This is the best animal collective album by far

This is the best animal collective album by far.

nice meme album m8


It's miles better than any other AnCo release nerd. Prove me wrong.

>what is HCTI
>what is Sung Tongs
>what is Strawberry Jam
>what is Feels
>what is TTG

>what is HCTI
>what is Sung Tongs
>what is Strawberry Jam
>what is Feels
>what is TTG

They're not as good as MPP, that's what.

This will trigger some autists for some reason, but OP's right.

While this is a close second, the album you were looking for would be Sung Tongs

What in particular makes this album more appealing to you than AnCo's other ones?

MPP because of how consístently good it is.
Feels because of how unequivocally good the few good songs are.

I can't decide between the 2

i will never understand why you all continuously have a fit over the what anco is best anco also it's stg

The first 5 songs are perfect 10/10s

No other Animal Collective album has done that in my eyes

MPP is consistently good which makes it good, but I think this whole argument is futile because every album has a different feel so you can't really compare them maybe it's just me

First 6 songs I think you mean, Bluish is amazing

Feels and MPP have the same feel.

7. Guys Eyes isn't bad either

It isn't as good as the first 6 though, those track are all as good as each other

>implying Bluish isn't also a 10/10

What makes them 10/10?

The only reason I'll vouch for MPP so hard (even though it's poppy, and I prefer my AnCo noisy) is it has this energy no other AnCo album has.
Does anyone else get some kind of extreme feels listening to it

No, we only like MPP and Fishmans because we're so impressed by the artist's technical expertise with the electric piano.

Song progression, lyrics, memorable soundscapes, unique sounding effects.

I did mean to include Bluish btw, that track is fantastic



Fucking alright but I've known this board to worship some real shit music just because

Nice shoes m8

>Death Grips shishpost
>mention MPP
>some kid likes My Girls
>make thread

Fuck off Anthony

" >some kid likes My Girls
>make thread"

I swear man, every fucking time

Get meme'd kiddo

I'll keep my eyes peeled for you tonight

are you really inxy?

I mean youre allowed to be wrong. MPP is considered Cred Forums core because its the most accessible and least interesting album. But have fun with your bait thread.

Not a huge fan of the album cover as a t-shirt but cool pants/shoes combo #AnonWearsCoolPants

I'm upset that people think this is good just because it's true. Since it's their most popular it'll be easy for people to call you a contrarian if you say this is wrong. It's actually not even their best work from that era, ODDSAC is because it combined their pop aesthetic of the late 2000's with their early experimental roots to come full circle creatively. Anyway, Feels is still the best thing Animal Collective produced in my opinion. Every single track on there is flawless and I actually think you couldn't change anything about that album without diminishing it.

Exempt the reason why it's so good is that the quality doesn't really drop. Unlike some other AnCo albums

I think it's awesome, looks great and colourful :^)