Can any electronic album top this?

can any electronic album top this?


Just Richard himself has topped it. Drukqs and even Syro are better.

That's not even getting to outside his stuff. There is much better electronic albums m8. SAW 1 is great, but overrated when you take into account how much Richard has grown throughout his career.




vol II

autechre was always better imo.

I appreciate what aphex did and might be doing right now, but he never really blew my mind like autechre has managed to do.

>even Syro
>even his best album

several have before and after you fucking fanboy



Selected Soundcloud Works

R + 7


XXYYXX also topped it

nothing has yet, although autechre came kinda close though, with exai.
their 00s+ input has been way better than aphex's 00s+ output
ha no
>you're dead
up there

Atrocious taste

Ya, he topped it with the second version.


Xtal may be the best opening track off any electronic album ever


Pretentious fucks

why is his logo a bottle opener ?