Wait, Why did Hilary win?
>Trump made a good attempt at refuting much of Hilary's claim
>Emails Vs. His Tax Returns
>He never yielded when pushed against his argument for Tax Reduction
Hilary only had a good start because Trump was put on inferior grounds because he started off refuting, instead of proposing. He proposed that Hilary, as a Secretary of State and Senator in different periods for 30 years, neglected her responsibilities and deal with the issues she mentions only now.

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Most of the questions were directed at Trump which put him on the defence the whole time. The moderator didn't even ask any questions about her health, the emails, Benghazi or the Clinton foundation and so on

Those questions are off limits to the media.

Trump gets riled up and rambles, and he let Clinton do that to him.

Clinton's plan moving forward:
>try and get trump to put his foot in his mouth
And unless he fucking wakes up, he's probably going to let her continue to control the conversation.

And as mentioned, he was stuck on the defensive with those questions

trump got baited by hillary and sabotaged himself

Trump said 34 factual lies in a spam of like fifty minutes, that's enough to tell you how bad he looked yesterday.

Hillary didn't look good either but at least she didn't sound as restarted as Donald.

That's because the debates should be about policy not about politically fabricated "scandals".

Yeah grilling Trump about his tax returns and not asking Hillary about the e-mails was 100% policy

Definitely that's why they debate about tax returns and personal contractors

>34 "lies"
Thank you politifact, the website that says the same statements are "mostly true" or "mostly false" depending on whether a republican or democrat said them

There is hardly a single voice for trump on the mainstream media. He has no hope of "controlling the conversation" and yet...

Yeah but they did the same with Hillary, 4 lies in total.

well said

shit has been broken for years.

>not incredibly biased

>facts are correct but it's still a lie
Wow that really made me think and made me fucking mad

check this out, my friend
I'm not going to claim any politician isn't lying (that would be a bad move) but politifact is VERY biased. They have literally taken true factual statements or just opinion and have marked them as mostly not true or even lies.

I mean, Politifact is biased I will give you that, you could argue with me all you want, but you should read the article, the evidence is right there, Trump lies about the most mundane shit, he just lies compulsively.

Fake image, kill yourself.


Just googling the first shows that they actually rated the first claim as false because the statistic is wrong.

I can't wait for this election to be over.

Less than one month away from the early voting. I'm planning to do that.

Then it will just be a matter of hoping..

soon it will all be over, and the start of the next civil war

Politifact frequently just reinterprets ("this is what he said but we all know this is what he REALLY meant") what people say to get them to be lies if they are republican, or they use their goofball system to say they're "mostly false" while a dem gets a friendly "mostly true" for saying the same thing.

B-but why would someone just go on Cred Forums and make something up?

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

I wouldn't even know how to react to a civil war ovet trump / hillary. The retardation of it would boggle the mind.

>real plans

His policies change depending on which voters he needs to appeal to. Sometimes they completely reverse.

Well, the election itself wouldn't spur a civil war. It would be something more like clinton trying to take everyone's guns.

That being said, lets hope that doesn't happen.

That might put a damper on SpaceX if there's a war here, and I want to go to mars.

I'm planning on just becoming a refugee.

What euro country has the best gibs?

Or maybe I'll just suck it up and go to Brazil and fuck bunda girls.

That's interesting you'd say that because that's how Hillary is generally described.

That is the exact opposite of reality, he hasn't changed any of his policy positions to appeal to certain voters.

Meanwhile you can literally any issue and hillary has flip flopped on it.

>Someone who believes a woman only deserves equal pay if she does as good a job
>I never said that
Except he did, and why the fuck would he deny that in the first place? He did shit like this multiple times. Trump needs to slow his roll, listen to what Hill is saying and defend himself, not just wave it away as having never happened. Trying to alter history on the fly isn't benefiting him at all.

I don't understand why he thought it would be a good idea to deny shit and then have his son, or whoever the fuck handles his online accounts, since he is completely computer illiterate, delete his tweets. Did he actually think people would fall for it? What the fuck was he thinking?

He's being a giant dork. But it also could be that the twitter managed by his staff created that tweet when they shouldn't have.

>hurr durr hillary is same

I'm not debating that, they're both shit candidates.