Went to animal collective show last night

>went to animal collective show last night
>mfw the audience

you guys really weren't joking

it was arguably worse than death grips crowd

what happened

you were one of them

I bet it was like a rave in suburban minnesota with a bunch of drama club students who love instagram

the show at the Observatory? Not even close to a death grips crowd.

Are you just mad that people were having a good time in the pit?

>AnCo kicked off their set with "Hounds of Bairro" that immediately got fans off their feet. A few nearby fans took interest in Geologist wearing a head lamp.
>To someone who has never seen AnCo or doesn't know their names, it may have seemed like a very questionable yet functional fashion statement.
>About three songs in when "Golden Gal" played, people passed their lit joints throughout the crowd.
>If there was a show to get high as a kite at, this was definitely it.
>Soon enough, the whole venue reeked of ganja, cheap beer and vape juice.


No snowflake believes itself to be part of the avalanche

thats basically every concert ever


this board lol. everyone here would complain about a bad crowd at a show, but if someone else complains you just sneer at them and act like only a fool would complain and say 'ur part of the crowd too dummy'

no snowflake thinks they are part of the avalanche indeed


Animal Collective is the new Radiohead.

i saw the grips at the observatory and i was standing next to a 40 year old woman who was a disney executive, and there was a 50-something year old couple in the booths behind me

Some parents don't like to let their kids go to shows unsupervised

she was definitely there for the grips, considering how she was telling her friends how excited she was to see death grips

I went to a Flying Lotus show a couple of years ago and it was pretty much just like that. There was a little crew of 19 year old white boys chain smoking joints and making really loud small talk with each other and then towards the end they started a mosh pit amongst themselves. Most of them had backpacks on as well.
If it was a big outdoor thing or if the venue had enough floorspace to deal with it I wouldn't care, but it was a really small indoor thing and the place was jam-packed. I ended up spending more time trying to move away from them so I could actually enjoy the show than actually enjoying the show and everywhere I moved to they reappeared in front of me. It was pretty awful.

>heard a 14 year old scream "IS THAT ANTHONY FANTANO" in the audience and everyone laughed
>choirs of autistic nerds shouting lyrics at poor avey
>that garbage """mosh"""

sounds like a bunch of people having a good time.

why the fuck do you go to concerts if you dislike this behavior? sperg

>mfw I was the first one to get that blunt passed to

White People


You're living on it

that article was written by a high schooler

man you've got no idea. i went to a seahaven show and there were these hardcore bands that played before hand. these fucking kids had no idea what they were doing so they (about 5 of them) huddled together and put there arms around one another, forming this circle thing. They proceeded to jump in coalition, screaming "huh!" each time they landed. it was so fucking cringey. I have pictures and footage, but its on my phone and im in class at the moment

Upload that to youtube, you could make some viral cash off of shit like that if you give it a snappy enough title.

Pls post pictures on here later or on imgur.

But Radiohead are pretty good though

at least it wasn't beach goth

AnCo is good too
are you hyped to see 14 year olds noshing to homeshake??