Your cuntry

Your cuntry
Do you have a state that is third world?

Yes, this is South Australia

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State?? We have a region!

power goes out for four hours
>third world

Ghetto-suburbs around Göteborg, malmö and stockholm

yeah, latvia

whole malmö is third world desu
don't put your home down

On the plus side it's good practice for when the zombie apocalypse/world war 3/muslim invasion destroys society and we have to learn to live again

2 winters ago we lost power for 14 days follwing an ice storm, some homes as long as 3 weeks. Then again the following summer for over a week.

No electricity in summer is unbearable

>Drinking japanese shit
Absolutely unaustralian. At least this stuff is made by real aussie cunts.

fucking hell, how'd you manage the cold?
got a fireplace?
and what the fuck? give us the goss bro
Japanese shit?
I've seen that barista stuff around for ages and just dismissed it as a cheap knockoff

Winter wasn't bad, we used the bbq for melting snow and cooking and we kept food and drinks outside to stay fresh. We have a wood stove for keeping warm.

Summer was awful though, too hot to sleep, sweaty but can't shower, all the food went bad, etc.

>No electricity in summer is unbearable

Did your Labatts freeze?


I used to live in the bush, power station would fail at least once a month. I get the heat part, waking up every 20mins to peel the sheet off your ass.
i'd be fucked if winters got as bad as your country and the power went out.

FUIC is owned by a japanese company. I'd rather support a company that's based in australia is all. Barista Bros is okay, Ice Break is the realest shit though.

Do you even have summers in canada? Can't you just jump into an ice lake to cool off?

thanks mate, didn't know that. guess i'll have to jump ship

Fuck off cunt, powers already back on

Amerikkka is pretty third world

Powerless winter is much better than summer

Power went out that summer due to grid overload, too many people using AC, temps were over 40° with the humidex. Canada can get pretty hot and muggy

>temps were over 40°

That's very hot

>Using Amerikkka unironically

This desu

Wow! could not agree more. I used to be a truck driver, and I got to travel all over the country. Some of the small southern towns that I've visited are just depressing. Some places don't even have a damn McDonald's. There are also places where the young people don't have anywhere to go and nothing to do, so they all hang out at Walmart parking lots. Then you have the poverty; shit is all over and super apparent. If welfare was abolish some of this places would go into a post apocalyptic state. Oh, and needless to say- the vast majority of this people are white. I used to grew up thinking that it was the blacks hogging all the welfare and other government freebees. But it's a whole different animal once you go out into the world without the media telling you what you should believe.

Having grown up in a major city; I could never understand why some people would chose to live in those conditions. Migrate Motherfuckers!
L.A and N.Y welcomes you. We need workers to produce, and more consumers to buy our crap.


You are referring to Osaka.