several occasions in the past week from what I saw
I'll check again when I get the chance

1. Bit hard for me desu
2. It's not about that. She's so nice and cute;-; Was imagining raising children with her today in class. She's so nice

I like to keep a t-shirt and sometimes socks on because otherwise i get cold

That's fucked up, when I used share a computer with my old man he only ever looked at pictures of vaginas. Basically one site.


you guys have to admit the way they throw in over pronounced spanish words is insanely abrasive


This one's pretty hot

Fuck that gender-neutral bullshit la, we have barmen and barmaids. Wish I worked in /cu/ though, if I got a dollar per drink tip like your guys I'd probably triple or quadruple my wages.

>2 out of 3 latinos are citizens

are they trying to make trumps argument for him?

>Was imagining raising children with her today in class. She's so nice
Keep that kind of shit to yourself for at least the first couple dates.

Is there any hope left for Trump?

>Sees nice & cute girl
>imagines raising children together
>tfw my 15 y/o autist detector is going off

Your autism seems too high my underaged friend.


Yes, he actually gained in some swing states but the debate performance was trash. He needs to actually fucking prepare

when people say they hate Americans im going to start calling them racist

kinda like how mexicans call people racist

The polls didn't change after the debates, his support is still the same. Debates don't matter as much as people think they do.

No you wouldn't because you'd make 2$ an hour and survive on tips only

this is how it shoulod be

I know, that's why I've been trying to eat at a 1000 calorie deficit whenever I can

I know I need to clean my mirror

american is not a race. And most of the world is probably justified in hating us anyway

Barmaids sounds so fucking cringe to me, like a fucking mermaid

We tip a lot better than a single per drink, usually just net it out on your tab

Yeah but I serve literally hundreds of drinks on a busy night. I currently make ~$15 per hour which is perfectly fine, but I'd make more on just tips without an hourly wage if North Americans really do tip a buck per drink.

those titties though

I tip a buck per drink usually, a lot of people I know do around the same

mexican spanish is just ugly in general

I literally wouldn't tip a single cent if I ever came to the US on vacation

I'm in my 20s
I have less experience with girls than most 15 y/os though in all fairness

No bully, we all bros here

Wow you're so edgy

i'm edgy

Even when the drink is something incredibly easy, like a bottle of beer? Can understand tipping a barman making cocktails (although I still think getting paid hourly is a better system), but not a big fan of tipping for jobs that require very little skill, unless I'm the one receiving the tips.

It's going out of fashion in the UK too desu, we're actually referred to as 'bar staff' officially. I prefer barman and barmaid though.

Expect terrible service everywhere you go then Hans. These non-Euros aren't friendly out of the goodness of their own character, their friendliness comes at the price of a tip.

Honestly one of the most disgusting ads I've ever seen. Even people that support their message have to find that shit tier editing and writing obnoxious. Is this also FCKH8 or just a cheap knock-off?


Maybe if I get a couple beers I'll toss a buck their way, I always tip a buck when I get something like a bourbon and coke

*dumps tea*

>edgy mexican

want to try whataburger ://

Good luck then, here's something for after when it doesn't work out.

yell at him that he's a menace

>reading YouTube comments for some reason
>full of literal children using their real names
What the fuck?
Here's a kid I found on a YouTube video in which he was talking about his crush on a girl in his class
Where are the parents reeee

How would they know how much I tip before I pay at the end of the meal

>bourbon and coke

Gross. Something about Europeans is just deeply unsettling, probably the autism

Never seen a white guy in jav before

>implying fedora tippers drink alcohol

I'm never letting my children online
Yeah the only interracial is nigs from what I've seen. Feels bad

Found the nigger

Maybe you lads will like this one better then. It's much better IMO.


>only interracial is nigs
Thank god I'm a nig

>that video
Liberals are killing this country.

Still an incredibly easy drink to make really, takes about 10 seconds. Be honest: do you tip any different for male or female bartenders? It seems like it's the sort of infuriating thing where girls will earn much more through tips. Barmaids are far more likely to get a tip or a drink bought for them here, compared to barmen.


They'd be able to sense your cold German aloofness a mile away.


Is there a name for the genre of white+nip in JAV porn? Looking up interracial only comes up with nig results

Nope, I only really dictate my tip amount based on how cool the bartender was. I've had asshole bartenders that act like douchebags and I refuse to tip them

Must be pretty nice to have so much porn directed towards you desu
I have to scroll through about 8 gorillion porn vids to find a decent one with a white guy and some chick

Or you could just have sex irl you know lol

I don't think so unfortunately, it makes it hard to search for. But believe me it's, out there.


>tfw don't want to do homework

spike your sprite

No I can't

I like th Mexican one the most

yeah, all those vids are made by the same guy