If there's one thing I would change, I would destroy Germanics before they destroy Rome and so many indigenous cultures across the world.

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kek'd at pic related

Close our borders.
Other than that, I would go back and make sure my mom and dad never met, because if this is the reality in which we must live, count me out. I want no part in it.

All crusaders carryin nines, mane

>indigenous cultures
Dont you mean anglos?

I'd make me win millions in the lottery when I was 18.

They are Germanics too due to Germanic conquest

>Implying that even if you could go back in time you'd be able to actually accomplish anything
You would be robbed then murdered by bandits and that would be the end of your story.


delet this

It's true though. People always prattle on about what they'd do if they could go back in time. Killing Hitler is usually a common one, it's like Cuck King said:

don't want anything to do with the krauts thank you very much

i would return to 2001
bring a bazooka, go to the top of the wtc and see what plane is coming to shoot at it

That wouldn't stop the plane.

I'd yield for the next sperm cell.

>go back in time
>take advanced weaponry with you
>kill everyone

>run out of ammo in a day

>that wouldn't stop the charged detonations

Go back to mid early 19th century and kill Marx, Engels, warn European monarchs about the future and present modern technology.

Honestly beat me to it.

I always think about this but then I realize

>destroy Rome
felt good mane

Until you got colonised by Moors

Teach the ancient Arabs the secret of gunpowder after the Muslim conquests

I don't think you understand the concept of colonisation nor who were the Moops.

Another theory of the origin of the term 'Black Irish' is that these people were descendants of Spanish traders who settled in Ireland and even descendants of the few Spanish sailors who were washed up on the west coast of Ireland after the disaster that was the 'Spanish Armada' of 1588. It is claimed that the Spanish married into Irish society and created a new class of Irish who were immediately recognisable by their dark hair and complexion.

I read somewhere that that's the reason for the Irish overbite.

It goes on to say
There is little evidence to support this theory and it is unlikely that any significant number of Spanish soldiers would have survived long in the war-torn place that was sixteenth century Ireland.

Guess it's not as far-fetched as the native american welsh

have you read about the Penon Woman? economist.com/node/4174278

I would stop him.