I'm so fuuuggedd

The rose wine, it's... Debilitated my brain


Any other country drink rose wine?


rose thred


>drinking rose wine
Cut off your dick

rose was making the rounds like 7 years ago

you'd think there'd be a new internet phenomenon sometime but noo

Maek me Turk

you look like this guy i went to college with who dropped out 3 months before graduation and became a drug dealer


do you enjoy anime

No i dont

anime is for gays

Oletko autisti?

is not

Never went to college but thinking about doing it
I thought I was handsome?

Is too

Fix your hair with a bullet.

is not

Austalians told me to always put the Finn in the bin

Don't know why but, it's probably best to follow their memes

Is too!

is not

Is too!

drunk again I see

fjugg, i wish i didnt post that pic

y am i so retarded

pls kill me argentina

no, you're a funny guy.

i live a life of misery and mental retadation pls just kil me

p.s spille dsomoemore redpink wine\


bosnia pls help me


fuck you nigger you have it easy

but i love u

tell us your problems user

If you said that to me irl i would pull your spine out and feed it to the stray dogs.

ever since i turned20 my body changed and i couldnt shit or become happy about things anymore

idk what to do i need help but there is none

probably shud just kill myself

the only thing u coudl probably do is beat me up an d then leave me alone

u probably couldnt take advantege of big bois anyways

u would get stomped before taking out my spine

>my body changed
you got fat?

>i couldnt shit or become happy about things anymore
you're needing something that give meaning to your life, can I recommend become more spiritual maybe? (not shilling for religions, but having faith helps to fill some empty spaces)

How drunk are you because that statemant makes no sence also how tall are you since you claim to be big?

>you got fat?
no i got skinny, used to be 212 lb but im now 172 ir around tat area

>can I recommend become more spiritual maybe
religion doesnt help, neither do psychologists, dont even know why i go to them tb\qh


im rly drunk

also im 6'0, 172 lb

even if u were muscular u wold have a hard time defeating me in any phsdyciacal combat

faith =/= religion

I wasn't talking about an arbitrary dogma, more like a philosophy

k im 6'3 so im not worried

meh, thats not rly that more taller

u would still have a hard time

at the very maximum u would probably gain a prryhic victory if we had a fight

i dont think u would be able to fully pwn me irl tbqh

You know i was making a joke right?
No need to get your jimmies rustled

Who is this bloke?