At this point I can't even tell if they're serious or a parody site

At this point I can't even tell if they're serious or a parody site.

Other urls found in this thread:

Same goes with people like you. can't tell if you are actually racist and homophobic or just trolling.


Cred Forums is such a cucked board

Can't wait for your tears when Trump wins.

Original poster never said anything about the race or sexuality of the musician. He just implied that he doesn't think that album deserved the positive score. Nice straw-man, though.

>waaaah how dare they describe someone as queer
>trump's gonna win just ignore the polls

pretty sure he was implying it was because Pitchfork said that otherwise he wouldn't have put it in the OP.

>trump winning

in what universe retard

what are you gonna do, build a wall? :^)

So why don't they say "powerful voice of the white, straight male" when reviewing Nick Cave?

Point being his skin color or sexuality should have no bearing on judging the quality of his music.

The fact they need to single this shit out as some sort of badge of honor is pathetic.

People like you are going to make my life heaven on Nov 8th

What makes you think the quality of music was based on that? In Nick Caves review they brought up his son because it is a defining feature of him just like being a gay black man back then was defining for Julius.

This was a guy who named songs things like " Evil Nigger, Crazy Nigger, and Gay Guerrilla,"

Even if he wins he won't be able to do anything. Have fun pulling your hair out for 4 years while he gets cockstepped on everything he tries to do.

lmao, too bad trump only lead in the polls for about 2 days out of the last year

Pitchfork is kinda biased towards stuff like this anyways, but stop getting so offended about it.

The country's demographics have already gone too far astray from your Aryan vision :)
he has a snowball's chance in hell because of all the brown people ;)

>He just implied that he doesn't think that album deserved the positive score
If that was true he would have just capped the score and album cover. But instead he capped the description that specifically mentions black, queer and female.

at least google the artist before you make comments, might make you look like less trashy.

>people actually think this
november 8th can't come fast enough desu

how come the only time i hear about sjws/political correctness its when someone is complaining about it?

>implying that brown people vote in America
They're too busy stealing bikes.

>constantly praise artists for being black/gay/trans
>act surprised when people think that's the only reason you like black/gay/trans artists

Cred Forumsacks look for things to get offended by

Reminder that Cred Forums literally shot at peaceful protesters and wish death on minorities Forums-tentatively-linked-to-shooting-at-black-lives-matter-rally-in-minneapolis

I don't see what the problem is here. Do I need my Cred Forums glasses to understand what's so funny about a gay black musician?



>I'll read the url instead of the article

Julius Eastman was total RYM-core before this review dropped. OP confirmed dumb and prejudiced

Reminder that one person's actions aren't representative of the whole.

>Julius Eastman has been Pitchforked
>mostly heralded for his race and sexuality despite neither playing a significant part in this particular piece
Truly, this treatment may be a fate even worse than public ignorance

political correctness is a cultural phenomenon. there is literally nothing a politician can do to change it.

supporting a presidential candidate because you don't like political correctness is like supporting your local farmer's market because you don't like wall street bankers. squint as hard as you want, there is simply no connection there. in fact the liberal backlash against a trump presidency will probably be so strong that electing trump will probably make america more politically correct, so that it would actually be counterproductive.

by the way we are in a thread where saying "the voice of the black queer artist" is considered so absurd that they must be trolling us. in other words, trump morons are just as triggered by political correctness as liberals are triggered by whatever they are supposed to be triggered by. whether you are an sjw or just a guy who insists that we use the phrase 'radical islamic terror' instead of 'terror,' you are just arguing about what words to use.

>people actually support trump
grow up


Being a gay black musician in the 70's was extremely rare and important to understand his character.

Luckily there was a group of people who did this, who were collaborating with a larger group of people

Fuck you Pitchfork
fuck you
not only did you choose the worst possible fucking way to review the piece but now i can't discuss Eastman

You forgot to spell his name as Drumpf.

no it isn't

Cred Forums is a board of peace

Not like you ever discussed him before.

>all we want is peace!
>a piece of the Jews, a piece of the blacks, a piece of the Arabs...

They've been a parody of themselves for like 2 years now, or whenever it was that "The Unbearable Whiteness of Indie" article came out
This is just par for the course

quads of truth. god fucking bless

>implying the sexuality and race of an artist is irrelevant is racist and homophobic
This is what liberals have actually convinced people. Get the fuck out of here with your shitty face book reaction memes

whatever nerd

Hot opinions there. No ones saying you cant get upset about things, but sjws get upset about the wrong things. Idenity politics is a disgusting practice and has distorted the media

not OP, but the fact that they used "black and queer," in their reasons for why its good, makes it very clear that they are just virtue signaling, and pandering to the "liberal and progressive" trendy crowd.

Also let it be known that I haven't heard yet, but really want to and expect to like it.

Why doesn't p4k ever praise the value of being a straight white male artist?

This is extremely problematic and cisphobic. Check your privilege p4k.

>Why doesn't p4k ever praise the value of being a straight white male artist?
It is simply implied in our society

No it's not. Everywhere I look I just get told about how cool it is to be trans, black, gay.

Implied where? By whom? How is it being implied?

Its funny since they'd be the first ones to say "why do you have to say its a BLACK guy?" kind of thing

[citation needed]

What if it's just..................................................................................................................................................................................................................good?

Bi here, it's pretty cool senpai

kill yourself

>citing a wiki article instead of making argument
Again, I dont see how white people are valued more than anyone else. Asians are more successful than whites in our society, yet we never talk about their "privelage". White success was earned, its not a "privilege"

>Again, I dont see how white people are valued more than anyone else
That's because you didn't read the wiki article I just posted you, which answered your question.
>Asians are more successful than whites in our society
Only if you are a weeb who idolizes them.

Shouldn't you be shooting up a school?

When did they imply that it was a reason for the music being good, they merely implied that in his time he was a powerful voice of that demographic

it is not a matter of opinion whether trump can change the culture of political correctness. it is just a fact that he can't. that would be like expecting trump to fix people's taste in music.

and getting upset because other people are getting upset is really fucking dumb. in fact it is a paradigm example of a stupid thing to get upset about. what could possibly be less important than what other people are baselessly getting mad about? it is completely stupid to even pay attention. or at any rate that is my opinion.

and of course identity politics is a bad thing. but trump is also playing identity politics, except that he is appealing to tough-blue-collar-no-bullshit-take-care-of-myself identity instead of [minority group]-identity. this election is exclusively about identity politics, and it is mostly because of trump (both because trump himself is engaged in id politics and because those on the left see that the best way to attack trump is by engaging in id politics of their own)

identity politics is bad, but

>if it's something i don't care about, it's the wrong thing!

I never mentioned trump. I bet you feel pretty proud for knocking over that strawman huh?

Honestly, being a straight white male is hard these days, you can't make it the music industry now unless you're a minority or gay.

Its the wrong because its objectively wrong

i am not a trumpkin but this is unquestionably true. the main thing i hear about cis white people is that they are ignorant, reactionary, boring and cold.

>it's objectively wrong because I don't care about it!

Has there even been a white male pop star since Justin Timberlake?

I guess maybe Bieber but he's kind of a joke.


Seriously abandon this thread. It's pointless.

Truth hurts don't it?
>ignorant, reactionary, boring and cold.
Like making up a name for and speaking down against people who care about other people?

>That's because you didn't read the wiki article I just posted you, which answered your question
No it doesnt. I have read that article, Ive taken sociology courses, I know the arguments for white privilege. The arguments are bad.

Can you tell me one thing you inherently get for being white?

Are you going to make an actual argument?

you have no idea how many other brown people like me are gonna vote for him

>The arguments are bad.

Use some of your skills you elanred in the courses you "took"

>Can you tell me one thing you inherently get for being white?
Strangers not thinking I am going to mug them

It's like Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Started out as a spinoff, became a big thing on its own. Started out helping those with just shitty houses and no money. As more viewers watched, they began pandering to the audience, trying to make it more emotional. So they only really helped those with special needs and whatnot to make suitable homes.

One Direction without Zayn

I already did.

There are pleanty of shady ass white people who i thought might mug me. Same goes for blacks. Its not about the color of your skin, its about how you present yourself. Im white, i spend every waking minute of the day around other white people, i know hundreds of other white people, none of whome believe that that every black guy on the street is a mugger

Not anymore. His balls dropped and so did millions of panties

I know hundreds of black people who would disagree with you

>Trump has this election in the bag if you ignore all the polls, electoral models, expert predictions, and common sense, or consider them a conspiracy

>I bet you feel pretty proud for knocking over that strawman huh?
oh ffs

and anyway you actually strawmanned me when you said
>No ones saying you cant get upset about things
because obviously no one denies that (ie no one asserts that some people think no one can get upset about anything). so I bet you feel really proud of yourself

>mfw Cred Forums just learned about rhetorical devices in english class and now i have to hear about it all day

I seriously doubt the odds of someone on Cred Forums knowing hundreds of black people

I'd ask the same question to you.

Does anyone have a zip for this? or anywhere I can listen to it?

Remember the good old days when mods would delete threads that exhibited or got derailed by non-musical baiting?

>and anyway you actually strawmanned me when you said
>>No ones saying you cant get upset about things
No, I didnt. You said
>trump morons are just as triggered by political correctness as liberals are triggered by whatever they are supposed to be triggered by.
That was what I was debating

I am just happy that the people that complain about this stuff unintentionally bring publicity to the artist. I don't think I would have even heard or listened to him if you guys didn't make such a fuss about it

It's a really gorgeous and hypnotizing piece of minimalism, tb h

I seriously doubt you know hundreds of people at all.

I literally dont believe you. And I dont think black people know whats going on in other peoples minds

Nice non argument

Glad someone in this thread actually listened to it

A non argument in response to a non argument tho

well he's not very good and there are much better minimalists

why do you think they have to focus on him being black and gay

Do you know anything about Julius Eastman? His music was often very political. He called pieces things like "Gay Nigger" and other stuff along those lines. In a review about his music in makes perfect sense to talk about him being a queer black artist, those were themes that came up often in his work.

>truth hurts don't it?
wait so you actually think that white people in general are ignorant, reactionary, boring and cold? like as in you believe bad things about every member of some race?

pls say yes i need this

That's because I already stated my argument earlier, and user pretended white privilege didn't exist.

I don't know what whitebread suburb you live in, but here in hood it's a different life.

He's not bad. I probably won't include him in my playlists but its not like he isn't enjoyable.

>wait so you actually think that white people in general are ignorant, reactionary, boring and cold?
Only the ones who use the term "SJW" unironically.

Yes, it's the white devil's fault the hood is a shithole.

Some of his other stuff is pretty good too. Though it will be impossible to discuss him on mu for the next month or so, at least

>Hey guys I'm that cool black friend! I don't mind if you call me a nigger. Illegals are a problem to! We need a strong fashy leader in order so that we aren't cucks

Why would you vote for Trump?

Class is the only true privilege.


Nice non argument. I see a pattern

Some of his most famous songs are called Evil Nigger and Gay Guerrilla.

Not that anyone in this thread has ever heard of him, they just see Pitchfork say the words gay and black and assume is the SJW strike force out to destroy straight music.

Im not "pretending" it doesnt exist because it doesnt. If you know hundreds of black people from "the hood" that explains exactly why some many of them are precieved as potential muggers.

I doubt many people read the reviews. I'm just happy they are spotlighting a great album.

Idk that you're interested in learning this, but when people talk about racism they're often talking about a systemic issue that affects people of color. So if the system itself is racist then black people 100% can and do uphold that system. I'm not going to argue or anything, I'm just explaining some of the concepts people often work with.

Yeah, he was incredibly personal/political in his work

Rec some other pieces?

Police are armed thugs, black or white.

ah okay. something like this?
me: Trump supporters get triggered by political correctness just like sjw get triggered by racism
you: "No one is saying you can't get upset about things, but sjws get upset about the wrong things. Identity politics is a disgusting practice"

So are you denying that Trump supporters get triggered by sjws, or are you admitting that Trump supporters are triggered but adding that they are justified in being triggered because id politics is so disgusting?

Trumpfags get mad when you point out that he's never been ideologically consistent.

he doesn't have that many releases credited to him on RYM - most ppl only know the compilation from a few years ago (black and white cover, red lettering in title); he appears on a compilation on spotify, i think that's easy to hear, dunno if it's an original recording tho

>why its hard to talk to white people about racism
Why is it so hard to get black people to aknowledge the fact that the black community is far more racist now than the white community. Why dont they want to talk about the fact blacks are only 10% of the population and commit 50% of the homocide? How come blacks dont want to talk about why black on white crimes are disproportiantely high compared to white on black?

>its another white people obsessing over race thread

is it really that big of an issue in the US?

>So are you denying that Trump supporters get triggered by sjws
No, I didnt imply anything close to that.

>they are justified in being triggered because id politics is so disgusting?
Sometimes they are. Theyre not wrong as often as sjws

Kinda. Racial tensions here are at their worst since the 50s. Everybody hates Middle Easterners, Whites and Hispanics hate Blacks, Blacks hate Whites, etc.

It's not a powder keg (yet) but it's not like the 90s.

And tell me what kind of socio-economic condition these people are in?

Right wingers are the most cancerous people on Earth.

They're wrong about almost completely everything.

>And tell me what kind of socio-economic condition these people are in?
Poor ones. Probably because their family units are all destroyed, graduation rates are shit, and their neighborhoods are full of gangs. And yet they demand police get out and demand free shit from the government. The only thing the government owes these ghettos is a better education system, and a better police force, neither of which you ever hear the left advocate for

SJW as a derogatory term is meant to pick out people who are attaching themselves to superficial causes just to put a feather in their cap or just because they like the feeling of having the moral high ground. And I think that is a real phenomenon, especially on college campuses.

So if I had to break it down I'd say that the problem is not with the term 'SJW' by itself. The problem is rather that legitimate protestors, advocates, critics etc are being labelled SJWs even when they are involved in legitimate causes for good reasons.

At my school (UW Seattle) there was a huge furore about a poster advertising the beginning of cheer tryouts (

Not to get too into it, but when you're more scared of cops than you are of gangs clearly the police aren't doing a good job

Or the media is doing sensationalism very well. Fun fact: even if youre black, youre more likely to be killed in a wind related accident than by the police

>Poor ones. Probably because their family units are all destroyed, graduation rates are shit, and their neighborhoods are full of gangs. And yet they demand police get out and demand free shit from the government. The only thing the government owes these ghettos is a better education system, and a better police force, neither of which you ever hear the left advocate for

I'm a leftist and I don't want the government to do either of those things. I want to abolish the police in favour of a civilians militia. You do realize the police were instituted in the United States and Britain in order to placate the working class? The elites could send in the army when workers would strike or riot, but shooting the problematic workers made martyrs out of them.

The Police are armed thugs and are trigger happy on purpose, wether they're shooting a black or white person.

Okay, well then we agree that Trump supporters are at least often triggered by SJWs. And what I was saying is that is stupid. There is no reason to get upset just because someone else is upset for a bad reason. Actually that was one of the first things I said.

It looks like our disagreement is over whether Trump supporters are justified in getting triggered. You think they are (at least sometimes), and I think they are not.

The ID politics movement is fairly destructive, but disdain for SJW and PC is still not a good reason to support a political candidate (according to me). That was one point I was trying to make. The other point I was trying to make is that Trump supporters are hypocritical: they think liberals are too sensitive and prone to being swept up in ID politics, but they flip out over PC/SJW and are swept up in and ID-political movement of their own.

So whats your replacement to cops then? And you think these communities dont deserve a real education system?

If you talk to actual people and not just look at the media you'll find a lot of people of color fear the police for legitimate reasons. No one said police are the number one killer of black people or anything. Terrorism is not the number one killer of anyone, but it's still bad and we should strive to stop it. I don't really see how police brutality is any different.

Well it sounds like a misunderstanding then, because i agree totally with eveything you jusr said

They literally said replace them with civilian militias.

oh here is the picture btw

Did you ever consider the fact that it may MAY be a teeny bit harder to lead a successful life being born and raised in those conditions? It's easy to make judgements on people and blame them for their own living conditions when you live in a 2 story house in a suburban, crime free neighborhood having your parents likely able to buy your education and send you on a straight and narrow path. The privilege doesn't end there, simply being white offers you alot of unseen advantages (AKA not getting targeted by police on the daily, getting jobs easier). I'm not saying all these apply to you, but the people who talk the most shit about minorities are usually right-wing "pull yourselfs up by your bootstraps, my great grandpa did 100 years ago and made us rich" types of people

I agree police brutality is a problem. But blm makes it a black problem, when in reality its an everyone problem. It happens more often in black communities because crime rates are higher than they are in white ones, and so police interacions are way more common and dangerous there. but police britality happens everywhere, and until is addressed honestly it wont be fixed. Blm has done nothing to actually fix the problem, and their leaders refuse to change it theough the system. As far i can tell blm has only caused racial tensions

>Whites and Hispanics hate Blacks, Blacks hate Whites

Equality is at all time high right now, most the racial tension going in the country is because people are so strongly against blacks being treated unfairly by police.

Thats why I believe in better education and better policing. I dont think affirmative action and wealth redistrubition are the way to solve the problem tho

>So whats your replacement to cops then?
Civillians militia.

You can have people that "police" but it wouldn't be run by a centralized government. How to deal with crimes, how to determine how to hold "police" accountable could be decided by the communities they monitor. Either by direct democracy or by electing council members if they feel comfortable. They certainly wouldn't need to be a literal fucking military like they are now.

>And you think these communities dont deserve a real education system?
Of course I do. I think improving education is a start but my gripes lie with the underlying foundation of the system.

BLM is cancerous and funded by porkies. Not a real grassroots movement at all, they're controlled opposition at best. Playing into the media spectacle and taking these guys seriously is exactly what they want.
It's good to see that Cred Forums hasn't been overrun by Cred Forumsfaggotry.

oh good, glad we sorted this out

So you're saying right now is worse than the fucking 60s!???!? and 70s!?!?!? I don't think you full understand that era, that's when racism was completely out in the open and it was extremely common for it to get violent. So no, racial tension right now is not nearly as bad as it was. Sure on the news it displays those types of topics, and yes it is happening (especially with police) but you cannot compare this time to those eras

>Probably because their family units are all destroyed, graduation rates are shit, and their neighborhoods are full of gangs

The government is responsible for all of these things. The failures, incompetency, & racism of the government post-segregation led to all these things.

Sorry you didn't get into top school choice because a smart but less fortunate person of color got the leg up over you. Therapy is usually good for bitterness. Unless you're still in middle school which explains your lack of awareness.

>racism of the government post-segregation led to all these things.
Specifically what?

>Sorry you didn't get into top school choice because a smart but less fortunate person of color got the leg up over you.
This is the saddest straw man non argument Ive ever heard. Keep acting like a child user, youre doing a wonderful job of representing your side

pls go

v much doubt trump will get elected

then again, i doubted abbott getting elected and here we are

What should be done to remedy this problem? Just curious

i read every post itt and now im going to kill myselkf

in a weird way, trump getting elected would be one of the best things for the democrats. they'll get governor of all swing states, control the house and the senate, fuck up trump's agenda.

on the otherhand, i can see a clinton presidency going badly and the exact same thing happening for her.

livestream it

*capitalism is responsible for all these things.

This a general question for everyone who lets Pitchfork decide for them what is good and what is bad:

Why? Why would you leave a critic tell you what you 'must' and 'must not' listen to? After all, music is subjective, you are the one who judges it.

Are you afraid of taking a decision? Or are you afraid to enjoy something that is not 'patrician' and 'superior'?.

Pitchfork is both serious and a joke. You should know this by now.


lol the left are always going on about the need for a strong, comprehensive, and accessible education system.

it's the police the left hate.

abolish the police, have everyone in society train and act as a 'softer' version of police. works quite well for the kurds.