This is the best album ever made

This is the best album ever made.


No shit


That train sample at the end. Is it implying the narrator killed himself?

I could never figure that out

The person who is correct, so the original poster for this thread.

Follow your heart, it will guide you


Does this picture bother anyone else in that Brian is the only one feeding the goats even though everyone except Mike are feeding goats on the actual cover.

Well technically Dennis is dangling food over nothing in the original cover

>babby's first art rock

It's just bad pop.

compared to good pop that i'm sure you're aware of ?

Surf's Up is better

Pop can't be good.


Pleb mad their pleb genre is bad?

retarded opinion

I always viewed the dogs barking and the train going by as a symbol of the world being just the same despite his heartbreak.

I remember when I thought like you, I still cringe thinking about it

I wouldn't say it's a bad genre, it's variety and intricate melodic phrases definitely make the genre standout in a positive way

Please stop forcing this meme

>posting the photoshopped cover

For me it's the McChicken


It's pretty good desu- easy 10/10. No idea what the best album ever made is though. Pic related is my favorite album.

I've always viewed the train leaving as his innocence finally leaving completely, the suicide interpretation seems too dark for an album that while melancholic, is still filled with wonder and hope