Why did they fail to modernise?

Why did they fail to modernise?


define modernise


They misunderstand civilization and are thus never truly able to adopt it.
.t from a similar country

From the inner look I would say it's because people here don't consider Russia as their home. As something they should take care of and pass to their kids. Most people just try to grab as much money as they can before being caught and get the fuck out of here.

they're eastern slavs


not really

1. Ukraine is an artificial country with artificial language and culture based on the dialect and customs of far-province rednecks.
2. One of the main aim of communists was an organization of russophobian policy to prevent any possible revolts.
3. Divide et impera: let's invent Ukraine and Belarussia.

So in 2016 we still have politicians with soviet world outlook that are not able just even to make a real market economy and in Ukraine there are the same politicians with soviet world outlook, but they just don't give a fuck and try to get rich quickly using pro-ukranian propaganda.

At first we must to remove those people from both side

This lead to this , which lead everyone into a mental state of misery and opportunism, hence "the western style capitalism" won't work in Russia in the next 50 years, unless the people suddenly change.

>"the western style capitalism" won't work in Russia in the next 50 years, unless the people suddenly change.
TOP KEK. Western style capitalism works in every country with independent court. So it will be in Russia in 20 years maximum, as the generation of 80-90's will come to power.

>russia is bad because ukraine exists


Nope. Russia is not modernised and Ukraine exists because of fucking commies.

Actually, why does the word 'modernize' have such a narrow meaning every time you hear Western "experts" talk about rival countries? I mean, there are about like 3 to 7 countries in the word that can single-handedly build and launch space stuff, or build modern nuclear reactors, or make cutting-edge weapons

Out of these short lists, non-allied countries like Russia or China are called 'not modern'. What about the rest 250 countries that don't have their level of technology? What does 'modern' even mean then? Gay rights?

>Western style capitalism works in every country with independent court. So it will be in Russia in 20 years maximum, as the generation of 80-90's will come to power.

I think that might happen in China too. Remember that all of the people running the country still came up in the Mao era.

As far as I know, Ukraine exists mostly because Lenin scribbled some lines on a map one night, possibly while drunk.


China is an asian country with asian world outlook, culture and traditions. Today's situation can not be considered as normal in Russia because the most basic rules of social order, court, economy etc. are the same for russians, germans, french, italians etc. But I don't think that this will be valid for China.

>possibly while drunk
No, this motherfucker wasn't drunk, he was a syphilitic.

I meant more in terms of them moving away from a commie mindset. Of course they're not a European country, but then most East Asian countries have managed to achieve a reasonably civilized First World status.


>ukraine is an artificial country
>but they invented everything for us and we took the credit
ah yes bravo

Why they will westernize theiselves if everything is OK now?

>EU country
>worships Putin

Isn't China a shithole with horrifying pollution and people beating dogs to death to make soup where 40% of the population will have cancer by 2040?

Ukraine now is the same shit as each other post-Soviet republic or each other country after revolution: corruption, criminal, nationalistic ideas, civil war, anarchy. Russia have gone through civil war and street criminal, it could did it because of price of barrel was high (same post-soviet shit is Azerbaijan). If you will look closely, Russia always was country with small (comparing with world leaders from different times like USA, Britain, France, Germany...) natural sources-based economy and big corruption. Etc. we are small country (Moscow, southern regions of european part and thin strip near Transsiberian railroad) with large distances and enormous centralisation.
But I can't referee reasons for fail of modernisation. Maybe frequent changes in the lifestyle and rules of interactions of the authority and people?

>But I can't referee reasons for fail of modernisation. Maybe frequent changes in the lifestyle and rules of interactions of the authority and people?

It's pretty easy to figure out--just like the Arab states, your ruling class can just get rich off quick, lazy resource extraction.

Maybe, but the history of colonialism tells us that every western country could get rich by resource extraction only. Spain, for example, did it to at least 1600. Real problem is wider and I don't know it.
One clever guy once told me that in Russia can produce only very expensive unique things because of colossal transportation and climate costs. Now it is nuclear reactors and weapons only. I know why we haven't try to produce, f.ex., medicines - every russian business try to pay of by 4-10 years because nobody know what will be tomorrow.

Resource extraction-based economies aren't sustainable in the long run as they leave you forever dependent on other countries for manufactured goods, not to mention heavily dependent on the price of said resources. Spain did good for a while, but they broke down in the late 17th century and never recovered.

what is ukraine? ukraine?

no such thing.

other day pyotr say "slavimir, what is ukraine"

but none know of such thing

For example of "nobody know what will be tomorrow" - in Russia private property doesn't exist now. Not long ago brothers Navalny have been convicted because of they
evaluated cost of their company's services as they wanted. It was a political trial, but russian laws can do that. Every deal can be regard as outlaw, really.

good luck telling that to any mainlander, laowai