Post albums you think are psychedelic or drug influenced

post albums you think are psychedelic or drug influenced


Am i the only one who loves surrealism and psychedelia but can't handle drugs? Even pot knocks me on my ass. Everything's too intense and scary

I like watching shit like Oddsac sober

>Everything's too intense
that's the best part tho mate getting out of your comfort zone & embracing it. you actually adapt rather quickly after you trip a few times and can become very comfortable on it

Maybe it's just because my psyche's a little off. I already hallucinate sober and I worry a lot so it gets scary thick

>I already hallucinate sober and I worry a lot
Are you schizophrenic?

>I already hallucinate sober
shit m8.
remember Syd dude
schizophrenia + hallucinogens != a good time

My therapist hasn't consensed on a diagnosis for me yet and I'm in a dormant stage...just minor misheards of noise and constant vision-swirling...I had a bad episode about six months ago but I can't remember most of it. pretty moody

I swear if you aren't in emergency condition they don't care


I'm with you. I've done acid twice and both times I had terrible trips because the thought of not being sober and in control of my mind for 12 hours terrified me. I just wish there was a way to enhance music without drugs.


>I had terrible trips because the thought of not being sober and in control of my mind for 12 hours terrified me.
Oh man, twelve hours... that's a long time to be on drugs and not be in control, huh!

some people have underlying mental disturbances

some people could hallucinate the memory of a rape when they were a child

crazy, huh

Have you taken drugs before? Time dilation is a bitch.


you have to open your heart to LSD or mushrooms, or whatever you took

if you are resistant, you will get punished

yea. massive panic attacks every time I do drugs, so I've decided to stay away from them.

this, just submit to your thoughts. even if you've got terrible depression, anxiety etc. practice safe/setting, and don't partake if you're a schizo. i'm bipolar and i do really well after trips, as it brings out my hypomania. "bad trips" are what not what you want, but what you sometimes need.

>are what not what you want
are not what you want*

This. Played this on LSD. During the loud parts, was sensory overload. The whole room flashed yellow, I could feel the notes rising and rolling around inside my head. Even the lyrics, the voices, so eerie.

I think I could also include all of stoner metal but that is more or less implied. And there is almost always at least one thread featuring Sleep and Electric Wizard.

>inb4 Lame Impala

> hello from the other side

what did she mean by this?

syd was also a sheet eater, he abused the shit. Still it can amplify the most minute thought in your mind so if you are schizo it could be a bad idea,

Thanks coke

I have mental issues myself and I feel like certain drugss cause me to hold on to worries worse than others do

I've done DXM multiple times without issue. On LSD, I alternate between bad trips and good trips. I've only smoked weed once and when I did I freaked the fuck out.

mitchell gira isn't into drugs anymore.

he probably just drinks beers and whiskys.

Weed gives you bad paranoia and panic attacks, but not all drugs do that. I find the "harder" drugs easier to handle then weed because it doesn't make you all nervous.

Swans is still very obviously inspired by the psychedelic experience. The plodding rhythms and the droning vocals and instrumentation are very reminiscent of the drones one latches on to during a trip. These elements are more prescient in the revival era of Swans, which leads me to believe this is the music Gira wanted to make all along.


Whatever her writers wanted it to mean


I don't know man, I think you're reading a little too much into it. The Beatles don't seem like the type of do drugs

>Why dis nigga got his dick out, pointing at me all hella gay n shit

Nevermind me, peak of psychadelic music comin thru

That album is the fucking holy grail.

Agreed its my favorite album of all time

better yet.

>More like sonic menagerie

Are we counting obvious ones as well? Don't care either way, more people need to listen to this.

While we are at it, anyone got any recs for stuff to listen on ketamine?

does the phrase "everything happens so much" sum up the psychedelic experience? i've never tried any psychedelics before but for some reason i have a 'decent' idea what it's like, although that's probably just my large ego talking...

that's like saying you know what love's like when you never been in love

no amount of anecdotes will live up to the reality of being in a different conciousness


true, true.

i can't help but constantly romanticize and ponder over what it's like though.

Dude I am a seasoned psychedelics user (as well as opiates and dissociatives) and don't listen to what other people are saying. You just do not have the physcology for drug use. I've seen my best friends torn apart by psychosis while taking stuff that I could take and never have a problem with.

you can't post psychedelic rock that's just too easy.

Cudi took mushrooms thought he was kurt cobain then went back to cocaine. decided to moan for 90 minus. Showed the album to all his yes men who were also on coke and they were like "yeah this is great man!". I made all that up of course but thats the only excuse i can make for this godawful album and ima cudi stan


Cudi has always sucked. ALWAYS.
glad this dude just burned all his bridges

it goes without saying