Why are they so rude?

Why are they so rude?

all real germans died they're all turks and slavs now.

12 years of constant propaganda telling them they're superior to everyone and actually are uber aryan aliens while rest is subhumans.
eastern and southern germans were always slavs.

t. Pawel "Butthurt" Michalczewski

Care to eleborate to any part of my post?

>muh Nazi time
Get your shit together, why are poles on Cred Forums so incredibly dumb and butthurt. Nobody cares about poland here neither does anybody care about Hitler calling the slavs Untermenschen, besides maybe one or two retarded Ronnys.

Manners are an inefficient use verbal communication.

I'm pretty sure I'm german.

You sound butthurt.

It's just annyoing. Normal poles are okay, but I could go and post anything in the polish thread right now, no matter what and get at least two people to chimp out on me.

let me guess, you were in Berlin and some vendor was unfriendly to you. so a nation of 80 million is rude, amirite?


Fuck the germans, guerrilla warfare now.

Fight me irl Pawel

Altschauerberg 8
91448 Emskirchen

come on punk, I'll beat the crap out of you.




It's they culture, like Netherlands they are too autistic to know what tact is. They either tip-toe and try to hide problems or explode in a dry way. Middle term seems difficult to them.

I'll beat you up too José

I'll help you beating those weaklings up.

They are getting more rude these days. Years ago they didn't mind me being a little darker but now I sometimes get evil looks from random people.
Also sometimes people do not hold the door for me open at the station. It has happend more than once that the heavy door swung back in my face.

It is really sad to see politeness dying here

You're not entitled to getting the door held open for you you fucking shitskin

t. Mohammed "Greek" Mehmetoglu


Yes I am. Its called being polite

ach sei einfach ruhig ronny

War Mami wieder gemein zu dir?
Oder bist du nicht der ""Grieche""?

I am Greek

i am a slav. I can spot them and most germans are not slavs. Politic would be more right wing if there were more slavs. If we werent there, germonkey would have fallen even more down right now.

Just visit /deutsch/