Albums that you need to be in a certain state of mind to enjoy

Albums that you need to be in a certain state of mind to enjoy.

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Severe brain injury?

yeah a state institution!

hah good one friendo

I dunno. Loveless is a good stress reliever for me, so it works in a lot of different settings imo.

There are only two songs I find you can enjoy without going trough the whole album, When You Sleep and Sometimes. Otherwise it's a full album trek for me, which requires a certain mood.

It's kinda funny, at least half of my top 10 list are albums I simply cannot stomach anymore unless I'm in a severely depressive/brooding mood.


I treat the album like it's a movie: I set aside everything else that I'm doing, roll up a blunt and give it my undivided attention.


i find loveless to be great work music and the fragile i can enjoy most times, might just be me

Is this band good?
It has a woman in it and that's usually a red flag, from experience.

How fucking sad are you?
Have you ever thought of growing up?

>T. Woman

>t. Underage edgelord

Do you seriously think you can stereotype everything?

>T. Blue haired insecure woman

Stereotypes don't form in a vacuum silly woman

Enough, already!

Listen to new albums! This isn't even a bad record but shut up, already. It's been 25 years.

Find new music!

they fucking suck desu
shoegaze as a whole ceases to have value once you stop being a teenager and wishing you could cum on every girl's face

this would be hilarious if it wasnt such a stark reminder im too old to be on this site


Not even female

>T. Transgender
>T. Indoctrinated college grad
>T. Skinnyfat pasty white male

You people always fall into one of these categories

How old are you? 21?

Literally ever philosopher born before the 1960s thought these stereotypes were true. Enlightened numales are so cringe

>T. Underage
>T. Trump supporter
>T. Socially repressed

More like

>T. Mexican American with 200k annual income
>T. Cross country runner

Let me guess, you are voting for Hillary?

[citation needed]

Thanks, I didn't want to find another San Cisco

Here are just a few, all you nurses are either freaking out over this or not aware

The only examples that weren't like this were, (((women)))

fuck are you going on about u weirdo. the only stereotype that's been alluded to is that women can't be good musicians which is obviously wrong lol, nothing to do with being an "enlightened numale" (lol nice buzzwords u freak)

And I'm definetly going to trust the philosophies of the people who built every civilization over the people who have convenient technology so they can pretend sexism is not the truth and have only existed for 40 years


What are some good shoegaze revival albums?

Women at generally bad musicians, the best musicians in history that were not over commercialized pop stars were all male

>u weirdo

>"it's not popular now so it's wrong"

Ok fagget

Not even American

So, so far you are an americentric, close minded sexist. Got a lot going for you mate

>What are female soul, blues and jazz singers

>close minded sexist
Nice meme

I used to be egalitarian, until I stopped being a highschooler and realized every important generation's philosophies are constantly censored and rejected because we let women vote.

By I guess Plato, Socrates, Tesla, Einstein, and every generation before the 1960s were just close minded losers

>What is male composers doing everything but the singing

It's like with Beyonce and most indie bands, the girl is just there to provide a sound.

>immigrant who has traveled to Europe and south America many times

Pick one

you just sound very stupid and give the impression that talking to women is a rare occurrence for oyu

>Every philosopher before the 60's was sexist
>Posts articles discussing 3 specific people, two of which weren't philosophers
I don't even give a shit if you're sexist or not, but that first statement is pretty retarded

Ad hominem and another ad hominem

Congrats you are a worthless piece of shit that will be forgotten when you die

Name three philosophers

I should have said "greatest minds"

>Plato and Socrates writings are what we should live by

Even so, why should I listen to what Tesla or Einstein has to say about social structure? They're physicists

Nice strawman

>they are close minded idiots
Top kek

>disregarding Einstein and Tesla as being close minded idiots as well

Name any philosopher

Name a philosopher you admire then

>>They are closed minded idiots
What? I literally never said that
>>disregarding Einstein and Tesla as being close minded idiots as well
It's hard to have an argument when you literally make shit up, user.
Albert Camus

Literally google "greatest philosphers" and try to find one that wasnt sexist

You guys are fucking dense

Are you really still trying to argue that every great mind before the 60's is sexist? Because I can literally guarantee you're wrong

He's an evil sexist too

The Stranger is a fictional novel. He's literally just depicting French social structures at the time. If you're in the business of googling the names of philosophers you shouldn't be talking about at all

Name a philosopher before the 1960s that you admire

The greatest ones were

>inb4 google search "egalitarian philosphers" because you don't know any

Even then they would still be sexist I guarantee it

The stranger only has insignificant female figures, there have been a lot of analysis on his book that indicate sexism is built into the book

You called me I am close minded because I'm sexist and only because of that

By your logic almost every philosopher is sexist

You numales are literally scrambling to defend your shit ideology that has no credibility besides (((social standing)))

Top kek

Oh right. That wasn't me. I was just laughing at the fact that you think Plato and Socrates are guidelines by which to live

*By your logic almost every philosopher is close minded

What's a numale?

When did I say that?

I just gave a few examples of well known philosophers that were sexist

To prove my point that historically, literally nobody of value agrees with the shit idea of "everyone is the same and equal"

Someone who isn't sexist

A weak version of a male brought up by modern "liberals" that believes in unfounded ideologies and is typically physically weak.

Are you voting for Trump this year? I'm pretty sure he believes that exact idea

can you guys stop ruining my thread, thanks.

So it's a synonym for strawman?

It's so disgusting how you just believe something that has no scientific or historical support just because you are indoctrinated to believe it

>"Its 2016 we are equal now gosh, IGNORANT"

What? This is the dumbest post yet

>Living your life according to outdated ideas because they were once said by philosophers

And the original argument that women are bad musicians does have scientific or historical support?

If you really can't understand the thought process behind the idea that men and women should have equal rights you might literally be retarded. I mean even if you don't agree with it, you should understand the basic fundamental idea.

Ok but in MBV Kevin Shields the singer/guitarist writes and plays most of what's on Loveless, MBV, et. al so this is like irrelevant to the notion of the quality of the music.

Yes, they have produced far less than %1 of objectively good music through all history and science shows that women lack abstract reasoning and have lower IQs than men as well as 17% less neurons and 50% less synapses per neuron


why do women perform better academically than?

Why do you keep writing (((elipses))) around things needlessly?

Voting is not a necessary right for everyone

Not even just between men and women. Just limit it to taxpayers and problem solved

BUT, when this new system that women have constantly voted for fails (open borders socialism) it will only make sense to revoke their voting rights in the next great country man builds

If men and women are not equal why should they have the same identical treatment and rights? Men have built and maintained all societies ever, so it only makes sense to only allow men to vote and hold office. Just look at what the first handful of female leaders are doing to Europe

What you're saying is only the people you want should be given a vote. How do you not see the danger there? That idea is spitting in the face of democracy

Amazing album, listen to it all the time to help fall asleep.

>Unemployed shouldn't be able to vote
>Women shouldn't be able to vote
>Women shouldn't be able to be in government

Wew this is a new level of edge. Looking forward to your 16th birthday? What do you want from Santa this year?

Men and women develop at different rates, men take longer so women do better at early age, I have a study that found the mean IQs of men are lower until age 19 and then men above. Men stop developing at 25 years old and women at 19.

Having a 15 year old man and woman compete in a school is essentially having a 12 year old versus a 16 year old. Men do significantly better after hitting 21

Women don't make any of the innovations when they graduate but men do. The school system is terrible because it lies under the assumption that men and women are the same.

>first handful of female leaders
>first handful
You serious nigga?

how the hell do you fall asleep to that? every time i listen to that, i feel like taking a baseball bat and go smash trees outside my house.

>I have a study. You can't see it but just take my word for it ok?
Post it user

Like I said, when the system women are voting for fails. We will have an objective reason to not let them vote

This is just an experiment, and it's clearly failing

Women vote for handouts and social security far more often than men, this is because they are programmed to find providers.

Men that are unemployed (When accounting for race) do not vote much differently than men who are. But women consistently vote based on their income.

>the Roman empire was made of edgelords
>pre 1920s America was edgy
>the golden age of Islam was edgy
>the Chinese empire was edgy
>holy Russia was edgy

Why are you guys so brain dead

Is this all anecdotal evidence or are you gonna post some sources?

Handful, as in a lot appearing at once. I hope you know that the best queens that ever lived were extremely misogynistic, no joke

>science shows X
>I have a study that shows Y
I hope you understand why people will have a hard time believing anything you say

Like I said I'm on mobile and don't have my bookmarks

I'll post a sample, I have much more than this. Including brain studies and behavior studies

Match this with history and it all falls into place

I don't have the sources for voting patterns on mobile but I posted a few on IQ

Earlier BoC albums. Most of the time I find the beats grating and repetitive but then sometimes I'm like woah dude this is a masterpiece maaan

What? When did I ever contradict my claims like that?

I doubt there's any number of scientific and historical support that would change most of your minds, society has a lot of these concepts of equality engraved into you at an early age. So your brain treats it like a religion

It's called confirmation bias

BoC is stoner music isn't it.

Side note: in the randalolson study, the scientists did not match the conclusion with the evidence in order to not lose funding

It literally went like this

>studies: there's a difference in IQ by number of females in a class
>scientists: we already think that women and men have the same IQ so we don't know how to explain it

check out Diiv
and Salve Discordia,both have released this year


I've heard diiv is heroin chic core

>Not liking the Pixies

Sad desu.

>literally "It's 2016 grandpa"
>not living by the systems that created the nation's and made then great