Started browsing /pol recently and most of them think that the white race will be extinct in 100 years...

Started browsing /pol recently and most of them think that the white race will be extinct in 100 years. What do you think? Maybe whites will become a minority but completely extinct?

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What do you mean maybe? We are already a minority

I think that once all of the white race goes extinct, Slavs will take their place as the new de facto whites.

if conquerors couldn't extermine abos do you think whites will be extinct?

Cred Forumsacks are retarded

I can't wait till my country is a """"hispanic""" majority. It'll be like Orange is the new black when the beaners realize they outnumber the wonder-breads and nignogs

I never watched that show. What happens when they do.

And aren't Hispanics White?

>and most of them think that the white race will be extinct in 100 years

It probably take 5000 years or so, but they conveniently forget about DNA engineering exist and pretty much everyone in the future will have access to it.

Hispanic is a political term with no real meaning 2bh, just like chicano or whatever. I don't care about race. Watch the show it's got boobies

>and most of them think that the white race will be extinct in 100 years

Most don't think that.

Of course, some do. But don't take Cred Forums seriously.

As for your question, no.

But whites will be 2-3% of the world population.

>Started browsing Cred Forums

>but they conveniently forget about DNA engineering exist and pretty much everyone in the future will have access to it.

This, race will continually be diminished, people will design their own babies.

according to the one-drop-rule i'm jewish
according to literally everything else i'm irish

>And aren't Hispanics White?

Yes in 2016 America.

And so are Saudis and Egyptians.

pol doesn't even think anyone is white to begin with

>pol is having a thread about toilet culture from around the world

>int is having a thread about race


Whites are around 10-12% of the global population, it's certainly possible in absolute numbers. But I don't think there's a global conspiracy for a genocide, even if that percentage will continue to decline rapidly. We just have to be extremely cautious with immigration or our own countries will turn brown, black, and yellow.

>our mods care
if you can't beat em join em

>tfw too intelligent to remember about filters


Uhhhhhhh maybe if you are including Arabs and Mestizos.

That why I came here to ask I know some of you shitpost sometime but /pol is something else. Kinda like it though

Well is depends on what you mean by "white"


It's possible but our best hope is that nonwhites reach a level of society where their fertility rates decline significantly due to prosperity. Women in Niger are currently shitting out 8 niggers per woman and the average age is 20, and as climate change continues in the coming decades you can bet your ass that half of Africa will make a run for Europe and elsewhere

>whites will become a minority

dude, the Earth is much larger than your neighborhood. i bet you also believe english is the most spoken language in the world...

I thought it was seven and average age was fifteen

No but with the refugee crisis going on and western government being huge coward or being controlled opposition is worrying me a bit.

We're fucked

Most of them die you know? In the end only 3 of em grow up to be adults.

the concept of human race is cultural anyway. biologically there's no enough difference between races to establish a clear, objective border between races. so the numbers will never be accurate.

They already are in the minority retard.


it hasnt been like that in 50 years thats why african countries are growing so quickly

Whites won't die out in the way you think. People will just redefine whiteness, and the world goes on as per usual.

how can i explain to you how irrelevant this is to world's racial configuration? it's even irrelevant to europe...

the only way for the white race to be extinct in 100 years would be a huge genocide event which is not going to happen without the entire human population being destroyed
white population relative to the rest of humanity will decline but people will be giving their children blonde hair and blue eyes through genetic manipulation of fetus's well before those traits would be bred out

we're giving them so much aide that actual starvation doesn't happen anywhere in africa.
even those deep in the jungle have just left becasuse they can just come to the "cities" and get food at no expense.

less and less africans are even trying to do jobs because they know they can just live for free. Not only are they overpopulating through the roof bot the notion of economy has become almost non existant since no one wants to work.

liberals think they're doing gods work, but they're actually perpetuating the poverty of the areas, and destroying their economy, to the point at which they're totally reliant on hand outs.

there's no way farmers can compete with free shit. there's no reason for anyone to get a job. there's no reason for anyone to do anything. As long as liberals continue to pump free shit into africa, there will always be poverty there.

How wrong you are

Only beautiful Aryans like me count as white.

Only the subhuman retards think "extinct." However nobody will want to live in a 30% white country.

>the entire world will plunge into darkness when white people go extinct

>most of them think that the white race will be extinct in 100 years.
Thats like two or three generations from now. I really dont think Cred Forums is thát retarded.

who cares, 100% whites are nonexistent nowadays

Technically this implies that:
1. The Jews should have been extinct years ago.
2. This implies that blacks are going to become extinct as well.
3. Being white is actually valuable at all.

>ywn chase abbos and lebs as food across the Outback in your Pursuit Special

Why even live?

How is there not?
Negroids, mongoloids and caucasoids all differ in skeletal level.
Asians cant consume dairy products well and generally shorter than others.
Blacks can suffer from vitamin D withdrawal in northern countries due to lack of sunlight.

Sure those may not be enough to warrant a ysage of word race, maybe subspecies at best. But t is pointless to deny that we are the same.
If Siberian Tiger and Indian Tiger are their separate species I dont see why humans cant be. Or elephants in Africa compared to India.
Hell, look up dog breeds Papillon and Phalene, only major thing that differs them is the position of their ears, yet they are different breeds. Man made, yes but still considered different.

Did you not check his flag Finbro?

In chile perhaps

with all those DNA tests so popular nowadays because "muh heritage" it's way more evident these days that everyone has more than just a "few" drops of something else in their blood

Long term predictions are pointless, that's what I think about x will be y in z years.
Look at how accurate predictions similar to what Cred Forums says have panned out historically.
The real threat may not be foreigners but peak oil, look it up, that's what my bet for the next big crisis is.

>America goes from 92% white to 60% in 70 years

>most powerful country on earth becoming Brazil 2.0
>It's probably nothing

If you think this won't have a profound impact on the world, even backwaters, you are delusional

we r all one race, the human race

Exactly this.

Middle Ages = High fertility, High death toll

Small population increase

Modern World ( 1st world nations) = Low fertility, low death toll

Small population increase.

When you combine both high fertility rates (Africa) and the means to lower the death roll (hygiene, affordable food, less war) you are going to have a massive population boost.

We are already a minority.

In 1950, white people represented 30% of world's population. (700 millions for 2.5 billion)
In 2010, while people represent only 15% of world's population. (1.1 billion for 7.5 billion)

Sweden's white men will be extinct in a few years.

Rest in peace my faggot country